
发布时间:2024-01-25      截稿时间:2024-02-15      阅读量:2669次     
  尊敬的女士们、先生们Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
  We are very pleased that you are interested in submitting to the 13th GRANSHAN Type Design Competition 2023/2024.
  Below we have compiled all the information you need for a submission in detail,from the timetable to the judging procedure,from the submission fees to the special criteria to be considered in some Script Groups and the submission formats.To help you prepare the general poster we added a detailed How-to-Guide.
  We kindly ask you to follow the detailed instructions for the components to be submitted–these are described in detail here!
  We are looking forward to your submissions!Veronika Burian,Boris Kochan and Toshi Omagari
  General Information about the GRANSHAN Competition
  GRANSHAN celebrates the diversity and richness of typographic scripts that underpin global communication,empower communities,and enable identity.The GRANSHAN Competition covers a growing range of scripts for communities on a global scale–from the most widely used,to scripts used by small communities or those under threat.
  All type designers,type foundries,and clients with custom typefaces from all parts of the world are invited to take part.
  International type competitions–of which there are few–usually focus on the Latin script.The GRANSHAN type competition on the other hand explicitly seeks to recognise the most notable typefaces for individual scripts beyond Latin as well as multiscript families.
  The number of multilingual typeface developments has grown continuously in recent years–and there are more and more Typefaces covering scripts beyond Latin,designed either in conjunction with new Latin typefaces or as script extensions of existing Latin typefaces.
  Therefore,GRANSHAN now offers submissions in ten SCRIPT GROUPS in six CATEGORIES.
  文种组别Script Groups
  In this year's competition entries in the following ten SCRIPT GROUPS are welcome:
  •Edik Ghabuzyan Lifetime Achievement Award for Armenian Type Design
  •Chinese(traditional or simplified)中文(简体和繁体)
  •South Asian Scripts(Devanagari,Bengali,Gurmukhi,Telugu,Tamil,Gujarati,Malayalam,Sinhala,etc.)
  •South East Asian Scripts(Thai,Burmese,Laos,Khmer)
  This category is reserved exclusively for Text Typefaces in one or more of the Script Groups listed above.Note that display typefaces are not accepted in this category.
  This category is reserved exclusively for Display Typefaces in one or more of the Script Groups listed above.Note that text typefaces are not accepted in this category.
  This category is designated for Text Typefaces with a Latin complement to be used in combination.This can be a pairing with both scripts developed at the same time,or one of the two scripts newly developed.In the case of a new developed Latin complement,the quality of the Latin will also be evaluated along with the quality of the Text Typeface.In any case,the interaction between the two scripts will be rated.Typefaces from the nine Script Groups listed above can be submitted.Note that display typefaces are not accepted in this category.
  This category is designated for Display Typefaces with a Latin complement to be used in combination.This can be a pairing with both scripts developed at the same time,or one of the two scripts newly developed.In the case of a new developed Latin complement,the quality of the Latin will also be evaluated along with the quality of the Display Typeface.In any case,the interaction between the two scripts will be rated.Typefaces from the nine Script Groups listed above can be submitted.Note that text typefaces are not accepted in this category.
  This category is reserved for Text Typefaces with at least two script complements beyond Latin intended to work together.An accompanying Latin version shall be accepted but not required.Display typefaces are not accepted in this category.
  This category is reserved for Display Typefaces with at least two script complements beyond Latin intended to work together.An accompanying Latin version shall be accepted but not required.Text typefaces are not accepted in this category.
  In each of the ten SCRIPT GROUPS(Arabic,Chinese,etc.),for each of the CATEGORIES A1,A2,B1,B2,C1,and C2 a first,second and third prize can be awarded as well as special mentions.
  With the special mentions,the jury will honour projects where single aspects or a very advanced stage of development have convinced the jury,while their overall impression remains lower in quality than the award-winning projects of this or previous years.
  One GRANSHAN GRAND PRIZE of€3,000 will be awarded by the jury at the end of the judging process to the best of the best.
