
发布时间:2022-09-11      截稿时间:2022-10-31      阅读量:8046次     
  The International Urban Design Competition for Fengxi New City Core Area(III),Shaanxi Province,hosted by Xixian New Area Construction Administrative Committee of Shaanxi Province,co-hosted by Natural Resources and Planning Bureau,Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Xixian New Area,and organized by Fengxi New City Administrative Committee,calls for highly innovative,feasible and site-specific urban design proposals and is open for pre-registration by interested design teams around the globe.
  Located in the core area of Xi'an metropolitan area,Xixian New Area is the first National New Area themed on innovative urban development.Xixian New Area consists of five new towns,namely,Fengdong,Fengxi,Qinhan,Konggang and Jinghe.
  Fengxi New City,covering a total area of 143 km²and consisting of four sub-districts,namely Dawang,Mawang,Gaoqiao and Diaotai,is positioned as a sub-center of integrated service and a base of strategic emerging industries in Xi'an international metropolis.Led by strategic emerging industries,driven by S&T innovation,and guided by high-quality planning,Fengxi New City continuously explores eco-city construction technologies such as sponge city,hot dry rock,and utility tunnel,actively participates in the construction of high-level large-scale scientific facilities and high-quality technological innovation platforms such as Western Science and Technology Innovation Harbour,Western Cloud Valley,and Aoxiang Town,and vigorously implements innovative urban development,so as to create an open and diverse Silk Road city,a park city with attractive water areas and green spaces,a diverse and innovative science city,a livable and business-friendly city of happiness,and a smart city with advanced governance.
  As a major strategic reserve area in Xixian New Area,Fengxi New City Core Area(Phase III)will also serve as an important functional platform for the future development of Xi'an metropolitan area.
  In 2021,a Three-Year Action Plan for the Development of Innovation-driven Qin Chuang Yuan Platform of Shaanxi was issued by the CPC Shaanxi Provincial Committee and the Provincial Government,proposing to accelerate the construction of the innovation-driven Qin Chuang Yuan Platform,and locate the major window of the innovation-driven Qin Chuang Yuan Platform in Western Science and Technology Innovation Harbour and Xixian New Area,thus establishing a source of sci-tech innovation and a leading area for sci-tech result transformation in the province.Facilitated by the initiative to create the innovation-driven Qin Chuang Yuan Platform,as well as other successively issued upper-level plans such as Xi'an Metropolitan Area Development Plan,Western Science and Technology Innovation Harbour Comprehensive Plan,"Three-river One-mountain"Greenway Plan of Xi'an,Xixian New Area Land Space Plan,and the Greater Xi'an Rail Transit Network Plan etc.,the development of Fengxi New City has been accelerated.With the gradually complete supporting facilities nearby and increasingly improving development conditions,the development of the Core Area(Phase III)has been put on the agenda.In the context of new development conditions and opportunities,the Core Area(Phase III)is in urgent need of another round of careful study on its functional positioning,spatial layout,relics protection,rail transit and road network system etc.
  Fengxi New City
  Basic Information
  Strategically located at the intersection of the Greater Xi'an Silk Road Economic Axis and the Sci-tech Innovation Leading Axis in the north of Fengxi New City,the Core Area(Phase III)enjoys superior development conditions.
  Well-established transportation system enables convenient external connection.The site is about 15 minutes'drive from Xi'an Xianyang International Airport,with Xi'an West Railway Station and Xi'an-Baoji High-speed Railway(Lianyungang-Khorgos Expressway)on the east and south,two planned expressways on the east and north(Xixian Expressway,i.e.the existing Xi'an-Xingping Expressway,is planned on the north),the completed rail transit Line 5 on the southwest,and the planned municipal express line 11 running through the site.
  Fenghe River and green spaces offer attractive ecological environment for the project.Located on the west side of the Fenghe River,the site boasts beautiful scenery.It is surrounded by the Fenghe River Wetland Park(already completed),Fengxi New City central green corridor and other urban green corridors,and Greater Xi'an Central Park is planned inside the site to serve as a"urban green lung"in the future.
  Surrounding industrial platforms foster a favorable environment for innovation and entrepreneurship.Guided by the"1+2+N"modern industrial system of Fengxi New City(with information industry as the leading industry,intelligent manufacturing industry and modern service industry as the key industries,and N supporting industries),various platforms have been built around the site,such as the sci-tech innovation platforms represented by Western Cloud Valley(Phase I and II),Western Science and Technology Innovation Harbour and Aoxiang Town,the modern service platform led by the Headquarters Economic Zone,and the cultural and tourism industry platforms represented by Silk Road Happy World and 360 Theater.Besides,some key industrial projects have settled here,such as Telecom,Mobile,Prologis and Sanyi Heavy Equipment.Innovation-driven platform projects such as Qinchuangyuan Eco Sci-tech Innovation Island and Green Eco-city are under construction.
  Location of Fengxi New City Core Area(Phase III)
  Work Scope
  Work scope of the Competition
  The Competition aims to design and optimize the land use plan of the Core Area(Phase III)based on the existing regulatory detailed plans.The submissions shall include without limitation to:review of existing land use,project understanding,design concept,objectives and positioning,functional structure,integrated transportation,green ecology,public space,underground space,cityscape,urban skyline,key nodes and landmark building concept design,etc.
  Registration Requirements
  This Competition welcomes the participation of design firms or consortia from around the world,especially those with rich study experience in urban center,new urban area,urban waterfront area,large urban park etc.,as well as strong design expertise in urban design,architectural style,integrated transportation,TOD superstructure,public space and underground space etc.
  This Competition includes two stages,namely"registration and prequalification"and"concept design and evaluation".The registration and prequalification are scheduled to commence in late September 2022.During this period,an open call will be launched for the participation of design firms from the globe,and a prequalification committee will be set up to conduct the prequalification process and select six teams to proceed to the subsequent concept design stage.The concept design and evaluation is scheduled to last two months.After the selected design teams submitted their design submissions,winner(s)of the competition will be finalized through expert evaluation.
  Host:Xixian New Area Construction Administrative Committee of Shaanxi Province
  Co-hosts:Natural Resources and Planning Bureau of Xixian New Area,Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Xixian New Area
  Organizer:Fengxi New City of Xixian New Area Administrative Committee
  Contact:He Cong,Zhang Xinyu 029-38020095
  All interested design firms are welcome to pre-register and prepare for the Competition in advance.The Pre-registration Form,however,will not be considered as the basis for official registration.The contents of the Competition shall be subject to further official announcement.
  To complete the pre-registration,please scan the QR code or visit the website below:
  Link for pre-registration

