
发布时间:2022-08-19      截稿时间:2022-09-30      阅读量:7411次     
  According to the relevant documents of the Fuzhou Municipal Government,Fuzhou Construction Development Group Co.,Ltd.affiliated to Fuzhou Urban Construction Investment will conduct a public tender for the"Architectural Design Scheme of Landmark Site in Sanjiangkou Area"(hereinafter referred to as"the tender").The relevant matters are announced as follows:
  Project Background
  According to the the municipal government work deployment,it is planned to build a new landmark of modern international city in Sanjiangkou area.In accordance with the working idea of"integration of resources,overall planning and unified construction",sorting out the conditions of land parcel resources,excellent architectural design scheme will be selected for landmark through public bidding,so as to realize the effective connection from urban design,detailed construction planning and design solutions to architectural concept design solutions,and develop and construct the site with high starting point,high standard and high level.The project will be developed and constructed at a high starting point,high standard and high level.
  Figure 1-1:Aerial view of Sanjiangkou area
  Figure 1-2:Aerial view of the south side
  Figure 1-3:Aerial view of the east side
  Figure 1-4:Aerial view of the southeast corner
  Design Scope and Content
  (i)Project location
  The landmark site in Sanjiangkou area is located in the southeast corner of the area and on the West Bank of the intersection of the three rivers.It is the area with the largest development intensity and the most iconic in the entire Sanjiangkou area.It is the space bearing area of international exchange platforms.
  Figure 2-1:Location map of Sanjiangkou area
  Figure 2-2:Project Location Map
  Figure 2-3:Project Area Location Map
  (ii)Site design scope and main construction indicators of the site
  The design area extends from Sanjiang Road to the north,Xinzhou Road to the west and Minjiang River to the south and east,with a total land area of about 49.56 hectares;of which,16.44 hectares(247 mu)are for commercial and business use,10.79 hectares are for green space,1.10 hectares are for drainage,14.79 hectares are for roads and 6.44 hectares are for water.There are 19 sites in the area;of which,12 sites are planned for business and commercial use,with a site area of approximately 247 mu,and 7 sites for green space.The proposed above-ground building scale is approximately 1.155 million square metres(the plot division can be adjusted appropriately according to the design scheme),of which the above-ground area of the headquarters office is approximately 1.075 million square metres and the bridge complex(a two-to three-storey cross-lake complex with scenic views and commercial facilities on the inner lake of Ma Hangzhou River Park)is 80,000 square metres(the specific scale can be adjusted by the design unit according to its own design scheme).The scale of underground space is about 451,000 square metres.(Figure 3、Figure 4、Table 1)
  Figure 3:Design Scope
  Figure 4:Scope of landmark plot
  Table 1:Planning of land parcels
  (iii)Current conditions
  1、Surrounding and internal construction
  To the east of the site is the confluence of three rivers,where the South Riverside East Avenue partially crosses,guaranteeing barrier-free access between the site and the Riverside Park;in the middle of the area is the Ma Hangzhou River Park,which is an important north-south ecological axis in the Sanjiangkou area,with a large water surface in the area in conjunction with the course of the Ma Hangzhou River.
  To the north of the project,the Vanke project has been completed,which has a height of 190 metres and is a commercial office building;to the west of the project,the Sanjiang City residential complex and Sanjiangkou Integrated Cultural Tourism City(under construction)are adjacent.
  Figure 5:Image map of the current status of the project
  2、Road network and public transport
  Rail transportation:The terminus of Metro Line 1 extension(which has been opened)is set up with entrances and exits in conjunction with the construction site.
  Urban traffic:The surrounding arterial roads have all been completed and opened to traffic,with Nanjiangbin East Avenue and Sanjiang Road being the important arterial roads in the area.The Dao Qingzhou Bridge(public-rail bridge)is located to the south of Ma Hangzhou Park within the project,connecting Changle District and is an important traffic gateway to the southeast of Sanjiangkou.
  (iv)Depth requirements
  1、Depth requirements in the competition stage
  Completion of the detailed constructive planning and conceptual architectural scheme design for the above-ground and underground portions of the landmark site in the Sanjiangkou area of Fuzhou(specific requirements refer to“3.Design Requirements”).