  大赛文种主席Competition Script Chairs
  Arabic:Haytham Nawar
  Edik Ghabuzyan Lifetime Achievement Award for Armenian Type Design:Angela Poghosova
  Chinese:Liu Zhao中文组主席:刘钊
  Cyrillic:Alexei Vanyashin
  Georgian:Nino Jishkariani(new)
  Greek:Irene Vlachou(new)
  Hebrew:Shani Avni
  South Asian Scripts:Kalapi Gajjar-Bordawekar&Rathna Ramanathan(new)
  Korean:Eunyou Noh(new)
  South East Asian Scripts:Anuthin Wongsunkakon
  Cheng Xunchang,Curt Huang,Keith Tam,Wang Wen,Ma Yiyuan,Liu Zhao(Script Chair)
  社群成长计划GRANSHAN Newcomers:The Community Growth Program
  This year for the first time we are also inviting,in some of the Script Groups,young and very talented professionals to join the jury as non-voting observers.With this we want to strengthen the international non-Latin community.We aim to involve and capture better the contemporary local design scene and prepare new colleagues to become jury members and thus slowly expand the pool of Script Specialists.The GRANSHAN Newcomers will evaluate the entries and take part in the discussions,but their vote will not be counted.
  评估程序Evaluation procedure
  All entries shall be anonymized and evaluated in a three-level procedure:
  第一级:入围长名单First level:longlist
  All entries shall be gathered in a longlist for each Script Group in each of the five Categories A1,A2,B1,B2,C1 and C2.The Script Specialists and the Script Chair shall evaluate every entry with an online scoring system.In addition to the scoring system,the jury members may add separate review comments to accompany their evaluation in a designated box.The results of the voting are visible to other Specialists.In this first step,the evaluation of the Script Chairs and of the Script Specialists shall be equally weighted.Outcome:entries with a minimum score shall make it to the second level,the shortlist.
  第二阶段:入围短名单Second level:shortlist
  In this step,the Script Specialists together with the Script Chairs of each Script Group will discuss in an online video conference which submissions are worthy of recognition.After discussion each Script Specialist and the Script Chair will make their own recommendation for 1st,2nd and 3rd prize,and special mentions,with an online scoring system.All the entries that reach this second level shall be published on the GRANSHAN website.Outcome:potential prize winners shall move on to the third level.
  第三级:最终获奖者Third level:prize winners
  The price winners and the special mentions shall be determined in an online video conference of all Script Chairs together with both Chairpersons.The final jury will again evaluate the recommended prize winners of level two–with the possibility to downgrade and to determine the ranking from 1st to 3rd prize and special mentions in each Script Group.
  The winners will be announced on the www.granshan.com website,will be promoted in all social media channels,and will receive a GRANSHAN diploma.Posters of the winning entries will be exhibited at various international conferences throughout 2024 and an award ceremony of the winners of the GRANSHAN Type Design Competition 2023/24 is in planning,but not confirmed.
  Organizers of the GRANSHAN competition reserve the right to display submitted typefaces at the exhibitions,in press,social media and any other relevant publications.Therefore,we kindly ask for a short 20-word-bio and a portrait photo of the type designer(s)in printable resolution in A6.
  No font source files will be made publicly available!
  Can be made using the submission tool on https://granshan.submit.to from 27 November 2023 to 15 February 2024
  评审工作开始Start of jury work
  2024年3月/4月March/April 2024
  公布获奖者Announcement of winners
  2024年6月June 2024
  Type designers from all over the world are invited to take part in the competition.All typefaces designed or digitized in or after 2020 complying with the requirements of the competition are eligible for submission.Typefaces may be submitted by anyone involved in their design,production,or marketing(please define your position).All submitted typefaces shall comply with and use the Unicodeencoding system.Entries can be single typefaces or type families,revivals or new developments.Custom fonts are welcome,as well as student projects(no special student category exists).
  In the submission form you can explain the concept behind the typeface and give details about any special characteristics you want to be taken into account when evaluating the typeface.
  Provide any information you think is relevant regarding historical or other models,and if the typeface is intended to function alongside other typefaces.This description will not be published–its sole purpose is to provide the jury with as much background information as possible for the evaluation.
  Please anonymise your text and do not mention the name of the submitted typeface,the designer or the type foundry.
