
发布时间:2023-06-16      截稿时间:2023-06-26      阅读量:4112次     
  International Consultation on the Urban Design of Yulong Area in Luohu District,Shenzhen is officially launched.This international consultation aims at gathering global wisdom and advanced ideas,so as to collect creative and excellent design schemes for the future development of Yulong Area in Luohu District,Shenzhen.Registration is now open to outstanding design institutions all over the world.
  Sponsor:People's Government of Luohu District,Shenzhen
  Planning and Natural Resources Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality
  Organizer:Qingshuihe New Town Construction Headquarters
  Consultants:Urban Planning&Design Institute of Shenzhen
  Consultants:RJRX Urban Planning&Design Consultants Co.Ltd.,Shenzhen
  Under the background of the strategic deployment of"20+8"industrial clusters in Shenzhen and the construction of"three areas with three powers"in Luohu District,Qingshuihe Headquarters New Town has become a key bearing space for Luohu District to lead industrial innovation and transformation and is committed to setting benchmarks in regional coordination,economic transformation,industrial innovation,people's livelihood improvement and ecological construction.
  Located on the west side of the Qingshuihe Headquarters New Town and at the foot of the Yinhu Mountain,the Yulong Area is overall in the natural ecological pattern of"a river in the middle surrounded by mountains on three sides".It lies at a major node of the"Yinhu Mountain-Weiling"section in the"One Ridge,One Belt and Twenty Corridors"plan of Shenzhen's"Mountain-Sea-City Connection"plan and at the throat of the green mountain range.The area is adjacent to main regional transportation channels of Yuping Avenue and Nigang East Road and is about 1 kilometer linearly away from the Luohu North Transportation Hub.So,the transportation conditions are superior there.
  In April 2022,the Yulong Area was included in the critical range of Sungang-Qingshuihe Area in Shenzhen.In March 2023,the"Environmental Restoration+Development Construction"Project of the Yulong Landfill was included in major projects of Shenzhen.After environmental restoration,nearly 300,000 m²top-grade land resources have been formed to provide guarantees for Shenzhen to build a more globally influential economic center and a modern international metropolis.
  At present,Shenzhen tries best to become a benchmark of"waste-free city"based on the advanced demonstration standards.Based on the development concept of"lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets",Yulong Area gives full play to ecological advantages of green mountain range and clear streams and bases on the guidance of environmental restoration and the support of major industries to build a national environmental restoration demonstration project and the first development model of"environmental governance+development and construction+industry-city integration+innovation leadership"in the central urban area in China and become a"silicon alley"of mountains and waters in Shenzhen.As a key expansion area and main development battlefield of the Qingshuihe Headquarters New Town,the Yulong Area will be integrated with the land for the Qingshuihe Joint Headquarters Building on the east side to form a contiguous industrial park led by the government in terms of unified planning,coordinated implementation and overall operation.
  In order to implement the work requirements of the Municipal People's Government,the People's Government of Luohu District and the Planning and Natural Resources Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality,jointly sponsored the international consultation on urban design of Yulong Area,Luohu District,Shenzhen,to collect the most cutting-edge and innovative urban design concepts and planning and design schemes from global outstanding design institutions,so as to guide the high-grade planning,high-quality development and high-standard construction of the area.
  The scope of this international consultation includes three levels:planning research scope,urban design scope and conceptual architecture design scope of core area.
  Scope of planning research:about 2.8 km²,to Yinhu Mountain in the west,Honggang Park in the south,Honggang Road-Linping First Road in the north and Guangzhou–Shenzhen Railway in the east.
  Scope of urban design:approximately 45 hectares,to Yinhu Mountain in the west,Huancang South Road in the south,Yulong Landfill and Youqi Road in the north and Qingshuihe Third Road in the east.
  Scope of conceptual architecture design in the core area:With the illustrated scope as the core,the participating institutions will independently define the architectural conceptual design scope of the core area with an area of no more than 10 hectares based on their respective urban design schemes to show core highlights of the schemes.
  Based on the unique mountainous terrain of the Yulong Area,the international consultation on urban design shall innovate the EOD-oriented brownfield reuse method and explore the public space mode above a three-dimensional integrated infrastructure.It is required to focus on the following three aspects:
  3.1 Planning research:Based on the requirements of regional development strategy and respective characteristics,it is required to establish a clear development vision and target orientation and sort out the connection relationship between the Yulong Area and the Qingshuihe Headquarters New Town in terms of transportation,ecology,public space and other aspects.
  1 Target vision
  2 Research on overall spatial planning of the area
  3.2 Urban design:It is required to propose creative design concepts to construct a clear and elastic overall spatial framework and energetically put forward innovative and operational comprehensive solutions to address such issues and challenges as great terrain elevation differences,complex traffic conditions,mountainous rain and flood risks,and urban spatial fragmentation.Specifically,it is required to include the following:
  1 Structural design and functional layout
  2 Green ecological design
  3 Public space design
  4 Traffic system organization
  5 Spatial form and landscape design
  6 Development and implementation suggestions
  3.3 Architectural conceptual design scope of core area:It is required to clearly express the detailed design of important three-dimensional transportation nodes,building clusters,public space nodes and terrace elevations,show the design highlights of ground,underground and aerial multi-dimensional spaces and shape an impressive architectural image and attractive public places.Specifically,it is required to include the following:
  1 Planning of functional forms
  2 Organization of pedestrian and vehicle flow lines
  3 Public space design
  4 Design of architectural image
  4.1 The registration is open to worldwide candidates with no requirements on qualification.Interested participants must be independent legal entities or partnerships or other organizations registered in or outside China.Different legal persons that have direct controlling relationship or administrative relationship or whose legal representatives are identical shall not register for the consultation at the same time.Parent company and its subsidiaries shall not register for the consultation at the same time,but different subsidiaries of the same parent company can register for the consultation simultaneously if they are independent legal entities and do not have a controlling or administrative relationship.
