
发布时间:2022-09-08      截稿时间:2022-09-15      阅读量:4879次     
  Dayi Chengdu Rural Development Group Co.Ltd,as the solicitor(hereinafter referred to as the“solicitor”),authorizes Beijing Jianzhida Engineering Management Co.,Ltd.to be the solicitation agency(hereinafter referred to as the“solicitation agency”)to organize solicitation activities for the conceptual proposals of constructing Dayi County’s cultural and sports integrated supporting facility project.They are now publicly inviting and opening to worldwide applicants who meet their solicitation requirements to participate.
  1.Solicitation Background
  To fulfill the vision of building Chengdu to become the“City of Museums”and supplementing Dayi County’s shortcomings in its current programme displays and its lack of centralized youth cultural activity-holding venues,the solicitor plans to build a comprehensive exhibition space that integrates multiple functions of culture,art,cultural-creative industries,business operations into one,manifesting assimilated qualities of eco-nature,integrated commerce,modern technological intelligence.They hereby solicit the conceptual proposals for constructing Dayi County’s cultural and sports integrated supporting facility project from the finest worldwide design agencies.They meant to design this project to become Dayi County’s city cultural icon and a symbolic“city parlor”and the“city card”.
  2.Project Overview
  (1)Project Name:The Construction Project for Dayi County’s Cultural and Sports Integrated Supporting Facilities
  (2)Project Location:the land area southern to Shuwang Rd,Jinyuan Subdistrict,Dayi County,Chengdu(Taoyuan Land Area No.2)
  (3)Project Scope:the site area is about 16.7 mu and is used for“other service facilities”,with a plot ratio that is no greater than 2.0,and a building density that is no greater than 55%(see“Assignment for Technical Design”for details)
  (4)Solicitation Content and Service Requirements of the Project:
  1.Conceptual Proposal Design:according to the project requirements,determine the spatial system,functional divisions,architectural styles and so on,make a plane site layout,a vertical alignment diagram,a traffic organization plan,a sight line analysis and a cost estimate;decide on design principles and techniques used for compiling,key units’plane,and facade design for every floor and submit the solicitation proposals on time.
  2.Optimization of the Conceptual Proposal Design:the ultimately selected unit shall optimize its conceptual proposal design according to the solicitor’s requirements,cooperate with the design unit for the proposal’s further development,and complete the work during the project’s further development design stage and its relevant work,while later on cooperate with the solicitor to finish proposal design compliance report,and meet the Planning-Managing Department’s review requirements.
  (See“Assignment for Technical Design”for details)
  3.Qualification Requirements for Applicants
  (1)Qualification Requirements
  1.Applicants within the territory of the People’s Republic of China should meet the following qualification requirements:
  (1)A business license that is within the validity period and holds a qualified independent legal entity
  (2)Must hold a Class-A qualification in construction industry(architectural engineering)design issued by administrative departments.
  (3)If the applicant is the same person as the legal representative,or if there is any shareholding or subordinate relationships between organizations,these parties cannot sign up for the application simultaneously.
  (1)Applicants shall hold legally registered business licenses within the validity period.
  (2)Holds practice(business)licenses or relevant qualifications in architectural design issued by the corresponding countries or regions.
  (3)If the head of the unit is the same person as the legal representative,or if there is any shareholding or subordinate relationships between organizations,these parties cannot sign up for the application simultaneously.
  (2)Achievements Requirements
  1.Applicants’Achievement Requirements:applicants need to have at least one achievement in designing a public building that the total gross floor area is no less than 20000 square meters since January 1st,2019(must provide Notice of Selection or contracts,or other supporting documentation that is legal,authentic and valid).
  2.Requirements for relevant achievements of the main project leader:they need to be in the title of the project’s leader and have at least one achievement in designing a public building that the total gross floor area is no less than 20000 square meters since January 1st,2019(must provide Notice of Selection or contracts,or other supporting documentation that is legal,authentic and valid).
  (3)Ways to Participate
  1.No consortium is allowed in this project.
  2.Applicants cannot transfer or make changes to their eligibility.
  4.Sign-Up Methods
  (1)Time to acquire preliminary qualification review documents in this solicitation activity:September 8th,2022 to September 15th,2022 9:00 to 12:00,13:30 to 17:00(Beijing Time,except for legal holidays,and same for the following).
  (2)Applicants interested in participating in this solicitation activity may choose either an online or on-site sign-up method to participate,and acquire the pre-qualification review documents.
  1.Online Sign-Up Method
  应征人应在报名截止时间前,将填写完整的报名表、应征资料等报名资料签章后以PDF形式(内容清晰可见)发送至指定邮箱:jzdfgs2005 163.com。应征人未在规定时间内(以指定邮箱系统的收信时间为准)发送的资料,不予受理。应征人应自行承担通过电子邮件传送过程发生的意外事件导致的报名资料未及时送达可能造成的风险。
  Before the sign-up deadline,applicants should fill out the complete sign-up form,application and other sign-up documents,with signature and seal,and send these documents in PDF forms(content should be clear and readable)to the designated email:jzdfgs2005 163.com.Materials not submitted before the scheduled deadline(subject to the email receiving time of the designated emailing system)will not be accepted.Applicants shall bear full responsibility for the potential risk if sign-up documents do not arrive on time caused by any accidents that happened during the email sending process.