  You can of course submit multiple entries to this contest.Please use a separate form in the online application for each entry and submit separate PDFs.Also please note that each submission must be paid separately.
  Typefaces by the Chairpersons,the members of the organizing committee and Script Chairs are not eligible for submission.Script Specialists are allowed to submit their own projects,but will be excluded from evaluating and voting for their own entry.Script Chairs and Script Specialists have the opportunity to opt out due to bias for any of the submissions.
  填写并发送申请表,即表示您确认有权向GRANSHAN 2023/24大赛提交字体,并保证GRANSHAN Foundation e.V.免受第三方索赔。主办方不对申请表中的信息负责。
  Submissions are accepted exclusively via the online submission tool available at https://granshan.submit.to.Participants can register for free and create an unlimited number of drafts.The submissions won’t be charged unless you press the submit button.For further assessment,only those submissions will be considered that comply with the conditions of participation and that were submitted between 27 November 2023 and 15 February 2024.Drafts are not considered completed submissions.
  By filling in and sending the application form,you confirm that you have the right to submit the typeface to the GRANSHAN competition 2023/24 and that you indemnify GRANSHAN Foundation e.V.from all claims made by third parties.The organizers are not responsible for the information given in the application form.
  Before submitting we ask you to sign the GRANSHAN Self Commitment Statement complying with GRANSHAN’s stance against any form of war of aggression,terrorism,and any kind of discrimination and harassment.
  有三种收费分类:There are three basic triers
  1.Low income countries(on the basis of self-assessment),students and freelancers
  2.Small and medium size companies with less than 20 employees or collaborators
  3.Bigger companies with 20 employees or collaborators and more
  Fees include VAT.For the first time,payment can be made now directly in the submission tool via Stripe(Credit cards,Paypal,and others).
  一些文种的特殊提交标准Special submissions specification for some SCRIPT GROUPS
  Chinese typefaces should contain 300 characters including punctuations like comma,ideographic full stop,ideographic comma,colon,semicolon,ellipsis,question mark,double
  quotation mark,parenthesis(逗号、句号、顿号、冒号、分号、省略号、问号、引号、括号).
  The competition must conform to Chinese national GB standard.Layout must show both horizontal and vertical typography design.
  提交格式Submission format
  请以PDF格式(420 x 297毫米/A3横向格式)提交项目。同时,请以850 x 1189毫米纵向格式的PDF文件提交以下两张海报。
  Please submit your project as PDF in 420 x 297 mm/A3 landscape format.Also add two posters as described below as PDF in 850 x 1189 mm portrait format.
  CATEGORY A1 and A2
  max.four pages A3 landscape plus two posters in portrait format;
  CATEGORY B1 and B2
  max.eight pages A3 landscape plus two posters in portrait format;
  CATEGORY C1 and C2
  max.pages depends on the number of different non-Latin scripts that will be entered(max.four pages per script)plus two posters in portrait format.
  Make sure your PDF document can be printed and is not protected by a password.Please always add the»submission title«(not the name of the script or typeface!)as used in the online submission form in the upper left corner of every page and number the pages(1 of 6,2 of 6,etc.).
  请在本页提交整个字体系列的字符集。不过,如果所有家族样式的完整字符集无法满足页面需要,只需显示部分字符集即可,最好尽可能大(至少16 pt),白底黑字形。
  One page:overview of the character set in max.four styles
  The first page showing the complete glyph set of the script with black glyphs on white background–as large as possible.Please show as minimum:regular(upright)and,if applicable,regular italic,a bold upright and a bold italic.Any additional styles should be shown on the next page.
  One page:overview of styles and how they fit together as font family
  On this page,please submit the character sets of the whole font family.However,if the full character sets of all the family styles do not fit the page,it is sufficient to show only a fraction of the character sets,preferably as large as possible(minimum 16 pt)with black glyphs on white background.
  One page:typographic use in different sizes
  One page of text in different sizes in one or two styles typical for the typeface,we recommend a 8-,11-,16-and 24-point version;if the typeface is designed for smaller text setting then reduce the text sizes accordingly.
  One page:typographic use in different styles
  Please show here the interplay of the different styles in different sizes using longer text in paragraphs,titles or any other way you see fit for the typeface,with black glyphs on white background in a way that is typical for the typeface.
