
发布时间:2024-05-26      截稿时间:2024-07-12      阅读量:2952次     
  To deeply study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,and to focus on the strategic goals of fully building a modern socialist country and comprehensively promoting rural revitalization,we fully embrace the new development philosophy,accelerate the establishment of a new development pattern,strive to promote high-quality development,and actively create a social atmosphere that encourages innovation and entrepreneurship.By attracting college students nationwide to innovate and start businesses in Jiande,we aim to promote entrepreneurial spirit,cultivate entrepreneurial awareness,and enhance entrepreneurial capabilities.
  The"Youth Entrepreneurship"4th National College Student Rural Revitalization Competition·Jiande Special(hereinafter referred to as"the Competition")will use the competition as a platform to organize college students from across the country to"go to Jiande,support rural innovation,"stimulate the innovative vitality of college students,fully explore Jiande's culture,tell Jiande's story well,and carry out innovation and entrepreneurship in Jiande,contributing to the rural revitalization of Jiande.
  Jiande City,part of Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province,is a place with a long history and rich cultural heritage.It has been honored as China’s first climate livable city and a global green city.The poem"Staying Overnight at Jiande River"by Meng Haoran captures the unique beauty of Jiande’s scenic landscapes:"Mooring my boat by the misty islet,new sorrows arise as dusk falls.The vast wilderness presses low on the trees,and the clear river brings the moon closer to people."
  In recent years,Jiande has introduced the talent work brand"Creating Amid Clouds and Water,Pursuing Dreams in Jiande City."Through initiatives like"Village Dreamers,""Ten Thousand Co-creation Workstations,"and"Youth Tide Creation,Encountering Jiande’s Future,"the city aims to activate idle rural resources and create opportunities for mutual development between the city and talent.
  Focusing on the high-quality development of existing rural industries and the construction of rural culture,and combining with agro-creation enterprises,it will carry out program design for the enhancement of rural culture and the development of agro-creation enterprises in Jiande City in the areas of space,culture and creation,research and study tourism,rural planning,and humanities and public welfare.
  Design and implement projects focused on the transformation and operation of rural entrepreneurship spaces,as well as the cultivation and operation of rural agriculture,culture,and tourism industries.
  Recruitment Targets
  Students and graduates(under 35 years old)of all colleges and universities nationwide are eligible to apply for the competition.Participation in the competition is in the form of a team,the number of students in each team is limited to 3-7 people,1-3 instructors,must specify the team leader,and encourage the team to form teams freely across regions,schools and disciplines.
  The space category focuses on architectural design,landscape design,interior design and other competitions,which implement operational needs into the space to create each distinctive rural lifestyle.
  The Cultural and Creative category is dominated by graphic visual,packaging products,research courses and other types of competitions,which play a good role in promoting the branding and festival planning for the countryside.
  Lead the competition teams of teachers and students into the rural areas of Jiande to conduct"field research,"allowing them to personally experience the needs of the countryside and subtly infuse youthful vitality into the rural areas.Organize boot camps and appoint experts to conduct intensive training for the competition teams that have successfully secured project approvals.
  Several sessions of the"ZAO Fenghua"activities will be held in the townships of Jiande competition points.The activities will be carried out in various forms such as rural markets,creative boot camps,field salons,and art exhibitions.

