
发布时间:2024-05-06      截稿时间:2024-09-30      阅读量:1095次     
  Background of the Competition
  In order to further implement the innovation-driven development strategy,accelerate the gathering of high-level talents to Haining Juanhu International Science Park for entrepreneurship and innovation,promote the integrated development of science,education,human-industry and city,create a talent ecological model area of Juanhu lake,promote the construction of international collaborative education model area,and start the international investment and investment brand of"juanhu dream",it is planned to launch the"juanhu dream"global entrepreneurship and innovation venture competition.
  Competition Arrangement
  Time Frame:May-September
  Paris,Edinburgh,Copenhagen and other key cities globally
  Haining International Collaborative Education Development Office,
  Haining Talent Scientific Innovation and Investment Group Co.,LTD.
  Co-operating Unit
  Développement France-Chine,The University of Edinburgh Zhejiang Alumni Association(UoEZJAA),Oxford Voyager(Jiaxing)Scientific Innovation Industry Development Co.,Ltd,Zhejiang Juanhu Qizhen Incubator Development Co.,Ltd.Co-operating unit.
  Supporting Units
  relevant financial institutions,capital parties.
  Guidance Units
  Organization Department of the CPC Haining Municipal Committee,
  Haining Science and Technology Bureau,Haining Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.
  Competition Projects Selection Procedure
  "Juanhu Dream"Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation Venture Competition will set up the pre-selection contests and final contest.The pre-selection process will be conducted by road show,and mainly will be held overseas.The winning projects from overseas will advance to the Haining finals.
  Event announcement will be released on public at 1st of May.
  The applicant(natural person)shall fill in the application form according to the requirements of the announcement and upload the relevant attachments by 10th of June.
  Qualification Recognition and Project Preliminary Review
  The qualification recognition and preliminary review of the project shall be carried out according to the materials submitted by the application project.For those who need to amend the business plan and correct the relevant materials,a limited time correction shall be carried out(May-June)
  Fund Counseling for Participating Projects
  Support units such as fund companies will provide docking counseling for related entrepreneurial projects(May-June).
  Pre-Selection Contest
  In this step,it will be conducted in the way of offline road show defense,and experts will be organized to evaluate the winning projects.The winning projects will advance to the finals(July-August).
  Final Contest
  The finals defense will be conducted by online and offline roadshow,and experts will be organized to evaluate the winning projects.The winning projects can be recommended to the superior entrepreneurship competition(September).
  Match Schedule
  Overseas Pre-Selection Contest 1:
  in Paris,France in early July.
  Overseas Pre-Selection Contest 2:
  in Edinburgh,UK in early July
  Overseas Pre-Selection Contest 3:
  in Copenhagen,Denmark,in late July
  In Haining in early September
  Note:The specific competition time is subject to the latest notice of the competition organizing committee.
  Competition Requirements
  Participating Fields
  Life and health industry(medical devices,biomedical regenerative materials,cell therapy and other life and health related fields),electronic information industry(IC design,high-end equipment and instruments,intelligent manufacturing and other electronic information related fields),artificial intelligence industry,new energy industry,digital economy industry,etc.
  Competition Conditions and Subsequent Development Requirements
  (1)The participating entrepreneurial project team should generally include 1 leader and 2-5 core members,and the team has domestic leading technological achievements and independent intellectual property rights,which is in line with the strategic layout of industrial development and industrial technological innovation needs of Haining City,and has good industrialization prospects.
  (2)The leader should generally obtain a master's degree or above,be the main founder of the enterprise and be the largest shareholder or the largest natural person shareholder,At least 2 core members have a master's degree or above in his team.
  (3)The leader shall establish an enterprise in Haining city within 1 year(after March 1,2023 to complete industrial and commercial registration and other relevant procedures)or has not established an enterprise in our city,the leader or core member 1 or 2 of the enterprise legal person.
  (4)The winning project needs to register a landing enterprise in Haining,and the actual arrival rate of the registered capital is generally not less than 50%,of which the paid-in capital of the project leader himself invested in the landing enterprise is more than 1 million yuan(if the winning project cannot meet the conditions before signing the landing agreement,it will be disqualified and no longer honor the relevant preferential policies).Those that have not yet registered are required in principle to complete enterprise registration in accordance with the above conditions within 6 months after being selected.A company can only declare one.
  (5)The leader and core members have good social reputation,no bad record,the age is generally not more than 55 years old,the nationality is not limited,and the project can guarantee full-time entrepreneurship and innovation in Haining after landing the award project.
  Award Setting and Policy Support
  1.Haining Grand Final award plan sets up 2 first prizes,3 second prizes,5 third prizes and several winning prizes(according to the number of entries),winning projects can get a maximum investment of 10 million yuan.
  2.The winning projects of the Haining Finals are preferentially recommended to participate in the superior competition.After winning the awards,the following government entrepreneurship support can be obtained.
  Government Funding for Entrepreneurship
  Start-up funding of up to 5 million yuan for the start-up team;Start-up funding of up to 15 million yuan(including equity investment)for the growth team.
  Work Space Support
  Grant a rental subsidy of up to 1000 square meters per year for startup projects for up to 3 years.
  Financial Loan Support
  Up to 18 million yuan IPO listing reward;LPR interest rate discount subsidy of up to 50 million yuan loan limit is granted,with a cumulative maximum of 2 million yuan.
  Product Sales Support
  For start-up team,it is to give a maximum of 1 million yuan price subsidy for the first time(first year)sales of products.
  Talent Level Upgrade Reward
  The winning project will recommend tp attend superior talent plan at the same time,and grant the entrepreneurial project funding according to the evaluation results.
  Personal Living Allowance for Talents
  Up to 600,000 yuan,150,000 yuan for doctor's degree,50,000 yuan for master's degree and 15,000 yuan for bachelor's degree.
  Special Subsidies for Talents
  The maximum is 300,000 yuan,according to personal salary.
  Talent Individual Housing Purchase Subsidies
  Up to 8 million yuan,500,000 yuan for doctor's degree,250,000 yuan for master's degree,and 100,000 yuan for full-time bachelor's degree at the age of 35.
  Registration Method
  项目领衔人发送报名信息及材料至邮箱hnjhisp outlook.com。
  The project leader will send registration information and materials to hnjhisp outlook.com.
  Please read the competition announcement and application instructions carefully,and fill in the project information according to the requirements to ensure that the reported information and certification materials are comprehensive,objective,true and accurate.The project leader should make a careful commitment to the registration content,and the application materials will be used as the basis for the assessment and fund allocation of the projects that are recommended for the superior competition to be funded by the government.
  (Click to download the application form)