中国美术学院雕塑与公共艺术学院CDSA 2024第三届国际媒体艺术创意大赛作品征集开启

发布时间:2024-04-25      截稿时间:2024-07-31      阅读量:2574次     
  “城市数字表皮艺术”(City Digital Skin Art,CDSA,)是基于公共空间中的屏幕与建筑外立面等城市表皮,关注数字时代的基本状况,并以公共艺术的数字化表达为诉求的艺术形式。它具有结合城市公共空间与数字公共空间的特征,希望通过公共艺术促进公众有关技术、空间与城市生活共生的社会想象力。
  "City Digital Skin Art"(City Digital Skin Art,CDSA,)is an art form based on urban skins such as screens and building facades in public spaces,focusing on the basic conditions of the digital age,and seeking the digital expression of public art.It has the characteristics of combining urban public space and digital public space,and hopes to promote the public's social imagination about the symbiosis of technology,space and urban life through public art.
  The urban digital skin is part of the urban environment.The urban environment shapes the appearance of the city to varying degrees,is the image expression of the city,the embodiment of the way of life,and also affects the social relations in the city.The digital skin is the part of the digital interface that sits between the private living space and the wider social space,with the potential to transform,connect,and ultimately communicate the two.The digital skin art that combines the two is to inspire and realize this potential with art.
  "CDSA International Media Art Creativity Competition"is a new public space art creation competition initiated by the School of Sculpture and Public Art of China Academy of Art.The CDSA International Media Art Creativity Competition was founded to discover and support outstanding rookies,creative students,and cutting-edge practitioners,to help the professional and academic development of art,and to build creative exchanges across majors,industries,and spaces.It aims to build an urban public media art exhibition platform;promote excellent,innovative and fashionable contemporary multimedia art creation to actively participate in public space and public social life."The combination of art and business,the combination of creativity and practice”.
  Beyond the Screens
  Data and Bug
  Virtual and Reality
  East and West
  Beyond the Screens希望超越界面,重新联结并团结界面两边的世界。一边是大数据与机器逻辑的世界,一边是受其主宰的世界;一边是虚拟中充满现实的世界,一边是依赖虚拟的现实世界。
  Beyond the Screens还希望团结“界面”左右的世界。大数据、算法和人工智能正在塑造新的人工自然,而传统意义上的自然与地球所面临的危机,必须依靠界面左右的世界一同化解。在此意义上,Beyond the Screens是超越传统的东西划分、中心与边缘之别、发展中与发达国家的分隔,共同面对行星命运遭遇的挑战。
  我们不能放弃影响和改变屏幕之下的世界,不能服从任何形式的技术决定论。艺术需要发挥再度想象的能力,Beyond the Screens;Beyond the mechanism that define the existing screens。
  这种新的对bug的理解,要求我们超越传统的错误修复思维模式,不仅仅关注技术层面的解决方案,而是要考虑更广泛的社会和环境影响。这就像"Beyond the Screens"所倡导的,不仅是跨越虚拟与现实的界限,也是跨越文化和地理的界限,共同应对全球性的挑战。在这个理念之下,解决bug不再是单纯的技术修复,而是一个观念的、全面的、跨学科的过程。它要求艺术家、科学家、工程师和社会活动家共同合作,通过创新思维和多元化的视角来寻找创新方案。
  In a digital society with mixed technologies,the screen is not only an important component of our way of viewing,but also forms an interface and a wall.Under the screen there is the basic logic of big data,algorithms and artificial intelligence,and above the screen there is the complicated network culture.There is a vast world of life beyond the screen.
  Beyond the Screens hopes to transcend the interface and reconnect and unite the worlds on both sides of the interface.On one side is the world of big data and machine logic,and on the other side is the world dominated by them;on the other side is the world full of reality in virtuality,and on the other side is the real world that relies on virtuality.
  Beyond the Screens also hopes to unite the world dominated by"interfaces."Big data,algorithms and artificial intelligence are shaping a new artificial nature,and the crises faced by nature and the earth in the traditional sense must be resolved together with the world controlled by the interface.In this sense,Beyond the Screens transcends the traditional divisions between east and west,center and periphery,developing and developed countries,and jointly face the challenges of planetary destiny.
  We cannot give up influencing and changing the world behind the screen,and we cannot submit to any form of technological determinism.Art requires the ability to reimagine,Beyond the Screens;Beyond the mechanism that define the existing screens.
  A"bug"refers to an error in software or a system that causes a program to run abnormally.On a broader level,however,bugs are imperfections in the modern technological ecosystem,a by-product of the interplay between virtuality and reality,East and West.In the current era of integration of technology and human life,bugs are not just a problem of the digital world,they reflect deeper social,cultural and environmental issues.For example,algorithmic bias is a social"bug"that reveals problems of inequality and discrimination in programming and data processing.More than 500 years ago,Columbus accidentally discovered America while trying to find a new route to India.This navigation"error"ushered in globalization and greatly affected world history.
  In many cases,innovation not only comes from intentional design and research,but also from the observation,analysis and application of"bugs".The relationship between innovation and bugs is dynamic and complementary,and bugs also provide unique opportunities and motivation for innovation.This is especially true in the field of art,where artists often create novel works by exploring and reconstructing so-called"errors"or"flaws."
  This new understanding of bugs requires us to go beyond the traditional bug-fixing mindset and focus not just on technical solutions,but to consider broader social and environmental impacts.This is just like what"Beyond the Screens"advocates,not only crossing the boundaries between virtuality and reality,but also crossing cultural and geographical boundaries to jointly respond to global challenges.Under this concept,solving bugs is no longer a simple technical fix,but a conceptual,comprehensive,and interdisciplinary process.It requires artists,scientists,engineers and social activists to work together to find innovative solutions through innovative thinking and diverse perspectives.
  新加坡Ten Square广场
  Public art Lab德国公共艺术实验室
  media art nexus