
发布时间:2023-07-26      截稿时间:2023-08-18      阅读量:3037次     
  The International Urban Design Competition for Chengdong exemplary city-industry integration area in Yongchun county has been officially launched.This international competition aims to gather international pioneering ideas,solicit creative and excellent design proposals for the future development of Chengdong exemplary city-industry integration area in Yongchun.We are now open to outstanding design institutions across the world for formal registration.
  01项目概况/Project Overview
  Yongchun,known as Taoyuan in ancient times,has been set up as a county for thousands of years.It is known as"purple and red flowers do not fade,warm in winter and cool in summer".It is located in the southeast of Fujian Province,covering an area of 1455.44 square kilometers with a total population of 598,400.It is a central Soviet area county and the inland starting point of the"Maritime Silk Road".Due to its superior natural ecological environment,profound cultural background,and rich natural resources and products,Yongchun has successively won over 20 national titles,such as the National Ecological County and the National"Two Mountains"Practice and Innovation Base.It has 4 national key cultural relics protection units,7 National Geographical indication protection products,3 national intangible cultural heritages,and 13 national A-class scenic areas.
  Chengdong exemplary city-industry integration area is in the middle of the central area of Yongchun County and the Light Industry New City.It is an important part of the New City Economic Zone in Yongchun.It will be the main area for future development in central Yongchun in the next five years.On the one hand,it can undertake the functional overflow of the main urban area and attract high-end public and commercial services;On the other hand,it can connect the Light Industry New City and provide services for the industrial park.The functions of the area are relatively comprehensive with great potential.
  Due to the above conditions,to fully leverage the strategic value and resource endowment of Chengdong exemplary city-industry integration area in Yongchun(hereinafter referred to as"Chengdong Area"),the Yongchun County People's Government,associated with the Yongchun County Natural Resources Bureau and Yongchun County Jinyuan Urban Construction Co.,Ltd,launches this international urban design competition.Based on existing resources and industrial foundation,this competition aims to widely gather ideas and solicit forward-looking ideas and creative urban design schemes with an international perspective to guide high-level planning and high-standard construction in Yongchun.
  项目区位示意map of the project location
  02竞赛范围/Competition scope
  The design scopes of this competition are threefold.
  Overall design scope of the county:It is bounded by the East Ring Road in the east,the West Ring Road in the west,the South Ring Road-Puyong Expressway in the south,and the North Ring Road in the north,and the total land area is approximately 37.15 square kilometers.This area is basically bounded by the central urban ring road.On the basis of the delineated urban development boundaries and the recent development strategy of"expanding both to east and west",associated with the functional pattern of the central urban area in the master spatial plan of Yongchun,the overall design scope includes three main functional areas,including the comprehensive development area in the city,Chengdong exemplary city-industry integration area,the residential and culture and sports development area in the west of the city.
  Design scope of key areas:the main area of the design scope is the Chengdong exemplary city-industry integration area in Yongchun.It extends to Light Industry West Road in the east,Liu'an West Road in the west,Bangde South Road in the south,and Beihuan Road in the north,with a total area of about 7.86 square kilometers.
  Detailed design scope for the central area:It is the core area of the model area of the integration of industry and city in the east of the city,to the east of light industry West Road,to the west of Liu'an Mountain Road,to the south of Taoxi and Taoyuan South Road,and to the north of Taoyuan Road,with a total land area of about 3.56 square kilometers.
  项目范围示意map of the project scope
  03竞赛内容/Competition Contents
  The threefold design activities of this competition should focus on the interpretation of the urban target‘City of Ecology,City of Culture,City of Wellness,City of Intelligent’,with the goal of shaping a high-value urban landscape and efficient urban land use,for deepening the meaning of the design results.
  The overall design of the county:based on the key point of this design,the result should fully connect the master spatial planning,clarify the overall design objectives,and form a unique city scene of Yongchun from the aspects of the shan-shui situation,ecological pattern,urban landscape,public space,etc.The main contents are as follows:
  Overall design objective.
  Shan-shui situation,landscape pattern and ecological space shaping.
  Public space system planning.
  Urban landscape research.
  City landmark creation.
  Urban design of key areas:according to the requirements of Fujian Provincial Urban Design Guidelines and other specific project requirements,on the basis of the overall design of the county,the designer should propose a detailed urban design scheme for the key areas,and provide rules and guidance for the design of spatial form,public space,road traffic system,architectural style and external environment.The main contents are as follows:
  Development goal setting
  Urban function plan and spatial layout
  Transportation system planning
  Public space design
  Spatial form design and control guidance
  Environmental landscape design
  Research on Sponge city and Urban Resilience
  Overall construction scale confirmation and arrangement of business styles
  Planning implementation suggestions
  Project economic calculation
  Detailed design of the central area:the result should propose a detailed urban design scheme,a detailed design scheme of unique spaces,and architectural design guidance for the central area.The main contents are as follows:
  Functional composition and construction scale
  Spatial form design
  Architectural form design and control guidance
  Detailed design of unique space
  Urban design guidelines for specific land parcels
  This competition adopts the method of“open to submission”and is divided into two stages:registration stage,design and review stage.