  2、Plan deepening stage
  The winning team will absorb the tender proposals of other teams and continue to make adjustments to the detailed construction plan and the conceptual design of the above-ground buildings,complete the overall plan and the approval work and the preliminary design of the whole building above and below ground.To ensure the construction effect,the winning team should consult and check the subsequent construction drawing design and implementation effect.
  (v)Design goals and requirements
  1、Design goal
  This tender aims to collect future-oriented,Fuzhou regional characteristics,practical design concepts,plans and specific implementation paths,with an international vision and forward-looking thinking,open and innovative,and based in Fuzhou,explore Fuzhou's construction paradigm,and demonstrate both With an international and regional city image,the high standard and high starting point will create the most valuable business vitality area in Fuzhou.The design mainly includes the following objectives:
  (1)Create a world-class dynamic area
  Strengthen the core functional areas and iconic strategic areas of Fuzhou City,create a diverse,mixed and open vitality area,nurture urban vitality and innovative genes,meet the needs of high-end business and cultural,commercial and other activities,and fully integrate hotels,leisure business,tourism and tourism,cultural display,sports entertainment and other functions,cultivate and develop a shared and mutually reinforcing industrial chain,so that the region is full of vitality,attractiveness and radiation driving ability.
  (2)Realize intensive and efficient urban space development
  Integrating economic,social and ecological landscape benefits,the study and design of development schemes and development models that maximize the overall value of the area.The overall design of the above-ground and underground spaces,the comprehensive use of underground space,the use of streets,squares,green spaces,underground spaces and other open spaces as a linkage carrier,the construction of shared facilities,three-dimensional intensive and efficient space system,the formation of a high-quality spatial environment with human affinity,commercial vitality and humanistic charm,become the highlight of urban investment and operation.
  (3)Create a green and low-carbon area dominated by"track+slow travel"
  Analyze the slow-moving system and traffic conditions in the area and its surrounding areas,create a convenient,comfortable,interconnected slow-moving system and network,advocate the concept of green and low-carbon public transportation,make the rail station an attraction point for transportation demand in the area,and encourage residents in the area to travel Use the track method.
  (4)Create distinctive city gateway landmarks
  Considering the factors of the surrounding environment as a whole,combined with the innovative design of Fuzhou’s urban humanistic characteristics,it highlights the iconicity and recognition of the project’s building groups and individual units in the area,and integrates urban space elements such as iconic building groups,waterfront landscapes,and transportation facilities.A portal image with international standards and Fuzhou characteristics.
  2.Design principles
  (1)The principle of high starting point,high standard,high level and high level
  Benchmarking first-class cities at home and abroad,drawing lessons from advanced planning concepts such as three-dimensional city,openness and sharing,green ecology,etc.,to establish a new benchmark for Fuzhou's"high-quality,high-value".
  (2)Principles of sustainable development
  Reflect the five-in-one development requirements,stick to the blue-green space and landscape corridors,start from the whole area,coordinate urban construction with natural landscape resources,and realize the organic unity of political benefits,economic benefits,social benefits,cultural benefits,and ecological landscape benefits.
  (3)Principles of intensive and efficient development
  The development of above-ground and underground space shall be planned and designed as a whole,comprehensively utilize the underground space,give full play to the functional benefits of space development in the surrounding area of rail transit guidance stations,and build a three-dimensional city with interconnected ground and underground,full of vitality.
  (4)The principle of operability
  Fully evaluate the current situation and existing plans,combine the current conditions,connect the relevant planning requirements and the projects under construction,reserve flexibility,put forward future-oriented and highly operable development plans and development models,and guide the planning and construction of the area.
  3.Design requirements
  The design unit shall,on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the urban development,put forward the industrial and functional positioning of the urban future development,and propose relevant concepts at the level of detailed construction planning and design and conceptual architectural design,respectively,in terms of functional layout,transportation,public space,etc.,underground space,landscape and ecosystem,etc.
  3.1.Construction detailed planning and design
  It is necessary to"look back"on the urban design results of the area to carry out the detailed planning and design of the Sanjiangkou landmark plot,and to put forward control and guidance suggestions on the spatial form,public space,road traffic system,building and external environment design.The design depth shall meet the design depth requirements stipulated by the national and local planning departments,and conform to the national design specifications,technical regulations and relevant local regulations.Put forward control and guidance on the main building functions,scale,construction index,distance between buildings,traffic organization,important public space,spatial form and landscape environment,underground space and vertical contents of municipal pipelines in the form of a diagram.
