
发布时间:2024-09-29      截稿时间:2024-11-12      阅读量:30次     
  "Ancient charm"In the context of globalization,people began to reflect on culture homogenization and seek cultural differences and uniqueness.Traditional Chinese culture,with its profound historical background and unique aesthetic value,has become a popular source of inspiration in the fashion industry.The theme of the The 12th China(Humen)International Children’s Wear Online Design Contest was born under such background."Ancient Charm"is not only a theme,but also a profound respect for traditional Chinese culture and an innovative interpretation of it.
  The theme,"Ancient Charm",aims to encourage the majority of designers to create a series of unique children's wear works with traditional Chinese culture as the source of inspiration.It requires the works not only to retain the essence of traditional Chinese culture,but also integrate modern fashion elements,establishing a link between past,present and future.
  The Organizing Committee of
  China(Humen)International Children’s Wear Online Design Contest
  1.Foreign and domestic professional fashion designers(including HK,Macau and Taiwan territory)
  2.Foreign and domestic fashion school’s teachers and students
  3.Fashion design amateurs
  “古韵童华”"Ancient Charm"
  1.The works must be designed for the aim of“Positive Power,Creativity,Practical and Childlike simplicity”and to embody 2024/2025 latest fashion with notable innovation,commercial value and market potential.The range is children’s wear with complete series and accessories.Each series includes 5 suits.
  2.The design sketch should be completed in color,along with a series of characters drawn on(The required specification is 29.7cm×42cm,A3 paper size).Name of the work should be placed on the left top of your work.JPG is the required image format(for Graphic Design picture).Either hand-painted work or computer-produced ones will be accepted.
  3.Also attach an article of design inspiring thought(DOC)of your works(maximum 100 words).
  4.The works must be original and never be published.After the Preliminary and during the publicity period,the 30 shortlisted works will be made public.One person can only contribute once.Copy works and the works contributed more than once are regarded as invalid manuscript.We reserved the rights to cancel the contestant’s qualification if above verified.
  5.The copyright of all contributions is owned by the contest committee.The committee has the right to promote,publish,make and display all contributions.
  Application and contribution:September 25th—November 12st,2024
  Preliminary:November 25st—30th,2024
  Publicity Period:December 2th—8th,2024
  Web voting for the final:December 11th to 21th,2024
  Contest result announcement:December 26th,2024
  1.The contestants click before deadline WeChat official account:“humengarment”and http://art.cfw.cn/to download the application form.Fill the form and pack with your works,1 personal photo and ID card.Submit all the needed material in the following website:http://hmtz.cfw.cn or scan the QR code below to participate.It would be regarded as invalid participation if the information is incomplete.
  (scan to participate)2.Contact
  Liaison person:Mr.Zhang Xinshun
  One Gold Prize:15,000RMB,cup and certificate
  Two Silver Prizes:10,000RMB,cup and certificate
  Three Bronze Prizes:6,000RMB,cup and certificate
  One The Creation Award:3,000RMB,cup and certificate
  One Web Popularity Award:3,000RMB,cup and certificate
  (Note:Bonuses are pre-tax)
  初赛:专业评审组从所有参赛作品中评审出得分最高的前30份作品进入大赛决赛,进入决赛的作品将公示一周,在此期间接受广大网友的审阅,如有网友发现有入围作品涉嫌抄袭,请在公示时间内准备好其抄袭证据发到虎门服装设计师协会邮箱(designer0769 163.com),并在邮件名称上注明“举报XX号作品抄袭”,组委会将严肃处理此事,一经查实,将取消涉嫌抄袭的选手的参赛资格,其入围名额将安排作品得分仅次于前30名的优秀选手的参赛作品代替,继续进行网上公示。公示期结束后,所有有效的作品将开展网络投票,参与决赛。决赛:进入决赛的作品及其作者的相关资料将在网上公布,并接受专业评审团及网友的共同评分,入围选手可通过个人的微信或新浪微博等介绍和宣传个人的作品,为自己拉票。组委会将根据“评审团评分占80%,网友评分占20%"的比例,算出最终得分,评出金、银、铜奖得主。
  Preliminary:The professional judge group will evaluate all contributions based on the rules and select the best 30 works for the final.These 30 shortlisted works will be made public for a week.During the publicity period,we welcome friends to report those who have plagiarism suspicious and send evidence to our email(designer0769 163.com)with title“plagiarism+number of the works”.Once verified,the organizing committee reserves the right to cancel the contestant’s qualification and alternate contestant will be chosen according to the grade.After the publicity period,the top 30 works will be made public on the website for voting.The organizing committee reserves all rights.
  Final:The selected 30 works and the designers’relevant information will be put online and scored by professional judge group and web voters.The finalists can use their personal Wechat or Sina Weibo to introduce and propagate their works(The professional judge group score 80%,the web voters score 20%)and comes out the Gold,Silver and Bronze Prize winners.
  The Creation Award:The professional judge group will score 30 final works based on design creation and the highest scorer will win this prize.
  Web Popularity Award:The works of the final 30 which get the highest web voting will win this prize.
  Working Opportunity:Gold,Silver and Bronze winners will have the opportunity to get a internship offered by Humen garment company.
  Dongguan Humen Clothing&Accessories Industry Association
  Dongguan Humen Garment Designer Association
  Support:China Fashion Association
  Online Support:
  www.fashion.org.cn,www.efu.com.cn,art.cfw.cn,WeChat offical account:humengarment  