  4.2 Registration by a consortium comprising no more than three members is allowed.In that case,no member of a consortium shall be allowed to sign up twice either independently or by joining another consortium.All members of the consortium shall sign a legally-binding Consortium Agreement,and the leading member and work division among parties shall be specified.
  4.3 No registration shall be accepted in individual or in combination of individuals.
  4.4 Participants within the inland must hold a legally registered business license within its validity and be qualified as an independent legal entity.
  4.5 Participants from overseas and Hong Kong SAR,Macao SAR,and Taiwan region need to provide the following effective documents:1.the business registration certificate issued by the competent authority of the corresponding country(region)(at least one year prior to the time of registration for this International Consultation and with a permanent office place);2.the design license(if any)issued by the competent authority or relevant industrial organization of the corresponding country(region).
  4.6 Participants should be familiar with China's national conditions and have similar experience:
  1 Research ability and experience in solving complex traffic problems;
  2 Research ability and experience in solving the problems of mountain disaster prevention and ecological restoration;
  3 Experience in urban design or architectural design of covering public space on urban transportation infrastructure;
  4 Experience in advanced industrial park planning and design
  4.7 Persons participating in this international consultation must be the ones enrolled in their organizations.The project leader and the chief(possibly identical)must be assumed by the person(s)who has/have presided over the same type of project.
  In order to ensure that the team members have an accurate understanding of the relevant background and requirements,there should be at least one person in the team who is proficient in Chinese.
  The international consultation is divided into three working stages:"registration and pre-qualification","scheme design"and"outcome review".
  Registration and pre-qualification stage:A Pre-qualification Review Jury shall be established out of the sponsor and the organizer to comprehensively consider the corporate creditability,corporate performance,team competence and concept proposal,and select 6 shortlisted teams through the pre-qualification stage(without ranking)and 2 alternative teams(with ranking)to enter the scheme design stage.
  Scheme design stage:The 6 shortlisted teams complete the scheme design as per the requirements of the International Consultation Design Brief and submit the complete achievements to the sponsor and the organizer.
  Outcome review stage:An Outcome Review Jury shall be established to select the top 3 of the 6 shortlisted teams and recommend them to the sponsor and the organizer.On the basis of fully respecting the expert review opinions,the sponsor and the organizer shall determine the ranking of the top 3 winners,and grant awards of corresponding amounts to each.
  Relevant awards for the International Consultation shall be paid in CNY as a tax-included amount.Any taxes arising therefrom shall be at the payee's expense.
  Winning prize(one):Receive a bonus of¥2,600,000.00 and an integration deepening fee of¥600,000.00,totaling¥3,200,000.00;
  (The winner must integrate and deepen the design schemes with another team commissioned by the sponsor and the organizer.For specific division of labor,please refer to the Work Rules.)
  Preferred prizes(two):¥1,800,000.00 each,hence a total of¥3,600,000.00.
  Finalist Awards(three):¥1,000,000.00 each,hence a total of¥3,000,000.00.
  意向参赛单位需先填写《报名表》和《保密承诺函》,提交至本项目邮箱(YL-UD szrjrx.com),以获取本次国际咨询文件(包括工作规则、技术任务书等)。后续提交的资格预审申请文件中的参赛单位应与《报名表》中的一致,如有增加,应补交《保密承诺函》。
  Intended participants must fill in the Entry Form and the Commitment Letter for Confidentiality and submit them to the mailbox(YL-UD szrjrx.com)to obtain the International Consultation Documents(including Work Rules,Design Brief,etc.).The participants in the pre-qualification application documents submitted shall be the same as those in the Entry Form.For any newly added participant,an additional Commitment Letter for Confidentiality shall be submitted.(Click"read the original text"at the end or scan the QR code below to download the Entry Form and the Commitment Letter for Confidentiality)
  9.1 The complete hard copy shall be submitted(on site or by mail)to NO.1212,12F,Block B,Xintian Century Business Center,Futian District,Shenzhen(contact person:Ms.Li at(+86)13632658134)before 15:00,July 7th,2023(Beijing time).
  9.2 Fill in the Letter of Attorney(for on-site submission)(Refer to the Work Rules in Appendix for formats).The authorized agent shall bring this Letter of Attorney and ID card to finish an on-site submission of the pre-qualification application documents.If the document is submitted by mail,this Letter of Attorney not be provided.
  9.3 The time of receipt of the hard copy documents at the designated location shall prevail.The hard copy documents shall prevail.Late submission of application documents will not be accepted.
  Commercial part:
  Technical part:
  (9:00-12:00,14:00-18:00 Beijing time,Monday to Friday)

  The sponsor and the organizer reserve the ultimate right to interpret the rules of this International Consultation.If the Chinese and English editions disagree,the Chinese edition shall prevail.