  Design content is outstanding but not limited to the following aspects:
  (1)Functional layout
  Guide land use,coordinate the layout relationship of various spaces and facilities,and propose design plans for plot division,land use nature,functional layout,business form ratio,development scale,facility configuration,and underground space development and utilization.
  (2)Transportation organization
  Combined with the characteristics of land use and traffic demand,the internal traffic organization is optimized from the perspective of systematicness and operability,and layout schemes such as rail stations,public transportation,above-ground and underground traffic connections,slow-moving systems,important road sections,and plot entrances and exits are proposed.
  It is required to control the appropriate and sufficient traffic infrastructure design space through quantitative assessment in combination with the current traffic situation and the planning and construction plan.
  Build a high-quality slow-moving system.Fully integrate the urban public space and places,build a comfortable,convenient,friendly and pleasant green pedestrian system on the surface;build a direct connection passage to the rail station,so that the plots in the area can walk directly to the rail station efficiently,fully attracting the travel needs of citizens To the track;realize the high quality of the pedestrian connection system"no umbrella on sunny days,no wet shoes on rainy days",separation of people and vehicles and barrier-free.
  Use various methods such as visual corridor analysis,urban design and landscape design to highlight the rail station and fully attract the area to travel to the rail station.
  (3)Public space
  The red line of the building concession land should be combined with the location and characteristics of the area,and a reasonable and pleasant concession design scheme should be proposed.
  Clarify the layout,form and scale of public open space,put forward the guiding method of public space design for people's activities,and clarify the design concept and control points for important parks,green spaces,squares,pedestrian streets,aerial corridors,underground spaces,etc.;clarify slow travel The connection between the system and the public space and the planning and control requirements of the slow-moving environment.
  Create the advantage of"track+slow travel"and create an efficient walking system.Improve the space comfort and identification of the terminal station of Line 1,and fully attract citizens'travel needs to the track.
  (4)Space form design and control guidance
  In accordance with the requirements of strengthening the features of the city and optimizing the overall skyline outline,this paper proposes the building height,architectural form and space combination mode,architectural interface,architectural style,block color,open space,fifth façade and landmark buildings in key areas.Control requirements.
  (5)Landscape environment design
  Focus on the integration of ecological environment and urban open space,and focus on proposing functional organization and landscape design plans for public spaces such as waterfront space,street space,slow-moving system,and landscape corridors,reflecting the concept of multi-level and ecological landscape design.According to high standards and high quality requirements,it will be built as a high-value ecological garden demonstration and benchmark with international status,highlighting cultural characteristics and regional elegance.
  According to the constituent elements of the interface(the boundaries of streets,green spaces,water bodies,and public open spaces)and the characteristics of people's activities,the landscape characteristics,interface control lines(line sticking rate)and scale of the urban interface in the area,as well as the greening landscape and environmental facilities etc.to put forward control guidance requirements.Conceptual design of streets,waterfront shorelines,public spaces,sight corridors,landmark landscape nodes,etc.
  (6)Underground space design
  Carry out detailed design of underground space,integrate and connect with relevant planning and design schemes such as comprehensive pipe gallery and rail transit,and clarify the development scope,overall layout,nature of use,construction scale,development depth,stratification,entrance and exit location,underground passage,It meets the requirements of traffic connection with the ground,and realizes the organic combination of the ground and the underground.For the interconnected areas,management and control guidelines should be put forward,and the management and control elements should be clarified to facilitate the management of underground space and promote the implementation of underground space.
  (7)Integrated vertical control
  Considering the vertical relationship of underground space,underground roads,underground parking,rail transit,and underground pipelines,a reasonable and feasible vertical scheme is proposed.The scheme shall be vertically designed according to the layout,topography,geological conditions,earthworks,underground pipelines,etc.Make use of the existing conditions as much as possible to rationally organize the site elevation and drainage.Based on the principles of low-carbon energy saving and green environmental protection,the damage to the original terrain should be minimized.On the basis of ensuring the use demand,the problem of connecting with major urban roads should be fully considered,and the height difference of the site should be rationally used for site design to reduce the amount of engineering.and waste of resources,and create a lively,interesting,comfortable and convenient three-dimensional urban space.
