
发布时间:2023-10-30      截稿时间:2023-11-05      阅读量:2321次     
  Calling for the future in an ancient city
  "Longquan"is probably a word that is not unfamiliar to all Chinese people.
  "Longquan"is a sword.Thousands of miles exploring the tiger's den,three cups finished and swords drawing to dance with Longquan spirit.Li Bai was wearing a Longquan sword,within his poems Longquan can be found.Mr.Jin Yong twice visited Longquan,in his martial arts jianghu,stood a Longquan"cast sword valley"."All famous swords must be called'Longquan'-Longquan"permeated into the Chinese cultural code and became the synonym of precious swords.
  "Longquan"is a piece of porcelain.Longquan celadon is the pinnacle of human aesthetics and craftsmanship for future generations to admire.The traditional technique of Longquan celadon is the world's only intangible cultural heritage in the ceramics category.During the Song Dynasty,the mysterious Longquan Celadon reached the West with the influence of the Silk Road,leaving a distinctive mark in the history of world cultural and economic exchanges.The name of"Celadon"has become a legend.
  Longquan Kiln Green-glazed Apple Zun
  Image credit:Longquan Celadon WeChat
  "Longquan is also a city.People praise Longquan with"The highest peak of the poetic Jiangnan,the first city of the misty Oujiang River".There are countless famous mountains in Longquan.Huangmaojian,the highest peak of Fengyang Mountain in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.The birthplace of 800-mile Oujiang River is also in Longquan.Longquan ancient city grows from the Tang Dynasty,by virtue of the celadon products and became a transportation hub for water and land transportation.Got the reputation as a town of"Important stagecoach road,the throat of business contacts".Merchant ships on the Oujiang River during the Song Dynasty,sent more than 10 million pieces of fine celadon products to all over the world through the Maritime Silk Road,making Oujiang river called"porcelain water"at that time.
  Longquan is both old and young.Porcelain kiln fire is not extinguished,the sword quenched into new life,the city is renewing itself vibrantly.
  Longquan's intangible cultural heritage is taking on a new dimension as it integrates into the lives of modern people,and into the eyes of the youth.The iterative renewal of products even includes new generation art forms such as video games.
  Image credit:Genshin official website
  Longquan celadon inheritor Li Zhen,trying to restore the"LaiXinYuXiang"in the"Genshin".Celadon infused the popular culture with essence and soul,the game let the exquisite traditional culture muck out.
  Young people come to Longquan to travel,or to realize their career dreams-in the Yi Space and Wangou Market of WANG OU-CERAMIC ART AVENUE,and in the cafes on Longquan West Street,Longquan is intersecting with more and more young people.It is reinventing itself and moving into the future to become a"youth-development-oriented city".
  Longquan has launched a very positive exploration on the road of building a youth development-oriented city.WANG OU-CERAMIC ART AVENUE,newly built on the site of"Zhejiang Improved Porcelain Factory"in 1917,is the representative of young and energetic Longquan.It combines a special cultural exhibition,a conference center,a cultural and leisure venue,a cultural and creative community platform as well as a cultural and tourism distribution center,and is a gathering place for young creatives,entrepreneurs and domestic and foreign artists.
  As we look to the future in this ancient city
  Let's shout"Wèi"with confidence!
  Wèi!Young Designers!
  We are looking forward to working with young designers to create the"Future 1km"along Longquan River
  Longquan hopes toinvite young emerging designersto jointly create the"Future 1 km"along Longquan River.It will represent the"future time"of Longquan,where a brand-new Longquan urban public field will unfold,revealing a new image of a young and vivid Longquan city.
  Longquan Ancient City has its own"central axis",which extends from Jiugu Mountain,to the old county government office,to Jichuan Bridge,to Dongsha Pagoda.The"Future 1 km"is located in the southern end of this axis.It is a waterfront space of nearly 1 kilometer in length,located along Longquan River,facing Longquan Ancient City and backed by the future community.The south bank and the north bank,the past and the future,collide here.When we are standing here,it is hard not to picture the vision of the future Longquan.
