
发布时间:2019-02-12      截稿时间:2019-06-01      阅读量:5293次     

  2019年,转眼已经迈入第七个年头的上汽设计国际挑战赛SAIC DESIGN CHALLENGE即将开始全新的传奇旅程!
  2019 the 7th SAIC DESIGN ChallengeLetter of Work Collection
  上汽集团是长期处于国内领先地位的中国第一大汽车集团,在世界500强企业排名高居第36位。多年来上汽集团始终专注核心竞争能力建设,致力于打造培养怀揣中国汽车梦的未来汽车设计人才。在汽车设计创新领域,上汽乘用车公司不断有颠覆行业格局的全新产品发布,互联网智能汽车荣威Marvel X、荣威RX5、荣威i6、荣威i5、荣威RX3、荣威RX8、名爵HS、名爵ZS、名爵6等热销产品,2018年销量突破70万台,并斩获了众多世界顶级设计大奖如德国iF设计大奖、日本G-mark设计大奖等,在设计领域捷报频传,高品质设计的中国汽车形象深入人心。为面向未来的长期发展,上汽集团乘用车公司建立起面向全球的设计赛事平台,旨在为未来中国培育具有国际化视野的汽车设计师,助力年轻学生实现设计梦想!
  SAIC group is the largest auto group in China whose rank has raised to 36th in the world's top 500 companies according the Fortunes this year.We are focusing on building the core competition and training the future designers who carry a car design dream.In car design innovation field,SAIC Motor has released several internet cars models,such as Roewe Marvel X,RX5,Roewe i6,i5,RX3,RX8 and MG HS,ZS,MG6 etc.SAIC Motor Passenger Vehicle(SMPV)has sale over 700,000 cars in 2018.These designs have received many awards like the iF design award of Germany,G-Mark award of Japan etc.SAIC has built the design competition platform facing towards the world and made contribution to cultivate the Chinese designers with international vision and help to achieve their design dreams.
  The SDC(SAIC DESIGN CHALLENGE)has been hosted for over 6 years since 2013.In 2019,SAIC shall hold the 7th SDC,which will include China region and Europe region this year.SDC encourages young design students globally and enthusiastically participating the event,together to create your own car design dream!
  The theme of 2019's 7th SDC is defined as'INTELLIGENCE·BOUNDARY 2030'.We have two directions for both Roewe and MG missions.All candidates may choose one of the design missions to work on.No matter you are a top student designer or are just a enthusiastic challenger,please join the SAIC DESIGN Challenge.It is the best stage to show your talent!
  ·设计任务书Design Briefs·
  Mission ROEWE
  With the popularity of 5G,the rate and scale of data transmission will undergo a qualitative leap in technology,thus the development of the Internet of Things(IoT)will certainly give birth to a new era of manufacturing,and the car as the pearl of modern manufacturing will become an smart mobile terminal in the future,as an important part of smart ecosystem.In order to seize the opportunity of the transformation of the times,SAIC took the lead in industrial restructuring,and have launched the time share rental platform and mobility travel service platform,officially transferring into a travel service provider.
  Imagine how the urban form,family structure,and people's lifestyles shall change in 2030?
  What kind of shared travel mode will be there in the future?
  What kind of travel service will be brought to the intelligent development of the vehicle in the future?
  What is the role of smart mobility vehicle in the future intelligent city?
  Please think about the above questions,
  Design a smart mobility vehicle
  for ROEWE brand in 2030.
  Mission MG
  As a British brand with a history of nearly 100 years,MG has created the world-famous classic models such as MGA and MGB,and has the world's largest car owner club.In recent years,SAIC MG's sales in overseas markets have been rising steadily,laying a solid foundation for SAIC's global strategy.
  Imagine what kind of design characteristics are needed for a model that can be sold globally in the 2030?
  Will it be a car,a racing car,an SUV or a new vehicle specie?
  What kind of usage scene and spatial layout will it have?
  Based on the continuous evolution of 5G technology and intelligent driving,what kind of new travel experience will it bring to the owners?
  Please think about the above issues,
  Design a global vehicle
  for MG brand in 2030.
  ·奖项设置Competition Prize·
  There’s preliminary contest prize and final prize.The preliminary contest prize is selected from all handed work,which includes 30 prizes.The final prize is selected from preliminary contest prize.There are 12 candidates who obtain the first prize,second prize and third prize.Besides,there are some single dimensional prizes.The details are listed below.
  1、入围奖项Preliminary Contest Prize
  Name of the prize:30 Preliminary contest prize
  Prize Detail:Be invited to final award ceremony and design salon held in Shanghai.
  2、决赛奖项Final Prizes
  Name of the Prize:1 First Prize
  Prize Detail:First–class scholarship;be invited to European design center for UK design cultural communication;be invited to summer exercitation and final award ceremony and design salon held in Shanghai;prize certificate and souvenirs.
  Name of the Prize:2 Second Prizes
  Prize Detail:Second–class scholarship;be invited to European design center for 1 week’s UK design cultural communication;be invited to summer exercitation and final award ceremony and design salon held in Shanghai;prize certificate and souvenirs.