  3.2 Conceptual architectural scheme design
  The architectural conceptual scheme design shall meet the design depth requirements stipulated by the national and local planning departments,and comply with the national design specifications,technical regulations and relevant local regulations.
  3.2.1 Architectural Graphic Design
  (1)Design of above-ground buildings
  Research and demonstrate the building function layout and provide guidance.It should be considered to take full use of platforms and corridors in order to Realize functional integration and space sharing among the various land parcels.
  A reasonable and pleasant concession design scheme should be proposed in combination with the location and characteristics of the area.
  Make a scientific and reasonable design of the podium,super high-rise standard floor and other building planes in combination with building function research.
  The overall building should have good and reliable safety facilities such as fireproof,anti-theft,moisture-proof,lightning-proof,dust-proof,noise-proof,waterproof,shock-proof,explosion-proof and so on.
  (2)Architectural design of underground space
  Make full use of the underground space,set up supporting functions such as business,entertainment,parking lot,etc.,relieve the pressure on the ground space,and enhance the development value of the underground space.The development of underground space needs to be fully integrated with the functional requirements of above-ground buildings to avoid excessive development of underground space and waste of resources.
  Comprehensively consider the connection between underground space,above-ground space,and above-ground buildings,and clarify the boundary of underground retreat,underground parking,the number of underground floors,the connection method,the sub-development scale of various facilities,traffic corridors and traffic Streamline organization,etc.
  3.2.2 Design of building facade
  (1)Design of building style
  Coordinate the design of the overall urban spatial form of the area,reasonably grasp the relationship between architectural form and building height,and create a waterfront landscape interface with distinct layers and scattered heights.Show the regional culture and urban humanistic characteristics of Fuzhou,in line with the modern and international coastal city atmosphere.
  Considering the image processing of important city interfaces,paying attention to the processing of the city skyline,the buildings should be scattered in height and the front and rear of the interface should be layered.The design of building style should be modern,lively and agile,well integrated with the surrounding environment.The shape of the air corridor should be light and artistic.Optimize the design of the public space landscape environment,and create an open,pleasant and distinctive public activity place.
  (2)Facade material and color
  Combined with the building function,shape,etc.,clarify the main material and color of the single building,and put forward guiding opinions and suggestions.
  3.2.3 Design of building traffic
  Put forward a reasonable traffic organization scheme for the main building and bridge complex.
  Sort out the horizontal and vertical relationship between the main building and podium,underground and outdoor space.The layout should be compact,the plane and vertical connection between each area should be as convenient as possible,and the streamline is convenient and smooth,considering the requirements of later management as well.
  The streamline design and spatial connection of the interior space of the building should reflect publicity;At the same time,the external landscape square and green space should fully reflect the convenient connection with the surrounding urban open space and various facilities to form efficient accessibility.
  Reasonably determine the scale of the parking lot,and study the construction of underground parking and road systems.Take demand management measures to provide appropriate parking scale according to the development situation and current traffic conditions of the area.
  3.2.4 Other special designs
  (1)Design requirements of landscape environment
  Pay attention to the processing of spatial relationships,the landscape environment needs to be pleasant in scale,integrate the civic activity space into it,and make it integrate and coordinate with the overall architectural style.Pay attention to the landscape construction of urban space nodes,such as the open space inside the plot and the entrance and exit areas of the rail station.Pay attention to the landscape construction of waterfront space,make full use of the advantages of waterfront landscape resources,and create a waterfront leisure area with Fuzhou characteristics.
  (2)Structural system design requirements
  Structural system design should be organically combined with architectural design,structural selection,material application and construction technology must conform to China's national conditions and be suitable for the Fuzhou area,and reflect the artistic atmosphere of Sanjiangkou landmark buildings.
  (3)Mechanical and electrical system design requirements
  The main buildings in this area consist of 12 super high-rise buildings and another complex.Each of the above land parcel requires two independent external power supplies;and emergency power supply equipment should be set up.If the installed capacity exceeds the total load of the two-way power supply,it is also necessary to consider the power supply of the third-way external power supply.The power supply voltage needs to be determined based on the total installed capacity and the power supply situation of the local municipal power grid.
  The above buildings shall be equipped with a fire alarm system,which operates in the form of a fire control center.
