
发布时间:2022-11-12      截稿时间:2023-01-06      阅读量:5925次     
  ICONS is CHEAP‘s new obituary project:a call for posters dedicated to dead icons,a space to unleash our widespread obsession with obituaries,fanaticism towards the dead,and fetishistic interest in mass mourning.
  ICONS is a game:the only rules are that the icon we choose for each edition be deceased and that the image you use to celebrate him or her be previously unpublished.It is up to you what tone to take in this morgue-fueled venting:through a portrayal of your chosen dearly departed,go ahead and process your grief in public with sarcasm,veneration,black humor,or a total disregard for realism–this is the death of your icon,grieve however you see fit.
  ICONS is a bit of fun directed at anyone who works with visual languages:any medium you want to use is fine,what matters is the portrait of the icon you want to translate into a poster format for CHEAP to hang on the streets of Bologna.
  The first edition of ICONS is dedicated to someone we have not remotely finished mourning:His Majesty David Bowie.
  With more than 50 years of distinguished service,Bowie embodied a galaxy of personas,defining styles and crossing genres,performing imagery that disrupted established paradigms:the Starman,the White Duke,a pop talent,a glam icon,a rock’n’roll suicide,the Goblin King,hero for a day,a vampire,the man who fell to Earth,Ziggy,Agent Jeffries,Lazarus,an absolute novice–whichever facet of his identity you choose to portray,the portrait must be previously unreleased.
  We look forward to your condolences.
  The call ICONS is open to anyone who would like to propose a poster art project.It is free to participate and applicants can take part individually or as a group;collectives will be treated as individual persons.
  Each individual or group may propose up to three projects,which must be received by the Festival organizers no later than midnight(Italian time)on January 6,2023.
  3.分辨率:最大200 dpi。
  6.尺寸:70×100 cm(垂直)/100×70 cm(水平)
  The pieces can be created using any of the following techniques:vector graphics,illustration,photography and/or collage.
  At the link“Download ICONS call material folder”you can download the folder with the base files for laying out your posters.
  Technical specifications:
  1.Number of posters:minimum 1 poster–maximum 3 posters
  2.Working method:Color or b/w,but always use the CMYK color method.
  3.Resolution:max 200 dpi.
  5.Weight:max 50 Mb for each file
  6.Dimensions:70×100 cm(vertical)/100×70 cm(horizontal)
  7.Name of the artist to include in the poster:Please write your name or artist name in Helvetica font on the layer set aside for this purpose that you’ll find in the pre-set file.
  Download ICONS cheap call material folder
  Inside the pre-set files downloadable at“Download ICONS cheap call material folder”that we provide as a base for layout,you will find 3 levels:
  1_level named IMAGE where you can insert your piece.The final poster format(70×100 or 100×70)will necessarily have a band of white at the bottom.
  2_level named CHEAP,containing a white band,the cheap logo and our site.This layer is locked and must not be deleted or hidden.
  3_level named NAME is a text layer and it is here that we ask you to insert your regular or artist name.This name must match the one you enter in the information form.The file is set to Helvetica;use that font for your name.
  The documents thus paginated must be attached in the dedicated section of the online form,after filling in your data in the appropriate space
  The organizers of CHEAP reserve the right to select pieces that display originality as well as marked aesthetic and communicative qualities.
  –不尊重ICONS CALL主题
  Your pieces will be excluded if:
  –will not be original works or works already exhibited or published on social networks or other channels
  –will arrive after the deadline
  –fail to follow the technical specifications
  –don’t respect the ICONS CALL theme
  CHEAP will announce which projects have been selected within 30 days of the end of the open call by publishing the names of selected artists in a special section of the www.cheapfestival.it site.
  The selected projects will be printed at the CHEAP’s expense and hung up in specific parts of the city of Bologna.
  个人项目的作者是与艺术品相关的所有权的独家持有人,他们亲自担保其原创性。通过参与ICONS号召,艺术家们也隐含地同意号召的规则,具体地说,艺术品将临时展示在城市空间中,并由组织者用于促进CHEAP协会的活动。欲了解更多信息,请写信至artisti cheapfestival.it
  The authors of individual projects are the exclusive holders of ownership rights associated with the artwork,the originality of which they personally vouch for.By participating in the ICONS call,the artists also implicitly agree to the rules of the call,specifically,that the artwork will be temporary displayed in an urban space and used by the organizers to promote the activities of the CHEAP association.For additional information,please write to artisti cheapfestival.it