
发布时间:2022-10-27      截稿时间:2022-11-08      阅读量:5184次     
  Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources,and Daxing District People's Government of Beijing Municipality as the Sponsors,together with Beijing Daxing International Airport Economic Zone(Daxing)Administrative Committee as the Organizer,and Beijing Science Park Auction&Tender Co.,Ltd.as the Organizer of Solicitation,are currently holding the“International Solicitation of Proposals for the Urban Design of International Convention and Exhibition Consumer Area in Beijing Daxing International Airport Economic Zone.”Design entities worldwide with related planning and design experience are publicly invited to participate and submit the Prequalification Application Documents(hereinafter referred to as Application Documents).The Sponsors will select six final applicants as Participants for solicitation of proposals and for them to further submit their design proposals for response.
  1.Project Brief
  Project name:The International Solicitation of Proposals for the Urban Design of International Convention and Exhibition Consumer Area in Beijing Daxing International Airport Economic Zone
  Location and size of project:
  The project is located in the Lixian Area of Beijing Daxing International Airport Economic Zone,in the southern section of Beijing's central axis,approximately 5 km from the terminal building.
  The Daxing International Convention and Exhibition Consumption Area is adjacent to Juyuan Street and Guangyun Street in the east,Yanji Road in the south,Hongli Street(South Central Axis Road)in the west,and Chenghe Road in the north.It covers a total area of approximately 7.8 square kilometers.The project is surrounded by residential areas and international aviation communities to the east,aviation logistics industry clusters to the south,and special industrial areas(reserved)to the west.
  Design task:to conduct design research at two levels:urban design at the level of overall control and design of key areas at the level of implementation.
  Method of solicitation:Open solicitation.
  Period of solicitation and design:Around 85 days.
  2.Sponsors,Organizer and Organizer of Solicitation
  Sponsors:Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources and Daxing District People's Government of Beijing Municipality
  Organizer:Beijing Daxing International Airport Economic Zone(Daxing)Administrative Committee
  Organizer of Solicitation:Beijing Science Park Auction&Tender Co.,Ltd.
  Beijing Science Park Auction&Tender Co.,Ltd.
  Address:Building No.6,Guangdaxiyuan,Wanliu,Wanquanzhuang,Haidian District,Beijing
  Post Code:100089
  Attention:Xing Yali,Xu Xinghua,Hao Qing,Ma Xiaoxin,and Zhu Xiaofeng
  E-mail:kjysanbu 163.com
  4.Eligibility and Qualifications of Applicants
  4.1 Any prequalification Applicant(hereinafter referred to as‘Applicant’)shall be a legal entity that has been legally incorporated in accordance with laws or a project consortium composed of legal entities that have been legally incorporated in accordance with laws.
  4.2 Applicants shall have the professional and technical ability to undertake the planning and design of this solicitation project.
  4.2.1 Applicants within the People's Republic of China should have Grade A qualifications for urban and rural planning or Grade A qualifications for architectural(architectural engineering)design or above.
  4.2.2 The Applicants outside the People's Republic of China should have a practice license or business license for urban planning or architectural design in accordance with the national or local administrative regulations.
  4.3 Any applicant outside the People's Republic of China shall form a Consortium with an applicant inside the People's Republic of China before participating.
  4.4 The qualifications for planning and design entities from Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions as well as Taiwan shall refer to the requirements of qualifications for design entities outside the People’s Republic of China.
  4.5 This Project accepts applications from Consortia.
  4.6 Except for partners of a Consortium,the Participants in the solicitation shall not constitute or bear any affiliations.
  5.Obtaining Prequalification Documents
  The Prequalification Documents for this Project can be downloaded from the website of Beijing Science Park Auction&Tender Co.,Ltd.
  有意向参加应征的申请人需先在北京科技园拍卖招标有限公司网站(www.bkpmzb.com)下载资格预审文件领取登记表,填写完成后以Word版本E-mail至征集指定邮箱kjysanbu 163.com或递交至北京科技园拍卖招标有限公司,征集组织机构收到登记表后,再将资格预审文件的下载密码发送给申请人。
  Applicants who intend to participate in the solicitation for design proposals shall first download the registration form from the website of Beijing Science Park Auction&Tender Co.,Ltd.(www.bkpmzb.com).After completing the registration form,applicants should email the Word version to kjysanbu 163.com or submit it to Beijing Science Park Auction&Tender Co.,Ltd.After receiving the registration form,the Organizer of Solicitation will send the download password of the Prequalification Documents to the applicants.
