
发布时间:2023-08-23      截稿时间:2023-08-31      阅读量:2761次     
  独家冠名Exclusive Title
  NetEase Games
  荣誉主办Honorary Organizer
  Sculpture Art Committee of Guangdong Artists Association
  School of Sculpture and Public Art,Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
  Wuhan Star Painters Digital Art Co.,Ltd
  协办高校Co-sponsoring Universities
  Sculpture Department of Central Academy of Fine Arts
  School of Sculpture and Public Art,China Academy of Fine Arts
  Sculpture Institute of Chinese National Academy of Arts
  Sculpture Department,School of Fine Arts,Tsinghua University
  Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts Sculpture Art School
  Sculpture Department of plastic arts College of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts
  Sculpture Department of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts
  Sculpture Department of plastic arts College of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts
  Sculpture and Public Art College of Hubei Academy of Fine Arts
  Sculpture Department,School of Fine Arts,Shanghai University
  特约赞助Special Sponsor
  上海Wonder Festival展
  Wuhan Star Painters Digital Art Co.,Ltd
  Shanghai Prettydust Sculpture Art Co.,Ltd
  Jilin Ivan Moyun Technology Co.,Ltd
  Infinity Studio
  Shanghai Wonder Festival
  大赛介绍Competition Introduction
  The 2nd GDSC"NetEase Cup"Global Digital and Sculpture Competition is hosted by the Sculpture and Public Art College of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts and Wuhan Star Painters digital art Co.,Ltd.,and the Sculpture Art Committee of Guangdong Artists Association is an honorary sponsor.NetEase Games is the exclusive title sponsor.
  Young digital art sculptors from all over the world are welcome to participate in this competition!
  Contemporary society is experiencing a marvelous fusion of technology and art,and digital art,as an emerging art form,is rising at an astonishing speed and receiving increasing attention from people.As one of the cores of digital art,digital sculpture not only continues the beauty of form and spatial sense of traditional sculpture,but also,through innovative digital technology,has sparked a subversive revolution in visual effects,giving people an unprecedented sensory impact.
  Digital art is a pure stream in modern art.It is a new exploration of artistic forms as well as a reflection and call to current society and culture.In this digital era,the exploration and creation of digital sculpture art needs not only to be innovative and forward-looking,but also to build an effective way for reflection and exploration of current cultural forms.
  Balancing the relationship between art and technology,and achieving a harmonious coexistence between humans and technology,art and nature,is a common issue for all young artists.It is important to ensure that art is not just a subordinate of technology,but can truly integrate with technology in a way that enhances both.
  The competition is highly concerned with how digital sculpture art can be spread and shared around the world,as well as how more meaningful and inclusive works can be created on the basis of respecting and drawing from various cultures,in order to promote global art and cultural exchange.
  This competition provides a platform for digital art creators to showcase their talents and creativity,as well as an opportunity for new talents in the art world to showcase their ideas and perspectives.We expect this competition to inspire more avant-garde ideas and innovative forces,explore new possibilities for digital art,and inject new momentum and vitality into the development of digital art in the industrialization and education fields.
  June 1st:Registration starts.Successful registration is required in order to participate.
  June 12th:Launch ceremony live broadcast
  June to July:Tidal Creativity Group Weibo Audition
  August 31st:Final work file submission
  Mid September:Start the voting activity for the[Popularity Lucky Award]
  Mid October:Announce award results and hold award ceremony
  参赛组别Entry Category
  Experimental Sculpture Group(no age limit)
  Contestants or students at school who are recommended by college judge are free to sign up.
  There are no restrictions on the form of expression.Participants can express freely from the perspective of artistic thinking.Participants can freely create digital or sculptural art and explore the uncharted territory.
  Tidal Creator Group
  (The maximum age of entry is 28)
  The creators are free to register.They can choose the role image provided by the IP licensor of the competition to re-create the role,or they are free to create anything they want as long as it follows the regulations.
  Open imagination from the perspective of sculpture and plastic art to pursue beauty,aiming at the market to tap the commercial potential of the work.
  *Participants are allowed to compete in different groups at the same time
  大赛奖项Competition Awards
  Experimental Sculpture Group
  [Future Master Award](1):50,000 yuan The university jury will vote to select the work that ranks first in terms of comprehensive votes and will award this prize to the winner.
  [Academy Award](5):5,000 yuan The university jury will vote to select works that rank second to sixth in terms of comprehensive votes and will award this prize to the winners.
  Tidal Creator Group(Netease IP available)
  [Netease Favorite Award](1):20,000 yuan It will be selected by Netease judges.
  [Creation Art Award](5):5000 yuan It will be voted by the industry jury.
  Special award
  [AR Exploration Award](1):10,000 yuan The award aims to encourage the exploration and application of AR technology,regardless of group.All participants who present works using AR technology are eligible to participate in the award selection.
  [Popularity Lucky Award](1):10,000 yuan/split equally.The works of the promoted contestants will be announced,and a popular vote activity will be launched.The works ranked first,third,and seventh in the vote will share a prize of 10,000 yuan.
  IP Authorization for the Competition
  NetEase Games is the IP licensor of the competition.Participants in the competition are free to use all characters from the online game"Identity V"(excluding cooperative IP)for creative works.
  It is hoped that the creators can strengthen the characteristics of the original IP characters and give them new vitality.
  简易版权说明Simple Copyright Notice
  The copyright of the works awarded in the competition belongs to both the creator and the organizer.The organizer has the right to display and can negotiate with the creator whether to conduct commercial development of the work.
  The trend creation team of the competition uses the award-winning works of the official designated IP,and the complete copyright will be transferred to the IP licensor.The creators have the right to display.
  *The works submitted for participation in this competition must not be award-winning works from other competitions.
  大赛评委团The Judges of the Competition
  Judges of the Experimental Sculpture Group are held by the deans/professor of sculpture departments of universities and famous artists.
  The judges of the Tidal Creator Group will be the authoritative experts of the companies/industry studios.
  大赛官方邮箱:gdsc starpainters.cn
  Provide a resume(including name,institution,copy of ID card,contact information,and three pictures of previous works)by an individual or recommended teacher and send it to the official email.
  Please leave full contact information:QQ,WeChat,mobile phone number,email(the organizer will confirm successful registration through the above methods)
  Official email of the competition:

  gdsc starpainters.cn
