
发布时间:2023-10-25      截稿时间:2023-10-30      阅读量:4639次     
  In order to seize development opportunities,continuation of the Asian Games Effect,achieve a positive interaction between attracting first-class talents in first-class cities and developing first-class industries with first-class talents,promote high-quality development,digital transformation,and international quality,and create a world-class waterfront space and high-end headquarters cluster,Binjiang goverment has launched an international solicitation activity for the"Hangzhou Olympic Sports Binjiang International Business District(tentative name)Deepening Design and Architectural Conceptual Design"plan both domestically and internationally.The relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:
  The successful hosting of the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou has pushed Hangzhou to a new historical starting point.As the core of the Asian Games,the opening level of the Hangzhou High tech Zone(Binjiang)continues to expand,and the reputation of"International Binjiang"has further improved.The design area is located on the west side of the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center,facing the core area of Qianjiang New City on the north bank of the Qiantang River across the river.It is the most valuable block in Linjiang and a strategic fulcrum for achieving the leap of urban energy levels.It is also a local manifestation of the spirit of high-tech(Binjiang)people to"walk at the forefront,be a pioneer,and lead the times".In order to build a world leading high-tech park and strive for a socialist modernization demonstration zone,we are now publicly soliciting architectural conceptual design solutions with international perspectives,forward-looking thinking,and innovative design to guide the high-quality construction of the area.
  Collection Content
  (1)Design scope
  1.Research scope:To the east of Jinji Road,to the south of Jiangnan Avenue,to the west of Jianghui Road,and to the north of the Qiantang River embankment.
  2.Coordinated design scope:east to Feihong Road,south to Binsheng Road,west to Xixing Road,north to Qiantang River embankment,with a designed land area of approximately 77 hectares.
  3.Main architectural design scope:north to Wentao Road,south to Binsheng Road,west to under construction Olympic Sports Middle School,east to Feihong Road,with a designed land area of approximately 37.5 hectares.
  (2)Design requirements
  Firstly,further positioning the regional business format and its functions on the south bank of the Qiantang River;The second is to deepen the design based on existing planning achievements,and propose optimization plans for regional spatial form,traffic organization,overall landscape,and other contents;The third is to deepen the design of buildings and public spaces within the scope of key building design,with a total development capacity of approximately 660,000 square meters(excluding underground space).
  Competition Rules
  The international solicitation of this proposal is divided into three stages:"pre qualification,scheme evaluation,scheme deepening".
  Phase 1:Pre qualification
  The applicant institution shall submit corresponding materials as required.Solicit the Solicitation Agencys to form a pre qualification committee to comprehensively evaluate the comprehensive strength,achievements,and experience of the registered design institutions,as well as the main creators and teams,and select 5 non ranked design institutions to enter the second stage.At the same time,two alternative design institutions will be selected(in order).If any shortlisted design institution withdraws,the alternative design institution will replace them in order.
  Phase 2:scheme evaluation
  The organizing unit will organize a midterm meeting for the shortlisted design Institutue to control the design direction and answer any questions.The shortlisted design Institutue shall submit design outcome documents in accordance with relevant regulations and task requirements.Solicit the organizing unit to form a scheme evaluation expert committee to review the results submitted by 5 shortlisted design institutions,recommend 1 winning unit,and provide written review opinions for each scheme,which will be submitted to the Hangzhou High tech Zone(Binjiang)Planning Committee for review and determination of the winning unit.
  Phase 3:scheme deepening
  The winning unit,as the technical consulting and consulting unit for subsequent work,is responsible for integrating results and deepening conceptual solutions.The deepening work should at least include the following contents:1.Based on the opinions of experts and Solicitation Agencys,integrate the design advantages of other design units to form the results of the deepening plan.2.Provide design results that can guide the improvement of land transfer planning and design conditions,and negotiate specific matters based on subsequent work arrangements.
  Application requirements
  (1)Accepting the registration of domestic and overseas applicants,the number of members of the consortium shall not exceed two.Registration for individuals and individual combinations is not accepted.Units that apply in the form of a consortium should sign a consortium agreement.
  (2)Domestic applicants must provide proof of architectural design qualifications,while overseas applicants must have corresponding qualifications or practice licenses for urban and rural planning and architectural design issued by their respective countries and regions.
  (3)Domestic and foreign applicant institutions must be legally registered and have valid business licenses or legal certificates,and must be an independent corporate legal entity.For two or more legal entities whose legal representative is the same person,the parent company,the wholly-owned subsidiary and the holding company are not allowed to apply at the same time.
  (4)The main creative designer responsible for the international solicitation design of this proposal is required to participate in important reporting meetings(including network meeting)and other work.If it is found during the international solicitation process that the main creative designer does not match the team members submitted in the registration materials,the Solicitation Agency has the right to cancel their participation qualification.
  According to the procedure the Solicitation Agency selected five finalists.The scheme evaluation expert committee reviewed the scheme design results submitted by the five finalist design agencies,and the Solicitation Agency finally announced the list of winners.Those who submitted the scheme design results on time,met the technical requirements of the solicitation document,and passed the review,received bonus(including tax):
  The winner will received bonus RMB 3,500,000 yuan,(including deepening fee).