  Registration stage:The organizer's representatives and experts form a registration review committee,to review the company's credit and reputation,relevant performance,team strength,and conceptual proposals.Through multiple rounds of voting,5 institutions(or joint teams)are selected as candidates while the other 2 institutions are on the waiting list.If the shortlisted candidate withdraws,the institution on the waiting list will be selected.
  Design and review stage:5 shortlisted candidates submit their final designs,and the organizer forms a committee to review and rank the designs.The shortlisted candidates will receive bonuses according to their ranking.
  06报名要求/Registration Requirements
  1.The competition is open to institutions across the world with no requirements on the qualification.Any participant should be an independent legal entity or partnership or other organization registered in or outside China.Different participants which have a direct controlling relationship with each other or of which the legal representative is the same person shall not register for the competition at the same time.Parent company and its subsidiaries shall not register at the same time,but different subsidiaries of the same parent company can register simultaneously if they are independent legal entities and do not have a controlling or administrative relationship.
  2.Joint teams are allowed to register if the amount of members is no more than three.In that case,any member of one joint team is not allowed to register as a member of other joint teams.All members of a joint team should sign an agreement to clarify the leading member and work division among all parties.
  3.Individuals and the combination of several individuals are not accepted in registration.
  4.Participants in China must be legally registered enterprises or other organizations with legally registered business licenses within its validity.
  5.Participants from Hong Kong SAR,Macao SAR,Taiwan province and other countries need to provide the following documents:1.the business registration certificate issued by the authority of the corresponding country(region)(established at least one year prior to this competition and with a fixed office place);2.the design license(if any)issued by the authority or relevant industrial organizations of the corresponding country(region).
  6.Any team familiar with China and with the following conditions will be prioritized:
  a)Participants are required to have rich experience in urban and architectural design in key urban areas.
  b)Participants need to have experience in the design of new towns.
  c)Participants are required to have experience in environment making and public space design.
  d)Participants are required to have experience in redevelopment projects of underutilized land.
  7.In order to ensure the participants comprehend all the information and requirements of the competition,the design team should have at least one person who is proficient in Chinese.
  1.After submitting all the required documents in the design and review stage,the organizer should review and rank all the designs and pay the design fee:
  First Prize(1 place):Bonus of RMB 2.6 million(including tax);
  Second Prize(1 place):Bonus of RMB 1.5 million(including tax);
  Third Prize(1 place):Bonus of RMB 1 million(including tax);
  Fourth and fifth place:Each receives a compensation of RMB 800000(including tax).
  2.The cost for the later stage is RMB 1.5 million(including tax).
  08报名文件获取/Registration document acquisition
  意向参赛单位需先填写《报名文件》(包含报名表、参赛声明、联合体协议),提交至本项目邮箱:yccssj 163.com,以获取本次国际竞赛文件(包括竞赛规则、设计任务书等),后续提交的资格预审文件中的参赛单位应与《报名文件》中一致。
  All the participants should fill in the Registration documents including the registration form,registration statement,joint team agreement and Confidentiality Commitment Letter,and then submit to the email address:yccssj 163.com.The relevant documents of the international competition(including competition regulations,design assignments,etc.)will be distributed to the participants.Participants in the subsequent documents should be consistent with those in the Registration Form.
  (Scan the QR code below to download the Registration Form)
  1.The registration documents must be submitted(on-site or by mail)before 17:00,August 18,2023.Mail should be sent to Room 315,3rd Floor,Bureau of Natural Resources,Yongchun County(contact person Mr.Zhang,Mr.Xu,contact information:0595-23882338).
  2.Participants who submit documents on-site need to fill in the power of attorney(format refer to the annex of the competition document),and the authorized agent needs to bring the power of attorney and the original ID card to submit the results of the registration stage.No power of attorney is required in mail.
  3.The time when the documents arrive at the address above should not be later than the deadline.Documents submitted after the deadline shall not be accepted.
  Host:People's Government of Yongchun County
  Co-organizer:Yongchun Planning and Natural Resources Bureau,Yongchun Jinyuan Urban Construction Co.,Ltd.
  Contact person:Mr.Zhang,Mr.Xu
  Contact information:0595-23882338(Beijing time,Monday to Friday 9:00-12:00,14:30-17:30)
  The organizer plans to hold a Yongchun Land Investment Promotion Conference and an International Urban Design Competition Conference of Chengdong exemplary city-industry integration area on August 3,2023.The organizers sincerely invite all competent design institutions within or outside China to participate.Details of the conference refer to the invitation letter(obtained after registration).
  The organizer and its co-organizers reserve all the rights for the ultimate interpretation of this international competition.All the interpretation is subject to the Chinese version.