  Light-current system:It is composed of premises distribution system,closed-circuit supervising system,broadcast system,patrol system,BAS system,entrance guard,intercom and so on.
  Air conditioning system:Multi-online system is recommended for office buildings to facilitate control and management;Central air-conditioning refrigeration system is recommended for the complex.
  Water supply and drainage system:In order to ensure the living and fire-fighting water of each unit of the project,a ring water supply pipe network is set up,and two household pipes are introduced from the municipal water supply pipe to connect with the ring network.Each household pipe can supply all the water demand of each unit.Domestic sewage and rainwater sub-systems are discharged into municipal sewage pipes and rainwater pipes.The fire protection design should implement the relevant Chinese fire protection regulations,and must be equipped with a fire hydrant system and an automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing system.
  (4)Night lighting design requirements
  The night lighting design should be combined with the analysis of the project's geographical location,history and social conditions,clarify the positioning,refine the regional culture,highlight the characteristics of Fuzhou,and propose an innovative night scene lighting display plan.
  It should be fully combined with the surrounding current night scene conditions and the characteristics of the blending of three rivers,focus on multi-perspective night tour experience.At the same time,the civic activity space should be integrated into it,and make it in harmony with the overall style.
  The latest scientific and technological achievements should be integrated to show the characteristics of digital Fuzhou.Avoid the accumulation of media facades,and at the same time give consideration to the night scene effect and atmosphere of the whole city along the river in ordinary time.
  Full consideration should be given to later maintenance and operation costs,and the sustainable development of night scenes.
  (5)Green building design requirements
  Architectural design should fully study the content of green building design,building and site design should fully respond to green building technologies such as sunlight,wind environment,building materials,building energy conservation,rainwater recycling,sound and light control,and environmental cooling;The building should at least meet the green two-star building standards and pass the design and operation evaluation.
  (6)Project cost estimation
  The project cost estimation of this project should be based on the provincial and municipal engineering cost standards of related industries,and combined with the quotation of advanced super high-rise buildings at home and abroad.
  (vi)If the relevant planning data provided in the planning and design content of this announcement is adjusted during the Q&A stage of the qualification shortlist,all bidders shall fully respond.
  Tender mode
  In order to promote the formulation of high-standard and high-quality plans,openly recruit high-level excellent design teams at home and abroad,and carry out international bidding for architectural design plans for landmark plots in the Sanjiangkou area.This bidding activity includes two stages:qualification shortlisting and program selection.
  (i)Qualification shortlisting stage.For pre-qualification,open registration is adopted.The design team needs to provide relevant certification materials including qualification level,team members,and work results that can demonstrate the team's design strength.And provide a concept proposal no more than 20 pages(excluding front and back cover)(A3 single-sided color printing).Finally,5 design teams shall be shortlisted for the next stage of the project review,and the shortlist will be announced to the municipal government for approval.
  Concept proposals may include,but are not limited to,the following:
  (1)Description of the vision of the project
  (2)The overall idea of the project and the assumption of the overall spatial structure
  (3)Design description of core or typical scene
  (4)Cases and experiences of one’s own that can be used for reference.
  (ii)Scheme selection stage.The shortlisted design teams shall submit design results in accordance with the design and achievement requirements within two months.The bid evaluation implements the separation method,the organizer organized experts to put forward the advantages and disadvantages of each scheme to the shortlisted five design teams;The final ranking is assessed by the municipal government,and the first team assessed by the municipal government is the final selected team.
  Tender requirements
  (i)This tender activity adopts the open application method,both domestic and foreign design units can apply to participate,joint application is allowed,the number of consortium members does not exceed 3.Each party to the consortium may not participate in the tender on its own behalf or form a consortium with another bidding unit.Registration of natural persons and combinations of natural persons will not be accepted.In consideration of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on international flights,etc.,overseas bidding units without branches in China must form a consortium with domestic bidding units to participate in the tender.Two or more legal persons whose legal representatives are the same person,parent companies,wholly-owned subsidiaries and their holding companies shall not apply for participation at the same time.
  (ii)Qualification requirements:One member of the consortium should have a valid construction industry(construction engineering)Grade A or above qualification.The conceptual scheme design of this project must be completed independently by the leader of the consortium,and the preliminary design can be completed by a consortium.