  The time for obtaining Prequalification Documents is from Oct 26th,2022 to 17:00 on Nov 8th,2022(Beijing Time,the same below).The website of Beijing Science Park Auction&Tender Co.,Ltd.will be accessible at 12:00 noon on Oct 26th,2022.
  6.Submission of Application Documents
  The deadline for submission of application documents is 12:00 noon on Nov 14th,2022.Applicants shall submit such documents to the Organizer of Solicitation before the deadline.The Sponsors/Organizer and the Organizer of Solicitation will reject any application documents that arrive after the specified deadline.
  7.Media Releasing Announcement on Prequalification
  This announcement will be published on the China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform(www.cebpubservice.com),China Government Procurement Network(www.ccgp.gov.cn),the website of Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources(ghzrzyw.beijing.gov.cn),the website of Daxing District People's Government of Beijing Municipality(www.bjdx.gov.cn),the website of Beijing Daxing International Airport Economic Zone(Daxing)Administrative Committeeand(www.ftzbj.com),and the website of Beijing Science Park Auction&Tender Co.,Ltd.(www.bkpmzb.com)at the same time.The amendment and supplement of the Announcement shall be subject to the contents released via the websites aforementioned.
  8.1 Intellectual Property
  8.1.1 All valid response proposals(including the A3 sized design book,A0 standard lightweight exhibition panel,electronic documents,models,and the Copyright Statement of Design Proposals)received in this solicitation will not be returned.
  8.1.2 Participants hold the right of authorship for their Design Proposals and can comment on and display such Design Proposals in the forms of media communications,trade magazines,publications among others after granted with the Sponsors/Organizer’s consent in writing.The Participants shall not use the Design Proposals and design results on other design projects,except the Participants’design standards,design guides and principles,and drawing elements.
  8.1.3 Participants shall ensure that all the submitted Design Proposals and design results have not infringed upon and will not infringe upon IPRs(including but not limited to copyright and patent right)or proprietary technologies or trade secrets of others within or outside the People’s Republic of China.Participants shall guarantee that if their Design Proposals use or include IPRs or proprietary technologies or trade secrets of others,the Participants shall have already obtained legitimate,valid and sufficient authorization from the right holders.The Participants shall take all liabilities for any compensations arising from infringement upon IPRs or know-how or trade secrets of others.
  8.1.4 The Sponsors/Organizer have the right to use the planning and design results submitted by the Participants in the planning and design of this Project.The Sponsors/Organizer are allowed to use the Design Proposals in whole or in part in the planning and design of this Project or the adjustment and integration of the planning and design proposals,and have the right to modify them.The Sponsors/Organizer shall not use the Design Proposals and design results for a purpose other than this Project.
  8.1.5 The Sponsors/Organizer can print,publish and exhibit all the Design Proposals and design results,or comment on,display and publicize the Design Proposals and design results via media communications,trade magazines,publications or by other means.The precondition is indication of the names of design entities for such design.
  8.1.6 The copyright of architectural design proposals(if any)shall belong to the Participants,except for landscape embellishments and their structures.
  8.2 Compensations for Design Proposals
  The Organizer will pay compensations for Designs Proposals to Participants who have submitted valid response proposals at the specified time in accordance with the requirements of the Solicitation Documents.The amount is RMB 2.6 million(including tax).The Organizer will not pay any compensation when Participants are under any of the following circumstances:
  (1)Participants fail to submit response proposals within the specified time;
  (2)The response proposals submitted by Participants are judged,upon the expert review,as not substantially responding to the requirements of the Solicitation Documents;
  (3)Participants are disqualified.
  8.3 Awards Settings
  In this solicitation,three winning design proposals will be selected.The three Participants whose design proposals are selected as the winning proposals shall optimize their respective design proposals according to the requirements of the Sponsors/Organizer,and cooperate with the Sponsors/Organizer to complete the integration of urban design proposals.The optimizing fee is RMB 500,000(including tax).
  8.4 Governing Laws
  The solicitation per se and any documents relating thereto shall be governed only by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China.
  8.5 Languages
  The language used in the Prequalification Documents and any supplement and clarification documents thereto shall be Chinese and English.Application Documents for Prequalification shall be drafted in Chinese.Another language can be used for the proof documents that Applicants provide along with the application documents and printed documents,but the version with Chinese translation shall be attached thereto.In the case of inconsistent expressions in both Chinese and another language,the Chinese version shall prevail.
  8.6 Power of Interpretation

  The Sponsors/Organizer reserve the power of final interpretation in view of the solicitation.