  Name of the Prize:3 Third Prizes
  Prize detail:Third–class scholarship;be invited to summer exercitation and final award ceremony and design salon held in Shanghai;prize certificate and souvenirs.
  Name of the Prize:6 Excellent Prizes
  Prize Detail:scholarship;be invited to summer exercitation and final award ceremony and design salon held in Shanghai;prize certificate and souvenirs.
  Name of the Prize:Individual Award
  Number of awards and bonus depend on candidate’s strong point specifically.
  所有入围决赛选手都将有机会赢得SAIC DESIGN全球设计团队的优先聘用权。
  All candidates in final are prior to get an offer from SAIC DESIGN Global team.
  Note:SAIC Motor will pay tax for all prize winners according to the law.SAIC Motor will provide accommodation,transportation and intern bursary for all candidates who get to the final round.
  Information about award setups of Europe region,please check the official paperwork later.
  Feb 2019
  New challenge missions releasing on internet;
  Apr 2019
  Opening ceremony of competition.
  Candidates register online;
  Jun 2019
  Deadline for work submission;
  Jun 2019
  Announce name list of candidates
  Who survived first round;
  Jul-Aug 2019
  Start of intern for candidates.
  Finish 1:5 scale model for selected works;
  Final assessment:
  Judge committee announces final result of prize winners.
  Hold an award ceremony and
  This competition is open to all colleges and universities students around the world,whose major is design related.
  The qualification of candidates will be assessed.If there’s any confirmed dishonest,the candidate will lose the chance to take part in.
  The competition only accepts individual application,team application is not allowed.
  ·作品评选标准Assessment Standards·
  The judge committee will take consideration of the following points to assess the quality of work and select prize winners:
  Relevance:The relevance of designer’s work and concept to the topic shows designer’s understanding and control of work;
  Innovation:Design concepts of proposals are innovative and forward-looking.How to balance imagination and feasibility shows the real ability of designers;
  Aesthetic:The aesthetic presentation on design work shows a designer’s ability of beauty creation and shape control.This is a necessity for designers.
  Completion:A complete car design work does not only include exterior.We will also take the completion of work into account.
  ·参赛作品要求Requirement for work·
  The work needs to be unpublished and designed specifically for this competition.It cannot be submitted to other competitions.
  It has to be original work.Plagiarism and imitation is not allowed;
  The number of work each candidate submits is not limited;
  The work submitted cannot reveal any personal or university information;
  If anyone violates above rules,the right to participate the competition will be automatically removed.If any awarded work is confirmed to violate the rules,the prize will be taken away.
  ·提交方式Submission Method·
  Candidates need to register online and fill in personal information and promise document.Then the following documents need to be handed in:
  2 proposal show sheets:
  A3 Size(420*297mm),JPEG format and resolution ratio greater than 300 DPI.Layout form is not limited.
  Contents need to include:front and rear 45 degree,3D play-up effect results,front view and side view of package.
  It can also include(not a must)design concept picture,car package,ergonomics,detailed design and word explanation.
  设计作品的3D数字模型文件:可接受的软件格式包括但不限于:Alias、Pro_E、UG、Catia、Maya、3D Max、Rhino;
  Design work and 3D digital model file:Accepted file format includes but not limited to:Alias、Pro_E、UG、Catia、Maya、3D Max、Rhino;
  Electronic version of an effective ID card and 1 recent photo(JPG format,resolution ratio greater than 300dpi)”
  以上所有文件打包为RAR格式上传,并以“学校名称-选手姓名-作品名称”的格式命名(如:xx大学-张三-MG TF2025 Concept.rar),文件单个附件尺寸请控制在10 MB以内,可发送多个附件。
  All the above files needs to be uploaded in RAR format and be named as'name of university-name/candidate-name/design work'.
  大赛作品请投递上汽设计官方邮箱:saicdesign saicmotor.com
  Official email address:saicdesign saicmotor.com
  Sponsor keeps the right to reserve,present and publish all design proposals.
  Candidates take all the responsibility of this competition.
  Sponsor keeps the right to accept or decline any application.Sponsor can modify rules or review standards if necessary.
  If there’s no reasonable prize winner,sponsor keeps the right not to award any prizes.
  Candidates accept that sponsor don’t take responsibility of any claim for compensation.
  If there’s any debate about award result,stick to the competition review committee result.
  Sponsor keeps all the explanation right for the rules and contents of this competition.
  ·赛事组委会及联系方式SDC Committee Contact·
  This competition is held by SAIC Motor Passenger Vehicle Co.
  Address:Design department,SAIC Motor.
  No.201,Anyan Road,Jiading District,Shanghai
  Zip Code:201804
  邮箱:zhangheng saicmotor.com
  Contact:Mr.Zhang 021-60596378
  Email:zhangheng saicmotor.com
  SDC Official website:
  saicdesign saicmotor.com
  Official email address for SDC:
  saicdesign saicmotor.com
  Committee of SAIC DESIGN Challenge
  February 2019