  (iii)Bidding units are encouraged to join forces across borders and integrate teams with different experience in urban planning and design,landscape design,architectural design,operation planning,industrial and functional planning,etc.
  (iv)The lead designer of this tender must be an architect who has been responsible for well-known super high-rise projects at home and abroad,presided over many similar projects,with more than 10 years of relevant working experience,and must participate in the whole process of this activity,including the reporting of results,evaluation and Q&A(including video conference)and other important aspects of the work.If in the process of this bidding activity the lead designer is found to be inconsistent with the list of personnel submitted in the pre-qualification application documents,the organiser has the right to disqualify the bid.
  (v)The professional and technical personnel participating in this tender exercise shall be the registered personnel of the tenderer,and at least one of the team members should have an effective first-class registered architect qualification.In order to ensure that the project team has an accurate understanding of the background and relevant requirements of the Chinese region,the team of professional and technical personnel of the overseas tenderer shall include at least one person who is fluent in Chinese.
  (vi)The tenderer shall participate in this tender exercise in accordance with the above requirements,otherwise the organiser reserves the right to disqualify its tender.In addition to the above provisions,when the organiser of this tender exercise makes reasonable requests,the tenderer shall continue to provide additional qualification documents that meet the corresponding requirements.
  (vii)Preference shall be given to bidding units with the following qualifications:
  Experience in planning and design of multiple similar project features;
  Bidding units with domestic and foreign academicians or masters who have undertaken similar projects as the lead designer;
  The project lead designer has won international or domestic architectural awards in the relevant industry.
  Design Fee&Honorarium
  The design contract and service content are carried out in two stages.The first stage of design work is to complete the overall conceptual scheme design and the scheme integration;The second stage of the design work is to carry out the deepening and preliminary design of the overall construction plan,and to consult and check the design and implementation effect of the subsequent above-ground and underground construction drawings,and track the whole process to ensure the construction effect.
  1.The tender pays the design fee(including tax)to the five tenderers who are qualified to be shortlisted and participate in the evaluation of the proposal:
  After the first-place selected design team completes the overall conceptual scheme design and integrates the scheme,and provides design results that meet the requirements,they will receive a total cost of RMB 8.71 million for the concept plan;the other four shortlisted design teams will receive RMB 1 million each for the purchase of intellectual property rights of their design results after submitting qualified results.Design institutions that are not shortlisted in the qualification comparison and selection stage will not receive compensation.
  2、Schematic deepening and preliminary design costs
  The design fee shall refer to the National"Engineering Survey and Design Fee Standard"(2002),the total design cost of the project is determined by the method of linear interpolation,the professional adjustment coefficient is 1.0,and the engineering complexity coefficient is 1.15 for class III.The cost of the deepening scheme and preliminary design is calculated at 50%of the total project design cost and then 20%off.The architectural concept plan is calculated at 20%of the cost of the architectural design plan.The cost base is 6000 yuan/㎡above ground and 7000 yuan/㎡underground.The total area is 1.606 million square meters(of which the above-ground construction area is about 1.155 million square meters and the underground construction area is about 451,000 square meters).The specific calculation process is as follows:
  Total cost:1155000×6000+451000×7000≈10.09 billion yuan
  图片Engineering design fee:
  Deepening scheme and preliminary design cost:21780×0.5×0.8=87.12 million yuan
  Architectural design scheme fee:21780×0.2=43.56 million yuan
  Concept plan cost:4356×0.2≈8.71 million yuan
  The second-stage design fee is tentatively set at RMB 78.41 million.The final settlement design fee shall be adjusted according to the planning permit area approved by the Planning Bureau and the above billing rules.If the land use right of each block within the bidding scope(i.e.,the red line)is won by a city-owned state-owned enterprise wholly-owned by Fuzhou State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission(SASAC),the organizer shall organize the winner of each block to sign a deepening scheme and preliminary design contract with the winning design unit,and the design fee shall be calculated in the above way.The work of the second phase of the land that is not won by Fuzhou State-owned enterprises shall be terminated,and the deepening scheme and preliminary design fee shall not be calculated,and no compensation for other expenses shall be given.