  One poster:overview poster for the exhibition
  Please use the template that you can download here.If your project wins a prize or receives a special mention,we will display this poster in the traveling exhibitions.
  One poster:typeface in creative use
  请在本页提交整个字体系列的字符集。不过,如果所有家族样式的完整字符集无法满足页面需要,只需显示部分字符集即可,最好尽可能大(最小16 pt),白底黑字。如果字体只有一种风格,则无需提交此页。
  One page:overview of the full character set
  The first page showing the complete glyph set of the script with black glyphs on white background–as large as possible and in the style that is most representative of the typefamily.Any additional styles should be shown on the next page.
  One page:overview of styles and how they fit together as font family
  On this page,please submit the character sets of the whole font family.However,if the full character sets of all the family styles do not fit the page,it is sufficient to show only a fraction of the character sets,preferably as large as possible(minimum 16 pt)with black glyphs on white background.If the typeface has only one style,you don’t need to submit this page.
  One page:typographic use in different sizes
  One page of text and titles in different sizes in one or two styles typical for the typeface.Please submit display typefaces only in sizes they have been developed for–again with black glyphs on white background.
  One page:typographic use in different styles
  Please show here the interplay of the different styles in different sizes using longer text in paragraphs,titles or any other way you see fit for the typeface,with black glyphs on white background in a way that is typical for the typeface.
  One poster:overview poster for the exhibition
  Please use the template that you can download here.If your project wins a prize or receives a special mention,we will display this poster in the traveling exhibitions.
  One poster:typeface in creative use
  This is the freestyle page in color–please create a poster that documents the idea of the typeface with its typical forms as well as its specific applications.Apart from serving the judging process,we will use this poster,if your project wins a prize or receives a special mention,especially for exhibitions with enough space or in places and at events attended by font users.Please do not mention the name of the typeface.
  Pages one to four as in Category A1–once for the main script and once for the Latin version(=max.eight pages).Please use the page for typographic use in different styles to demonstrate compatibility and interplay of both scripts.Also two additional posters as described before(one poster with an overview,one with the typeface in creative use),each presenting the typeface project as a whole.
  All entries need to depict not only the full character set(see above Category A1)but also their compatibility and interplay of the two scripts.Please ensure that the presentation is comprehensive enough to allow the jury to evaluate the design appropriately.
  Pages one to four as in Category A2–once for the main script and once for the Latin version(=max.eight pages).Please use the page for typographic use in different styles to demonstrate compatibility and interplay of both scripts.Also two additional posters as described before(one poster with an overview,one with the typeface in creative use),each presenting the typeface project as a whole.
  All entries need to depict not only the full character set(see above Category A2)but also their compatibility and interplay of the two scripts.Please ensure that the presentation is comprehensive enough to allow the jury to evaluate the design appropriately.
  Pages one to four as in Category A1–once for each script and,if applicable,once for the optional Latin version.Please use the page for»*typographic use in different styles*to demonstrate compatibility and interplay of both scripts.And two additional posters as described before(one poster with an overview,one with the typeface in creative use),each presenting the typeface project as a whole.
  All entries need to depict not only the full character set(see above Category A)but also the compatibility and interplay between the different SCRIPT GROUPS.Please ensure that the showing is comprehensive enough to allow the jury to evaluate the design appropriately.
  Pages one to four as in Category A2–once for each script and,if applicable,once for the optional Latin version.Please use the page for typographic use in different styles to demonstrate compatibility and interplay of both scripts.And two additional posters as described before(one poster with an overview,one with the typeface in creative use),each presenting the typeface project as a whole.
  All entries need to depict not only the full character set(see above Category A)but also the compatibility and interplay between the different SCRIPT GROUPS.Please ensure that the showing is comprehensive enough to allow the jury to evaluate the design appropriately.
  维罗妮卡-布里安Veronika Burian
  Co-Chairwoman of the GRANSHAN Type Design Competition
  大曲都市Toshi Omagari
  Co-Chairman of the GRANSHAN Type Design Competition
  鲍里斯·科钱Boris Kochan

  President of the GRANSHAN Foundation e.V.
