
发布时间:2022-06-15      截稿时间:2022-07-29      阅读量:4664次     

International Solicitation Announcement for the Creative Design Scheme for the Light and Shadow Show of the Twin Chimneys in the Chongqing Art Park

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I. Project Background


The Yangtze River Culture and Art Bay Area, as one of the new name cards of Chongqing, is the window that showcases the culture and art of the Yangtze River in Chongqing. It is also the lustrous pearl that represents the assemblage of culture and style from the two rivers and four banks. The Jiulong Peninsula, where the project is located, as one of the two key supports of the Yangtze River Culture and Art Bay Area, is positioned as the “Art Peninsula”. It will create a borderless Chongqing Art Park. Using beauty as the medium, it will form a new art-filled lifestyle, a new mode of art production and a new business mode of art consumption, and altogether creating a national art industry base characterized by the integrated development of science and art.


Both the Chongqing municipal Party committee and the municipal government have attached great importance to the development of the art industry and the creation of an artistic atmosphere at the Jiulong Peninsula. Therefore, to implement the planning and construction requirements of the municipal Party committee and municipal government for the Art Bay, to realise the goal of “Let beauty immerses into the city and let beauty integrates into life”, and to fully manifest a “Beautiful Art Bay and beautiful new life” in the city, it is planned to take the Twin Chimneys of the Chongqing Power Plant, the highest landmark of the peninsula, as the centrepiece to carry out the International Solicitation for the Creative Design Scheme for the Light and Shadow Show of the Twin Chimneys in the Chongqing Art Park. With the Twin Chimneys being the most important urban landmark and historical memory of the Jiulong Peninsula, the artistic combination of lights and shadows in this international solicitation shall aim to endow the Twin Chimneys with new artistic innovation attributes, to create a new landmark of the Art Peninsula and to innovatively showcase the artistic beauty of the Art Bay.

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II. Project location and design scope


The project is located in the riverside area of Jiulong Peninsula in Chongqing. The area of the Chongqing Power Plant is the design and research scope of this solicitation, with an area of about 20 hectares. The design scope focuses on the Twin Chimneys, the landmark of the Jiulong Peninsula, and the adjacent buildings (structures). The Twin Chimneys are about 240 meters high and 167 meters apart.

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III. Design content


Overall design requirements:


1. Design principle: The creative design scheme shall ensure originality, while addressing aspects of localisation, artistry, science and technology, innovation and communality.The creative concept shall be novel and unique. It shall be beautiful in form, strong in artistic quality, and integrative into the overall environment. It shall also be high-tech, and display qualities of ecological and environmental protection, artistic innovation and retail value. Ultimately, creating an inspiring, world-class works of art with lights.


2. Display effect: The creative design scheme shall combine the current condition and fully consider the characteristics of the carrier of the light and shadow show, focus on complementing the content of the show with the base structure, design according to the architectural form (structure) characteristics of the Twin Chimneys, and comprehensively consider the adjacent main buildings and landscapes. At the same time, pay attention to the viewing experience from multiple viewpoints and angles. The show content shall consider the light/ shadow display effect at main viewing viewpoints such as the Contemporary Art Square and Binjiang Road.


3. Feasibility: This scheme solicitation does not limit the application technology of the light and shadow show, but it shall consider the characteristics of the actual buildings and the technology of lighting, to ensure that the creative content is exceptionally presented after implementation and achieving the balance between artistic design and technology.

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IV. Solicitation method and requirements

1. 本次征集采用全球公开报名方式。

This solicitation is conducted through global open registration.

2. 应征者须具备以下资质:

The bidder shall have the below qualifications:


Class II or higher qualification for the design of lighting works;


The design team shall have no less than 1 member that has the professional title for Class I stage art design.

3. 允许联合体报名,境外单位、国内外独立艺术家报名须联合国内具备上述资质的单位组成联合体,联合体成员不得超过3家(含独立个人)。

Consortium registration is allowed. Oversea company and independent artists at home and abroad shall form consortium with domestic company who has the above qualification for registration, but there shall be no more than 3 consortium members (including individuals).

4. 联合体报名的应征者需下载签署具有法律效用的《联合体协议》,明确联合体各方在本次方案征集阶段中的分工、比重和牵头单位。联合体成员不得再单独或以其他名义与其他单位组成其他联合体报名。同时境外单位在其所在国家或地区应具有合法营业范围及相应设计许可。

The consortium registration entity shall download and sign-off the legally effective Consortium Agreement. It shall state the work split and proportion of the works between the consortium members in the scheme solicitation and the leading entity. The consortium member shall not then independently register or form consortium with other companies in other names in the registration. Also, the oversea company shall be legitimately practicing the business scope and have the corresponding design license in its country or region of residence.

