
发布时间:2023-09-16      截稿时间:2023-12-12      阅读量:6067次     
  In regard to the fact that the Prequalification Announcement of International Solicitation for Conceptual Scheme of Shanghai Industrial Museum("the Original Announcement")has received positive feedback in participation,Shanghai International Tendering Co.,Ltd.(“SITC”)is entrusted by Donghao Lansheng(Group)Co.,Ltd(“Sponsor”)to make supplement and revision of the Original Announcement.In case of any inconsistency,this Announcement shall prevail.
  Revision to Article 6 Prequalification of the Original Announcement:
  After the submission deadline of Application Document,the Prequalification Jury will conduct a comprehensive review of all Applicants and select 15 Applicants as Shortlisted Applicants.
  Supplement and revision to Article 2.3.1 Solicitation Process of the Original Announcement:
  Phase 1:After the 15 Shortlisted Applicants submit the proposal for conceptual design,the Jury will select the top 9 from the 15.
  Phase 2:After the top 9 Shortlisted Applicants submit the optimized proposal for conceptual design,the Jury will select the top 6 from the 9.
  Phase 3:After the top 6 Shortlisted Applicants submit the conceptual scheme deliverables,the Jury will select the top 3 from the 6.
  Phase 4:After the top 3 Shortlisted Applicants submit the deepening conceptual scheme deliverables,the Jury will determine one winner from the top three.
  Supplement and revision to Article 2.3.3 Deliverables Requirements of the Original Announcement:
  Proposal for conceptual design(Phase 1):The content includes project understanding,creative ideas and functional zoning.Depth and form of deliverables is determined by the Shortlisted Applicant.The Shortlisted Applicants are required to present the deliverables for 15 minutes.Form of presentation is optional(online,offline or online-offline presentation or video).
  Optimized proposal for conceptual design(Phase 2):The design effects in terms of buildings,regional planning,overall skyline,riverside landscape,road traffic should be preliminarily implemented and presented.The deliverables should include a masterplan,several preliminary renderings,and a working model for introduction(optional).The Chief Designer must present the deliverables for 15 minutes by himself/herself offline.
  Conceptual scheme deliverables(Phase 3):A3 Booklets(including no less than 6 renderings),A3 booklets(simplified),3 A0 vertical boards,1:1000 overall research model,1:300 building model,about 5 minutes of multimedia(with animation no less than 1 minute)and electronic documents.The Chief Designer must present the Deliverables by himself/herself offline.
  Deepening conceptual scheme deliverables(Phase 4):A3 Booklets(including no less than 10 renderings),A3 booklets(simplified),6 A0 vertical boards,1:1000 overall research model(optional),1:300 building model(optional),about 5 minutes of multimedia(with animation no less than 1 minute)and electronic documents.
  Comments and supplement to Article 3 Requirements of Eligible Applicants of the Original Announcement:
  The Consortium is accepted in this Project.Professional design firms specializing in spatial design and environmental design can participate in the Consortium.Each Consortium shall not exceed three members and can only include one firm responsible for architectural design work.The professional division of labor should be clearly stated in the Consortium Agreement.
  An Applicant and its proposed chief designer must have relevant project performance similar to this Project(similar project performance refers to the design or design consulting performance of cultural buildings such as museums,same hereinafter).
  Supplement to Article 7 Scheme Solicitation Fee of the Original Announcement:
  In Phase 1,applicants who have submitted their proposals for conceptual design on time but have not entered Phase 2 will receive a compensation fee of RMB100,000.00(tax included).
  In Phase 2,applicants who have submitted their optimized proposals for conceptual design on time but have not entered Phase 3 will receive a compensation fee of RMB200,000.00(tax included).
  Revision to Article 8 Schedule of Solicitation of the Original Announcement:
  Revision to Article 10 Intellectual Property Rights of the Original Announcement:
  The Shortlisted Applicant has the copyright of its Deliverables.The Sponsor have the right to print,publish and exhibit the Deliverables and to evaluate,display and publicize the Deliverables through media,professional magazines,book and other forms,but the name of the Shortlisted Applicant shall be indicated.If the Shortlisted Applicant undertakes the subsequent design work of the project successfully through the open bidding of construction engineering design,the Sponsor shall have the exclusive right to use the Deliverables submitted by the Shortlisted Applicant.After paying the Scheme Solicitation Fee in accordance with Article 7 of the Original Announcement,the Sponsor has the right to partially adopt and integrate the design ideas of other Shortlisted Applicants'Deliverables.

