FEDRIGONI 2025 Top Award全球设计大奖获奖现已开始报名

发布时间:2024-01-18      截稿时间:2024-01-31      阅读量:1485次     
  2025 Fedrigoni Top Award
  Have you created or contributed to a project with papers or self-adhesive materials from the Fedrigoni Group brands belonging to one of the following categories:Publishing,Creative Communication,Packaging,Label,Graphics?
  Submit your project!
  Meet Our International Jury
  The Jury comprises a panel of international experts in the design,communication and production world.The Jury will then assess the projects received in each category based on criteria that highlights the originality of the graphic design,functionality,accuracy of execution and appropriate use of papers and self-adhesives manufactured by Fedrigoni.
  Gustavo Greco
  Harry Pearce
  Kate Marlow
  Marianne Givone
  Paul Boudens
  Rozenn Mainguené
  Christian Dior香水线包装创意总监
  Sebastián Yañez
  YG Branding&Design Experts Agency创始人
  Silvana Amato
  Simon Esterson
  书籍设计师,Esterson Associates工作室创始人
  Top Award 2022
  Top Award 2021
  上海:(021)6045 2637/8
  info.cn fedrigoni.com