5. 应征者须确定1名主案设计师,主案设计师须具备主持完成2个及以上同类型光影演绎项目的经验。参与本次征集的设计团队成员应为报名单位(联合体)的在职人员。

The registered leading entity must designate 1 chief designer, and the chief designer must have 2 or more similar light and shadow show project experience. The design team members registered for the solicitation shall be the employees of the registered company (consortium).

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V. Deliverable requirements


(I) Solicitation stage deliverable requirement:


The bidder shall submit no more than 3 bidding deliverables, the same bidding deliverable shall not be submitted under multiple names.


The bidder must use the officially provided design template (see attachment ) as the background for the preparation of relevant visualisation and video presentation document. The video presentation document shall be provided with background music. The deliverable content and format to be submitted in the solicitation stage shall be as below:


Solicitation registration form.


Supporting documents. Including but not limited to: business license, legal person certificate of public institution, personal identity certificate (if the registered member of the consortium is an individual), relevant qualification and performance certificate (including chief designer’s relevant project experience )and other legal and valid documents.


Design description report. Including, but not limited to: name of the scheme, creative theme, design concept, techniques and methods for the show, project operation, cost estimation and other contents.


Visualisation. The visualisation shall consider the performance mode in normal and holiday scenario, format shall be in jpg format, image resolution shall be no lower than 300dpi.

(5)视频展示文件。视频时长为4至5分钟,需配以解说;文件格式为avi,mp4;视频文件分辨率不低于1920 * 690像素,25帧每秒。请使用H.264视频编码标准进行压缩,以免无法正常播放。

Video presentation document. The video duration shall be 4 to 5 minutes,he video presentation document shall be provided with background commentary; the document shall be in avi or mp4 format; the resolution of the video document shall not be lower than 1920*690, 25 frames per second. Please use video code standard H.264 for compression, in order to avoid the video from playing properly.


Electronic version for the above materials shall be provided.


(II) Scheme development stage deliverable requirement:


The creative design shall be developed in accordance with the code requirements of the People’s Republic of China and local code of Chongqing, and comply with the level of detail requirements for the preliminary design submission for approval of lighting works.


(III) Language and measurement unit


The deliverables submitted in this scheme solicitation shall include a Chinese version,and the Chinese version shall prevail. Unless otherwise required in the technical requirements in the relevant standard, the measurement unit used in the deliverable shall be the statutory measurement unit of the People’s Republic of China.

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VI. Registration and deliverable submission method


(I) Registration method:


Upon completing the registration information via the QR code, download corresponding registration material and basic materials.


(Use this QR code and link for material download:https://www.wjx.top/vj/Q0C0FAv.aspx)


(II) Submission requirement:


The solicitation deliverable document submission deadline 17.00pm(Beijing time), 29 July 2022, (if the submission is via online method, the delivery time shall be subject to the email receiving time; if the submission is via courier method, the delivery time shall be subject to the courier arrival time). The hosting entity shall not accept design deliverables that are delayed in delivery or failed in deliver to the specified submission location.


The bidder must submit the deliverable document for the solicitation stage by the required registration deadline to the solicitation mailbox cq_urbandesign@163.com. If courier or in-person submission method is adopted, a flash drive must be submitted, the deliverable shall be rejected if the postage is payable on arrival.


Mailing address: 802, Chongqing Planning & Design Institute, No. 66, Yinhua Road, Yubei District, Chongqing


The bidder shall save the relevant deliverables into one folder, the folder shall be named as “International Solicitation Announcement for the Creative Design Scheme for the Light and Shadow Show of the Twin Chimney in the Chongqing Art Park + Company name (consortium) + Name of the work”, the subject of the email shall be the same as the name of the folder.

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VII. Evaluation rules


The hosting entity shall establish an expert review committee for the solicitation, which shall consist no less than 7 experts from lighting, landscape, art, planning and other relevant fields. The scheme evaluation shall adopt the method of separating evaluation and determination, i.e. the expert review committee shall review and select 6 shortlisted schemes from the submitted solicitation schemes based on the groups, the ranking of the award winning schemes shall be determined by the Jiulongpo District Planning Committee or the relevant district meeting through anonymous voting.