  Cultural setting map
  The"Future 1 km"waterfront issituated within the framework of Longquan Ancient Cityand is directly connected to the city's central axis by the Jichuan Bridge.It is located across the river from many of the city's historical and cultural nodes,and the design that will be created here will coexist with the cultural heritage of thousands of years old,which were left by Su Shi,Mi Fu and He Zhizhong.Longquan would like to invite young designers to fulfill this challenge,an dialogue with history.
  Cultural resource map
  The"Future 1 km"waterfront is on opposite sides of Longquan's sparkling history.West Street,Beihe Street and East Street are important witnesses to the history of Longquan's commercial and cultural interactions.Yangduibu,Liaojiabu,Xisiibu and Tongjidu recorded Longquan people's life with water.
  Liuchazhou,floating on Longquan River,is a naturally formed island.Liuchage,built on the Liuchazhou,has a plaque inscribed by Su Shi.With its wide view and the advantage of being an outstanding scenery as an high place,Liuchage has become the most classic urban observation deck in Longquan.
  West Street
  West Street exists since the establishment of the county in Tang dynasty,because it is located in the western part of the county,it is known as West Street.West Street witnessed the beginning and rise of Longquan City.And still maintains the traditional fishbone-shaped spatial pattern and texture.
  Jichuan Bridge
  For a long time in the history of Longquan,Jichuan Bridge was the only clue connecting the north and south sides of the river.Like the Qingming shanghe tu(Ascending the River at Qingming Festival),Jichuan Bridge played the role of"water commercial center"of Longquan River.
  The"Future 1km"waterfront is adjacent to the ready-to-built"Future Community".It will be a new vision of urban life with high quality housing and supporting public services.Longquan would like to invite young designers to make a creative breakthrough with the theme of"future".
  Site scope map
  When we set foot on the land of Longquan,we are not only chasing after the highlights of"Celadon&Sword,Longquan of the World"and the history of"Important stagecoach road,the throat of business contacts",but also hope to establish a link between the past,the present and the future,and make such a link full of memories,warmth and vitality.Longquan calls for young designers to join us,to create the future together!
  Create a future-oriented public living scene for Longquan!
  In the dimension of urban functional space,Longquan definesthis 1-kilometer waterfront as a"city balcony",hoping to create a new urban public life scene for citizens and tourists.
  There is no strict academic definition or planning and design standards for"City Balcony",but it concisely defines those landmark and enjoyable public spaces for viewing and leisure in the city.So when we look into the word"balcony",it is not difficult to find that"balcony"is different from"living room",it is more relaxing and interesting,and has a chewable beauty.
  This is the case with the"balcony"in architecture.It is a"private public space",between indoor and outdoor,between public and private,between the crowd and the individual to delineate a brilliant gray area,like a stage as countless celebrities,politicians,artists throughout the ages wonderful interpretation.
  Venice Biennale/Balcony Exhibition
  Image credit:Venice Biennale
  From the love in Shakespeare's writing to the high-profile royal weddings,the balcony as a small stage of human life is just too wonderful.2014 Venice Biennale,the balcony as the theme of the exhibition paragraph,those world's most famous balcony architectural models were moved into the exhibition hall,to show people the unprecedented balcony culture.
  The public nature of the"city balcony"has been infinitely enlarged,and it has become an urban space that is different from the"city living room"with a slightly serious temperament.If the title of"city living room"is often used to refer to a cluster of ceremonial public buildings in a city,the"city balcony"is the"balcony for everyone":a place where everyone can relax and enjoy the view.
  The creation of a"city balcony"is an open question,and each city has a different"creative idea".In Longquan,we hope that the designers'creativity can respond to thethree basic functions of the"city balcony"——
  As a"view frame"of Longquan city impression
  A best landing place to read about the city
  New York Edge-KPF Image credit:gooood website
  A good balcony cannot be without a beautiful view.A"city balcony"should be able to attract tourists to take photos and make local residents proud of the city's image.For example,the Edge on 30 Hudson Yards in New York City provides citizens and visitors with a unique experience of seeing the city from 300 meters in the air,while the observation deck itself adds layers to the city skyline.
