发布时间:2022-06-06      截稿时间:2022-09-21      阅读量:8711次     

  Honoring Talented Product Designers,Design Teams&Manufacturers Worldwide.
  The NY Product Design Awards was launched to honor the efforts of talented product designers,design teams,and manufacturers from all over the world,whose designs have made daily living that much better with their practical and ingenious creations.
  Recognizing that excellence exists in various forms in the design industry,the NY Product Design Awards intends to celebrate excellence in all its facets that are found in design work and its designers.
  A well-thought-out design is both functional and aesthetically pleasing,and all-in-all improves one’s daily life.Said designs can stem from different people’s personal projects,commercial engagements or researches.To the NY Product Design Awards,these are the individuals we wish to honor.
  而纽约产品设计奖(NY PRODUCT DESIGN AWARDS)则是(INTERNATIONAL AWARDS ASSOCIATE-IAA)旗下新衍生针对全球产品、平面包装类设立的赛事,为了表彰世界各地有才华的产品设计师、设计团队和制造商的努力,他们的设计以其实用和巧妙的创造使日常生活更加美好。
  The NY Product Design Awards is open to product designers of various background.Whether it’s done by a professional designer,a fledgling designer,or even a hobbyist,they are eligible for entry.This includes designs purposed for any function,commercial or otherwise.
  We invite everyone to participate—professional designers,art directors,engineers,teachers,design firms,companies,manufacturers,institutions,ad agencies,PR firms,students and entrepreneurs—anyone with a great new product design.
  Entries must fall within a 5-year window from their creation–2018 to present.
  Entries are subject to review and those deemed inappropriate,offensive or discriminatory will be disqualified without refund.This includes,but is not limited to,pornography,racial slander,and defamatory statements.
  Below is a table detailing the fee structure,and various deadlines over the course of the registration period.
  The NY Product Design Awards makes every effort to keep the entry costs affordable.Rather than charging it per entry,a one-time administration fee is charged to cover costs like printing,mailing and data organization.For this reason,each participant is charged a flat$30 administration fee.When all participants pay the same low fee,those submitting more than one entry will benefit more.
  Work submitted must have been created within the last 5 years.
  *Fees are non-refundable.Withdrawn entries(whether withdrawn by entrant,or by the NY Product Design Awards for entrant's failure to comply with the entry rules)will NOT be refunded.
  *Multiple entries must be submitted at the same time as your first entry in order to be counted as“additional category”.An entry submitted at a later time will be counted as a“first entry”.
  To ensure impartiality in quality,a category may end up having multiple winners or no winners.An entry’s final scoring is reached by consensus,with the panel of judges determining a rating on a scale of 100 points.
  There are FOUR(4)levels of achievement in the competition:
  Design of the Year
  Designer of the Year
  Gold-Average score between 85-100
  Silver-Average score between 60–84