  2.On-Site Sign-Up Method
  Applicants should fill out the complete sign-up form,application and other sign-up documents and deliver the hard copies to Beijing Jianzhida Engineering Management Co.,Ltd(Room 909,Unit 2,Building No.6,Tongbao St.,Jinjiang District,Chengdu)before the sign-up deadline.Documents not submitted at the specified time and place will not be accepted.
  (3)Documents that need to be provided for applicants to acquire pre-qualification review documents:
  1.Sign-Up Form(See Appendix 1 for Format)
  2.Power of attorney or recommendation letter from the organization;
  3.Operators'proof of identification;
  4.Three-in-one business license or legal business operation certificate
  5.Qualification(eligibility)certificate or practice(business)license
  6.Commitment Letter of Confidentiality(See Appendix 2 for Format)
  Note:(1)Applicants who sign up online shall provide scanned files of the above documents’signatures and seals;Applicants who sign up on-site shall provide copies of the above listed third,fourth,and fifth document’s signatures and seals,original documents of the first,second,and sixth documents.(2)If materials needed for acquiring the pre-qualification review documents are not in Chinese,a Chinese translation must be provided.
  5.Solicitation Procedures
  (1)Pre-qualification Review
  (1)The pre-qualification review group shall examine and assess the solicitation applicants who submitted their“Application Document”on time and select three solicitation applicants to participate in the follow-up proposal solicitation activities based on merit-based selection.
  (2)Conceptual Proposal Review
  The proposal review group will evaluate the three applicants who passed the pre-qualification review and their submitted proposals,rank the selected candidates,and decide on selected units.
  6.Solicitation Fee
  RMB is the calculating unit for all solicitation fees;the top one organization(applicant)shall receive 1 million RMB for their selected proposal(including taxes);the second place shall receive a compensation fee of 300 thousand RMB(including taxes);the third place shall receive a compensation fee of 200 thousand RMB(including taxes);Applicants shall bear the full legal liabilities if the conceptual Proposals involve plagiarism,duplication,or infringement on others’intellectual property.
  7.Submission of Solicitation Application Documents
  (1)Submission time of prequalification application documents:09:00,September 19,2022 to 10:00,September 19,2022(Beijing time).
  (2)Place to submit solicitation pre-qualification review application documents:Room 909,Unit 2,Building No.6,Tongbao St.,Jinjiang District,Chengdu
  Note:The time,place and method of submission of prequalification application documents can be reasonably adjusted according to the requirements of epidemic control and control.Any adjustment will be notified separately in written form.
  (3)Time and place to submit proposal solicitation application documents:see Proposal Solicitation Documents for details
  (4)The solicitor will not accept solicitation application documents late or undelivered to the designated place.
  8.Intellectual Property
  (1)Right of ownership(including intellectual property)and other legal rights of the information,software,resulting and progressive documents and other relevant materials provided by applicants belong to the solicitor.Without permission from the solicitor in written form,applicants shall not use the fore-mentioned information,software,and other materials unauthorized;otherwise,applicants shall bear full liabilities that come with it and compensate the resulting losses incurred by the solicitor.
  (2)Applicants should ensure that the project results(including interim and final results),such as the layout design,relevant documents,materials,proposals,and necessary methods needed to achieve the result,do not infringe on the solicitor and any other third party’s legal rights(including but not limited to patent,trademarks,copyrights,service marks,business secrets,portraiture rights,etc.);otherwise,applicants shall bear full liabilities that come with it and compensate the resulting losses incurred by the solicitor.
  (3)The authorization right of proposals submitted by applicants who have passed the pre-qualification review belongs to the applicants,and after the solicitor pays the corresponding solicitation fee,the right of ownership and intellectual property of these proposals belong to the solicitor;however,the solicitor will not return all the resulting documents after evaluation.Applicants shall not use the proposals for other projects outside of this project.
  (4)After paying the corresponding solicitation fee,the solicitor has the right to use all the resulting documents for evaluating,displaying freely,and publicizing the consultation results through media,specialist magazines,books and other forms at the end of the review process and after announcing review results.
  Solicitor:Dayi Chengdu Rural Development Group Co.,Ltd
  Address:2nd floor,No.99 Weichengnan Rd,Qingxia Sub-district,Dayi County,Chengdu
  Postal Code:611330
  Contact Number:028-88202211
  Solicitation Agency:Beijing Jianzhida Engineering Management Co.,Ltd
  Address:Room 909,Unit 2,Building No.6,Tongbao St.,Jinjiang District,Chengdu
  Postal Code:610065
  Contact Number:028-85597911
  Attachment 1:Sign-Up Form

  Attachment 2:Commitment Letter of Confidentiality