  As a"public stage"of Longquan city life
  An open space that can carry multiple lifestyles
  Chicago Riverwalk-Sasaki Image credit:gooood website
  A good balcony is not without life.As a catalyst for good public life,the"city balcony"must be rich enough in itself.As in the case of Chicago Riverwalk,which is often cited as an excellent example,a good city balcony reflects the full spectrum of the good life in the city,allowing the extremely rich leisure life of the modern people and the ever-changing demand for freshness to be put at ease.
  As the"highlight"of Longquan's personality
  It is a cultural landmark that highlights the city's character in an unconventional way
  纽约Little Island水上公园-Heatherwick Studio
  From left to right:Seattle Olympic Sculpture Park-WEISS/MANFREDIArchitecture
  Image credit:mooool website
  New York's Little Island Public Park-Heatherwick Studio
  Image credit:gooood website
  Rotterdam's The Podium Pink Rooftop Terrace-MVRDV
  Image credit:gooood website
  Shanghai's Green Mound-Original Design Studio
  Image credit:gooood website
  好阳台不可无高光。如果说家中的阳台是展现主人翁性格的场所,那么“城市阳台”就是展现城市个性的空间。毕竟“阳台”没有“客厅”的拘束感,可以展现跳脱的创意。无论是纽约Little Island水上公园、西雅图奥林匹克雕塑公园、鹿特丹粉色屋顶平台、还是上海的绿之丘——都在类“城市阳台”的空间上,心思活络,花样百出。
  A good balcony should not be without highlights.If the balcony of your home is the place where the character of the owner is revealed,then the"city balcony"is the space where the personality of the city is expressed.After all,a balcony does not have the constraints of a living room,so it can show off its creativity.Whether it is New York's Little Island public park,Seattle Olympic Sculpture Park,Rotterdam's The Podium Pink Rooftop Terrace,or Shanghai's Green Mound-there are infinite creative possibilities in the space of a"city balcony".
  What kind of"city balcony"belongs to Longquan?
  We are looking forward to the designer's proposal!
  Competition information
  Selection of finalists by works+CV,1-month design program
  Name of Competition
  Contents of Competition
  Design scope:waterfront space on the south bank of Longquan River(the middle section between Liuche Bridge and Jianchuan Bridge),with an area of about 1.86 hectares(28 acres).
  Design Content:
  A.Highlight building conceptual design:Total floor area of about 1,000 square meters.Create a city landmark on the south bank of Longquan and become one of the most memorable buildings in the future.Functions include landmark viewing space,cultural space,light dining space and so on.
  B.Waterfront landscape space conceptual design:Considering the needs of residents and tourists,create a waterfront public living space with diversified contents and shared by all.
  *Please refer to Design Assignment for detailed requirements
  Scope of work
  Entrants allowed to participate in this competition include domestic and foreign registered independent legal entities or institutions,consortia,individuals or combinations of individuals.
  Competition Schedule
  Note:The above time is subject to Beijing time,and the organizer reserves the right to adjust the schedule.
  Anyone interested in participating in this competition should go to the official competition website to view the details of the competition:
  After registering for the competition,you will be given an entry number and a link to download the materials.The materials include:Rules and Regluations,Design Assignment,and Application Documents.
  Only the Application Documents is required for Phase I:
  Information such as a list of designers to be involved in this project,a list of experience in similar projects and awards is required,can be accompanied by a portfolio.
  *A conceptual proposal is not required at this phase.
  The registration submission deadline is 5th November,2023,17:00
  *Please refer to Rules and Regluations for detailed requirements
  Award Allocation
  The total prize pool is RMB 850,000(before tax)and the prizes are as follows:
  *No reimbursement of costs for units not shortlisted
  Organizer|Longquan Urban Construction Group Co.,Ltd
  邮箱:competition bujiasisuo.com
  Email|competition bujiasisuo.com
  Tel| (Ms.Zhao)

  *In case of any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version,the Chinese version shall prevail.