  Other four agency received bonus RMB 2,000,000 yuan each.
  Time Schedule
  The deadline for receiving the prequalification documents of the project proposal submission agencies is from the date of this announcement to 17:00 on October 30,2023(GMT+8).
  The project plans to identify the shortlisted agencies and hold a project press conference by November 3,2023.The task book will be provided and on-site exploration will be organized.The press conference time will be announced separately.The project leader(or designated technical representative)and his team must attend the meeting.The design cycle during the plan preparation stage is approximately 12 weeks.
  Time Schedule
  *In case of any change,the announcement of the Solicitation Agency shall prevail
  Registration Materials
  The registration materials are required to include the following:
  A4 size(210mm x 297mm),1 main file and 5 backup files,with a maximum of 40 single pages in principle(double-sided printing,with a maximum of 80 pages,excluding the front and back covers,title pages,and table of contents),bound in plastic.
  1.Entry form and authorization(this page requires original seal and signature,and the entry form is shown in Annex 1);
  2.Introduction to the design institution to be selected(Annex 2);
  3.Business license or valid registration document of the organization;
  4.Identification documents of the legal representative;
  5.Power of Attorney for Legal Representative(the authorization document can be customized,and if it exceeds one single page,it needs to be stamped with the perforation seal);
  6.List of personnel to be engaged in the project(Annex 3);
  7.The main creators and team's similar project experience and performance:
  The performance of the main personnel proposed for the project needs to include urban design(conceptual architecture)projects located in first-tier cities in China or internationally renowned metropolises(construction area of not less than 500,000 square meters),single super high-rise buildings(more than 100 meters and an area of not less than 50,000 square meters)and public cultural buildings(area of not less than 20,000 square meters);
  Time limit for performance:within 5 years in China and within 10 years overseas;(The format is shown in Annex 4)
  8.Consortium Agreement(Annex 5);
  9.Other supplementary materials.
  指定邮箱:18709426 qq.com
  (1)Applicants who intend to participate in this program solicitation activity are required to submit written documents of registration materials to the designated location below before 17:00 on October 30,2023,and send all electronic registration materials to the designated email address.Late submission or submission of non-compliant registration materials will not be accepted.
  The address for submission of written registration materials is:
  Zhejiang Tianhong Tendering Agency Co.,Ltd.,16th Floor,Xincheng Building,No.639 Qianjiang Road,Hangzhou City Zhejiang Province,China;Miss Gu 13735830512.
  The time for receiving written registration materials is from 09:30 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 17:30.
  Results announcement:The results of the shortlisted units will be announced before November 3,2023,and the confirmation letter of application will be issued.
  (2)The applicant institution shall,within 3 days after receiving the confirmation letter,fax the"application confirmation letter"to the hosting unit for confirmation of participation in the international solicitation activity of the"detailed design and architectural concept design of Hangzhou Olympic River International Business District(tentative name)".
  Agency:Zhejiang Tianhong Bidding Agency Co.,Ltd.
  Address:16th Floor,Xincheng Building,No.639 Qianjiang Road,Hangzhou City Zhejiang Province,China
  Contact person:Miss Gu
  Contact telephone: 
  Consultation time:09:30-12:00 and 14:00-17:30
  Copyright and Laws
  1、The design organization retains the copyright of the architectural concept design documents submitted for the competition,and the Solicitation Agency enjoys the right to use the architectural concept design documents for subsequent integration and deepening of the competition work.Without the consent of the Solicitation Agency,the design organization shall not use the winning scheme for other projects.The Solicitation Agency has the right to use all design results submitted free of charge,including publishing the evaluation results after the evaluation is completed,and introducing,exhibiting,and evaluating the design results through media,professional magazines,professional books,or other forms.All the submitted documents will not be returned to the participating units after the evaluation.
  2、The design Institutue shall ensure that all content in the design deliverables is original and does not contain any materials that infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties.In the event of infringement,the design Institutue involved shall bear all legal consequences on its own.
  3、All the basic information provided by the Solicitation Agency(including text,drawings,electronic data,etc.)is protected by copyright.It is only used for this solicitation activity and cannot be used for other purposes.Without authorization,no one may copy,adapt,distribute,publish,lend,or transfer the content,otherwise they will be held legally responsible.
  4.Before the end of the solicitation and scheme design activities,the design Institutue or its design personnel shall not disclose,publicize or display the design results in any way without the permission of the host unit,otherwise they will be held legally responsible and their qualifications for participating in this solicitation activity will be cancelled.
  5.The relevant intellectual property terms and conditions shall be subject to the contract terms to be signed subsequently.
  Publishing Platform
  This announcement is published on the Zhejiang Government Procurement website(http://zfcg.czt.zj.gov.cn)and the Hangzhou High-tech Zone(Binjiang)Government website(http://www.hhtz.gov.cn).Any modifications or supplements to this announcement shall be subject to the content published on the aforementioned websites and media.The Solicitation Agency reserves the right of final interpretation(the text content shall be subject to the Chinese version).
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