
发布时间:2023-08-15      阅读量:1445次     
  SPORTident support International Orienteering Federation
  A common goal unites.That is why we are pleased to continue our long-standing support of the International Orienteering Federation(IOF),starting a new chapter in our sponsoring and partnership today.
  As a first hallmark of the renewed collaboration the IOF distributes the limited special edition IOF SPORTident ActiveCard(SIAC).Brought forward by Matija Kučinac from Moldova as part of the IOF’s public poll for designs,this product is truly from orienteer for orienteer,emphasizing the sport’s core spirit with the meticulously designed and produced red SIAC.The SIAC can be purchased directly via the IOF site.
  Official IOF SIAC now available for sale|International Orienteering Federation
  We are looking forward to continuing working closely with the IOF to develop and promote the orienteering sport further.
  The IOF is the umbrella organisation for all orienteering sports world-wide,encompassing the disciplines foot orienteering,bike orienteering,ski orienteering,and Trail-O.With its programmes and initiatives,such as the World Orienteering Day,it is working to broaden the reach of the sport and to enthuse the next generation of orienteers.At the same time,the IOF is working closely with organisers to raise the bar for orienteering competitions,delivering a consistent high-quality experience for athletes and spectators alike at the world’s top-level races.
  SPORTident GmbH was founded more than 25 years ago and revolutionised time-keeping and identification in orienteering with ground-breaking technological innovations.SPORTident technology is renowned for its ease of use,durability and reliability.SPORTident again pioneered the sport with the introduction of contactless punching in 2015 and is the only system to date that enables classical punching and contactless punching simultaneously.The SPORTident system is used by more than 140,000 athletes and over 20,000 organisers in more than 70 countries around the world at local,national and international orienteering events.
  作为双方再次合作的起点,国际定向联合会已发布了一款限量版的IOF SPORTident ActiveCard(SIAC)。这款产品的设计者是来自摩尔多瓦的Matija Kučinac,其设计灵感源自国际定向运动联合会公开征集的方案,真正做到了以定向运动为核心,凸显其精神内涵。精心设计与制作的红色SIAC现已可通过国际定向运动联合会网站直接购买。

  SPORTident GmbH公司自25年前成立以来,一直以突破性的技术创新引领定向运动的计时和识别技术发展。SPORTident技术凭借其易用性、耐用性和可靠性而备受赞誉。2015年,SPORTident推出了非接触式打卡技术,再次引领了定向运动的创新潮流,成为迄今为止唯一可同时实现传统打卡和非接触式打卡的系统。SPORTident系统已被全球70多个国家的14万多名运动员和2万多名组织者用于地方、国家和国际定向越野赛事。