
发布时间:2019-01-29      截稿时间:2019-01-31      阅读量:8115次     


上海市鸿一美术馆简称鸿美术馆,是一个公益慈善类民办非企业组织,于2016年4月获上海市民政局批准成立。 创办人郦韩英女士,现任馆长。鸿美术馆的学术定位为油画艺术史论及中国现、当代油画的研究;目标在于保护与收藏优良艺术作品及培养与引领现当代青年油画的发展;办馆宗旨是:立足上海,弘扬艺术,传播文化,服务社会;遵守宪法、法律、法规和国家政策,遵守社会道德风尚,信守职业道德,提供诚信服务。










a.应用在平面印刷品(衍生品及宣传资料 等)。








1、作品尺寸为1920*1080像素(宽*高), RGB色彩模式, JPG格式。请保留AI矢量文件(入围之后需提交)。






















  电话:13564995866 王老师

  18817225232 何老师





Hong -Museum Logo Design Competition  

Hong Museum introduction 

  The Shanghai Hong-Museum, referred to as Hong Museum, is a charitable non-corporate organization of public charity. It was approved by the Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau in April 2016. The founder, Hanying Li, is currently the curator. The academic position of Hong Museum is the study of the history of oil painting and the research of Chinese modern and contemporary oil painting. It arms to protect and collect fine works of art and to nurture and lead the development of contemporary youth oil paintings. The mission of Hong Museum is to promote art, spread culture, and serve the community.

  Hong Museum is a multi-dimensional art center that is compatible with exhibitions, collections, communication, research, and aesthetic education. Since its inception, it has been firmly adhering to the academic road of contemporary Chinese oil painting research and development. It has collected contemporary paintings with different styles and has continuously launched domestic first-class expert research exhibitions and excellent young artists’ co-exhibitions.

  It also provides a platform for communication and learning for artists and art lovers.

  Now, in order to create a better professional image and promotion, Hong Museum awards the collection of its logo design.

  Welcome professional designers from home and abroad to actively participate. More competition information is as follows:

1. Solicitation Period

The solicitation period is from July 1st, 2018 to 24:00 on Jan. 31, 2018. Anyone who delivers the works after the deadline will not be eligible.

2. Applicants

Professional designers, art teachers and students, design lovers all over the world (not limited to individuals or institutions) can participate in the collection activities in accordance with these rules.

3. Contents

a.The logo design of Hong-Museum.

b. The logo application effect in both scenarios:

Ⅰ.Apply in print (derivatives and promotional materials, etc.).

Ⅱ.Used in the outdoor (guide flag, subway light box advertising, posters, etc.).

4. Requirements

a. The logo is simple, eye-catching, attractive and easy to remember.

b. With contemporary visual effects and sense of fashion.

 c. With national cultural characteristics and traditional Chinese elements.

5. Application Works

a. Works size should be 1920 * 1080 pixels (width * height), RGB color mode, JPG format. Please keep AI vector files (submitted after shortlist).

b. The submission of the works shall include visual image of the design and design instruction.

c. The design instruction helps the judges to understand the works. The content of the instruction is intended to elaborate the logo design ideas and concept. And the description text should be concise and clear in format, and be complete in presentation.

d. Any information related to the designer should not appear in the submitted design.

6. Submission Request

The mascot design should be submitted as an e-mail. The mailbox that accepts the submission is 592846134@qq.com. The format of the submission mail name should be "the logo design competition of Hong-Museum+ designer name". The contents of the mail should specify the nationality and the city, name and contact information of the designer. The attachments must include design and design instructions, and the design should be in digital format.

7. Selection Process

a. A panel of experts from the relevant field will review all the application works.

b. The selection period in February 2019.

c. Awards will be announced in March 2019.

8. Awards

a. Experts will review all the designs carefully and strictly to select 3 winning designs. Hong-Museum will award the 3 winning designers’ “Excellence Award”for the Logo Design of Hong-Museum, and RMB 10,000 per person.

b. Some experts selected eventually use the logo. The designer will receive the certificate of logo adoption of Hong-Museum and receive another RMB 20,000 award.

9. Related Statements

a. All application works received will not be refundable. Applicants should keep the original.

b. During the application period, the applicant shall not transfer or authorize the entry to any third party. The entry shall not be used for any other activities which are the same or similar to this event.

c. The applicant must confirm the full copyright of the submitted works and confirm that the submitted works has never been transferred or granted to any individual or institution.

d. Please be sure to keep the source of the works. Finalists should submit the source file for the shortlisted works, and sign the corresponding copyright agreements. Those who do not sign the agreements will be deemed to automatically give up the final qualification.

e. Finalists may not use the shortlisted or winning entries to participate in any other activities which are the same or similar to this event.

f. The copyright of the application works is protected by Chinese law. All intellectual property of the winning logo design works, other than the right of authorship, (including but not limited to copyright, all rights to all flat, stereoscopic or electronic carrier of the works) is owned by the organizer. The organizer has the right to make any form of use, development, modification, authorization, licensing or protection of the logo design works.

g. The organizer reserves the final right of interpretation of this activity.

10. Contact Information:

Chinese Hotline: 0086-18817225232,Mr He

WeChat ID: Hong-Museum

Email: 592846134@qq.com

Adress:11/F, No.1818, Huangxin Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai.
