2021 COTE 十佳学生建筑设计竞赛

发布时间:2020-10-06      截稿时间:2020-11-07      阅读量:10967次     

  竞赛背景/Competition background
  污染是我们把没有收获的资源,允许它们流散出去,因为我们不知道它们的价值”——R.Buckminster Fuller,在一个一直将自然视为理所当然,被人类过度开发的地球世界里,我们作为建筑师,可以在很多方面都发挥重要作用,以扭转即将到来的灾难。作为敏感的专业人士,我们不能无视社会和环境所遭受的紧急情况。而在过去,建筑师几乎总是把更多的注意力放在建筑围护结构、主动和被动能源系统、纯美学或材料的短期经济效益上。
  "Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting.We allow them to disperse because we've been ignorant of their value."-R.Buckminster Fuller
  In a world which has always taken nature for granted and humans have exploited the earth,we as Architects have a major role to play on multiple fronts,to reverse the impending catastrophe.As sensitive professionals,we cannot divorce ourselves from social and environmental exigencies.In the past architects have almost always laid the larger focus on building envelope,active and passive energy systems,pure aesthetics or short-term economics of materials.The latter has not been studied with respect to long term gains and have remained at experimental levels in small sporadic pockets across the globe.
  Building materials though are omnipresent.They make up the spaces in which we live,work,study,get well and commute,they create our villages,our cities and our built environment.They have social,cultural,moral and environmental implications and often subconsciously control our behavioral patterns and reactions to a space.According to World Bank researchers,the world is generating at least 3.5 million tons of plastic and other solid waste per day,10 times the amount a century ago.
  竞赛内容/Competition content
  作品的评价标准将关注作品如何考虑社区的需求和设计中提出的最终解决方案,以及材料的创新用途等。设计必须表现出对环境的敏感性,并应在各个层面解决该地区的生态问题。毕竟,作为建筑师,我们都相信罗伯特·斯旺(Robert Swan)的那句话:“对我们星球的最大威胁是,我们去相信别人会拯救它这个念头。”
  This year's design challenge involves the use of sustainable strategies produced using discarded or recycled materials.Participants need to identify an area where the availability of discarded material or solid waste is high.The material is then used to propose a structure for the local community that will take into cognizance their immediate needs and encourage the integration of the society as a whole.The proposed structure may be housing units that offer dignity of living standards,a school,a community hall or any other public facility.
  Entries will be judged on the innovative use of the material,in the response to the need of the community and the final resolution proposed in the design.The design must exhibit a sensitivity towards the environment and should address the ecology of the area at various levels.After all as architects we believe in the famous quote by Robert Swan,that“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.”
  参赛资格/Competition background
  The Competition is open to all bona fide students from All Years of their respective
  Under Graduate(B.Arch/B.S.Arch)or Graduate Architecture(M.Arch/M.S Arch)course recognized by their respective
  State/Country Board of Education or by their Country's respective Architecture Schools Associations.
  Young architects,who have finished their undergraduate course in 2019 are also eligible to participate.
  Ar.Ashok Lall;
  Ar.Sir Philippe Samyn;
  After the receipt of all entries by the stipulated deadline,50 entries will be selected in round 1 by the review team of ACA.
  Each jury member will be sent 10 entries for evaluation,from which they will choose the best 3.
  The best 3 entries from each of the 5 jurors will form the top 15 entries
  These 15 entries will then be sent to the entire panel for a joint evaluation,moderated by ACA where the final 3 winners will be decided on a joint consensus
  Official Declaration of the 3 winners.
  STAGE 1:Online Registration of entries on our website http://adityacampus.org/idc/register.
  Registration closes on:OCTOBER 31st,2020
  STAGE 2:Last date for online submission of entries Is NOVEMBER 07th,2020..
  All Submissions shall be made in PDF or JPEG format only.
  Submissions shall be made only through the unique USER ID generated after registering on our website.
  STAGE 3:IDC Jury-NOVEMBER 08th-30th,2020
  STAGE 4:Results shall be declared on DECEMBER 03rd,2020.
  Certificates and a Prize amount*as follows:
  1st Place:INR.1,00,000/-
  2nd Place:INR.50,000/-
  3rd Place:INR.30,000/-
  (*Note:In case the winners are foreign nationals,the amount shall be transferred in USD at prevailing rates)
  Citations:Cerficates shall be awarded to 4 Exemplary entries.
  Submit(Upload)your entries Up to 3 nos.of A2 size sheets,not exceeding an overall file size of 21MB with the submission specifications duly complied.
  A bona fide certificate from your College/University/Institute certifying your admission(NOT exceeding a file size of 1MB)
  All participant teams shall be given a Unique IDC code that you shall have to put in all your deliverables.
  Participating Teams shall comprise of a maximum of 5 students and a minimum of 1 student.
  官方网站/Official website:
  联系方式/Contact Us
  Aditya College of Architecture,
  6th floor,Aditya Educational Campus,
  R.M.Bhattad Road,Ram Nagar,
  Borivali(West),Mumbai 400 092
  Facebook:ACA’s International Design Competition
  Instagram Handle:adityacampus.idc
  In case of any queries feel free to write to us at
  adityacoa.idc gmail.com/idc.aditya aditya-arch.edu.in
  Or visit us at
  +91 9833300496
  +91 22 61106135