  Time Schedule
  The tender is divided into two stages of qualification shortlisting and scheme selection,and the specific time schedule is as follows:
  Program Time
  Phase I
  Qualification shortlisting
  August 18,2022
  Official announcement and registration accepted
  September 2,2022 at 17:30
  Deadline for bidder registration
  September 26,2022 at 12:00
  Deadline for submission of prequalification application documents
  September 27,2022
  Hold a prequalification meeting
  September 28,2022
  Announce the results of prequalification and issue invitation letters to shortlisted bidders
  Phase II
  Program Selection
  September 30,2022
  召开项目发布会、现场踏勘、答疑等Hold project press conferences,site surveys,Q&A,etc.
  December 28,2022
  Deadline for the design phase and submission of design outcome documents
  December 29,2022
  Hold a design review meeting
  Notes:The above time is based on Beijing time,and the organizer shall reserve the right to adjust the specific time points in due course.
  How to Apply
  (一)投标单位下载报名表格(报名表格附件可在中国城市规划学会网http://www.planning.org.cn/、中国政府采购网http://www.ccgp.gov.cn/、有方网http://www.archiposition.com下载),填写后发送至邮箱qzzxzx 163.com,组织单位收到报名表后,将以邮件方式回复资格预审相关文件。报名截止时间为:2022年9月2日17:30时。逾期递交或不符合规定的报名信息恕不接受。
  (I)The bidder can download the registration form(the attachments of the registration form can be found on the website of China Urban Planning Society http://www.planning.org.cn/,China Government Procurement Network http://www.ccgp.gov.cn/,Position http://www.archiposition.com),fill it out and send it to qzzxzx 163.com.After the organization unit receives the registration form,it will reply to the prequalification related documents by email.The deadline for registration is:September 2,2022 at 17:30.Late submissions or non-compliant registration information will not be accepted.
  资格预审申请文件的报名文件汇总表以excel格式于2022年9月26日12:00时前发送至邮箱qzzxzx 163.com。
  The application documents summary form of prequalification application documents will be sent to qzzxzx 163.com in excel format before 12:00 on September 26,2022.
  (II)Pre-qualification application documents shall be made in strict accordance with the relevant requirements,and the submission of pre-qualification application documents includes two ways:on-site submission and express mail.
  1.To submit on site,the tenderer shall hold the legal representative authorization letter;if in the form of a consortium,the tenderer shall hold the legal representative authorization letter of the lead design company of the consortium.
  2.When submitting by express mail,please allow enough express delivery time for thematerial to be delivered.Tendering companies shall do a good job of express wrapping,such as using cartons or foam boxes for wrapping.The consequences caused by damage or loss of information during the mailing process shall be borne by the tendering company itself.
  (III)Time and place to submit the prequalification application documents:The bidder shall submit the written documents of the prequalification application documents to the following designated place before 12:00 on September 26,2022.Address for submission of prequalification application documents:Bidding Room,11th Floor,Chengtou Building,No.15 Taijiang Road,Taijiang District,Fuzhou City,Fujian Province,Mr.Sun 0591-87277022.The time for receiving the prequalification application documents is 09:00-17:30 Beijing time on working days(the deadline is 09:00-12:00 Beijing time),and the prequalification application documents submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.
  (V)Notification of pre-qualification results:within 3 working days after the list of short-listed bidders is determined,the results of the selection of short-listed bidders will be announced in the form of an announcement.
  (IV)Contact person and contact information:Miss Chen 15805975918;
  Telephone consultation time:08:30-12:00,15:00-18:00(Beijing time)on weekdays
  Publishing platform
  Official announcements are made on the website of China Urban Planning Society http://www.planning.org.cn/,China Government Procurement Network http://www.ccgp.gov.cn/,China Procurement and Bidding Network http://www.chinabidding.com.cn/index.html,China's public service platform for bidding and bidding http://bulletin.cebpubservice.com/,Fujian Provincial Public Resources Transaction electronic public service platform https://ggzyfw.fujian.gov.cn/,Fuzhou City Construction Project Electronic Tender and Tendering Trading Platform https://www.fzztb.com/,Position http://www.archiposition.com released.If there is any inconsistency between Chinese and English in this announcement,the Chinese version shall prevail.
  Hosted by:
  Fuzhou Construction&Development Co.,Ltd
  Organized by:

  Quanzhou Engineering Consulting Center Co.,Ltd