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VIII. Awards


The award winning bidders of this solicitation shall receive an award certificate and the corresponding prize. This solicitation shall award one 1st Prize with a bonus of one million yuan, one 2nd Prize with 600 thousand yuan, one 3rd Prize with 300 thousand yuan, and three awards of excellence with 100 thousand yuan each. The winner of the 1st Prize (consortium) will be responsible for the development contract, and the total development contract value is RMB 1 million.


If the contract sign-off conditions are not met due to the contracting entity's reason (such as abandon the contract sign-off qualification, unable to perform the contract due to force majeure, or there have been investigated and verified illegal actions that influenced the evaluation results and other conditions), it will be regarded as giving up the first prize and bonus, and the hosting entity may conduct contract negotiation with the other remining candidates, in order to confirm the cooperation entity.


(I) Award

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IX. Timeline



X. Solicitation instruction


(I) The bidder shall strictly abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, ensure the worldwide originality of the bidding deliverables, ensure it has the exclusive and complete copyright for the bidding deliverables.


(II) The bidding deliverables shall not have been involved in any litigation, not infringed any legal rights of others, include, but not limited to image right, right of name, copyright, trademark right and other legitimate rights.


(III) The bidding deliverables shall not include any contents that are in breach of the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China and any other laws and regulations, nor shall they include any contents that are suspected of ethnic discrimination, religious discrimination or any other contents that are contrary to social morality and good customs.


(IV) The intellectual property right in the award winning scheme shall be owned by the hosting entity once receiving certificate and award , the hosting entity shall have the right to exhibit and display, study and evaluate, take photos and videos, summarise and publish and promote all participated bidding deliverables, and own the commercial operation rights for the award winning scheme. The bidding deliverables shall not be returned, please keep your own copy.


(V) In the event of emergency or event outside of the hosting entity’s control, should the management, safety, evaluation, impartiality and other conditions have been significantly affected, the hosting entity shall have the right to unilaterally postponing or terminating the activity. The bidder shall guarantee the complete intellectual property rights of the submitted works. In case of any dispute over independent intellectual property rights such as design elements, patterns and formats during the scheme display and public exhibition, the hosting entity shall not bear any responsibility and shall have the right to decide whether to retain its qualification.


(VI) The evaluation result shall be published in the hosting entity’s website, media platform and relevant public WeChat account and other platforms, the bidders shall ensure in providing correct contact details, in order to allow the ease for the work staff to contact.


(VII) All expenses incurred during the solicitation and all relevant taxes and charges in connection with the prize shall be borne by the bidder.


(VIII) The undertaking entity shall enter a payment agreement with the prize-winning bidder, the prize shall be settled in RMB, the prize-winning bidder shall set up a bank account on its own that allows the undertaking entity completing the prize payment. The prize shall be paid to the bank account of each leading entity.


(IX) The bidder shall ensure the legitimacy and validity of the submitted registration materials, and assume relevant legal responsibility; if the information in the submitted registration materials is incomplete or subject to falsification through investigation, the registration shall be deemed as invalid.


(XI) All bidders shall be deemed as have acknowledged and abided by all rules and requirements of the solicitation, and shall assume all responsibilities for its deliverables. If the bidder is in breach of the above terms, the hosting entity shall have the right to immediately disqualify the bidder, and recover the prize and rights and benefit provided to the bidder, the hosting entity holds no liability to any legal action, legal liability and property loss incurred therefrom, and shall be assumed by the bidder.


(XI) All basic materials provided in this solicitation shall not be used for external release or other commercial purposes without the permission of the organiser.



XI. Organisation entity


Hosting entity: Jiulongpo District People’s Government of Chongqing Municipality


Undertaking entity and contracting entity: Chongqing Jiulong Peninsula Development and Construction Co., Ltd.


Organising entity: Chongqing Planning & Design Institute


The hosting entity and the undertaking entity shall have the right to confirm the timeline for the relevant activities based on actual conditions, and shall reserve the right for final interpretation of the scheme solicitation activity.


The organising entity is responsible for the specific work of the organisation for this scheme solicitation, and the relevant letters confirmed by the host entity or undertaking entity have the same effect.



XII. Contact details


Contact details: Ms. Jia (+8618696787830), Ms. Guo (+8618523127503)


Postal code: 401147




Please refer to the attachments for the detailed requirements of this scheme solicitation.
