2023第16届波兰ART MOVES广告牌艺术设计竞赛

发布时间:2023-07-05      截稿时间:2023-07-23      阅读量:2589次     

Billboard Art Competition Art Moves 2023






Check up for this year’s topic! What shift in our perspective do we need to see the bright side of reality, not just the dark one?

There is no entry fee. The Competition is open and all artists interested in billboard art are invited to take part. The works should be submitted by the 23 July 2023, 0:00 CET via electronic mail to the address: artmoves(at)tlen.pl

6 most interesting works will be displayed on billboards in the city space during the Art Moves Festival in September 2023 in Torun, Poland. The author of the most interesting work will receive the Main Award in the amount of PLN 4000 (about EUR 900.74, USD 984.06).

Artists are invited to prepare an artwork in response to this year’s competition theme: What shift in our perspective do we need to see the bright side of reality, not just the dark one?

This competition slogan can be treated as a metaphor of all the processes taking place in the world today. In recent years, both we individuals, and the whole of humanity, have experienced a plethora of difficult and depressing situations and events. The pandemic, wars (including the war in Ukraine) and an increasingly noticeable climate crisis have had a negative influence on many of us. But these bad events are just one side of the reality we live in. This other bright side does exist – thanks to our joint and individual efforts, relationships, everyday work and care about the most important things for us. Nevertheless, when we surf the Internet every day or use other types of mass communication, when we try to find out what is happening in the world, we are bombarded with negative news that induces strong emotions, which are extremely difficult to defend against. This negative side of reality, unbalanced by the positive one, deprives us of life energy, triggers irrational fears, and steals our willingness to life and act. What shift in our perspective do we need to see the bright side of reality which could be an antidote to the dark side, give us power and hope to build a better present and future? Where should we look for this bright side? Or maybe positive events happen every day, at our fingertips, but we just do not notice them? Why is it like that? What actions, feelings and ways of thinking can help us achieve this? How can we function and act better and more positively in our own life, the surrounding environment and the wide world?

参赛作品格式为498厘米× 243厘米(196英寸× 95.7英寸),水平排版,100 dpi, cmyk, tiff格式。为了参加比赛,设计师必须发送完整的参赛表格,并附上提交作品的预览,格式如下:30厘米x 14,6厘米(11,8英寸x 5,7英寸),水平布局,72 dpi, jpg。每个jpg文件应以艺术家的名字和姓氏命名。如果提交了更多的作品,除了名字和姓氏之外,还可以使用数字1到3,例如adam_smith_1, adam_smith_2, adam_smith_3。大赛官网:





