
发布时间:2022-04-14      截稿时间:2022-04-21      阅读量:7102次     

CDHT INVESTMENT CO., LTD. (the Sponsor) (hereinafter referred to as the Solicitor) and Shanghai International Tendering Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Solicitation Agent) are now jointly soliciting proposals for Architectural Conceptual Scheme of Guang Du Museum. In this solicitation, four (4) candidates will be selected through public prequalification process. We publicly invite design institutions worldwide with related design experience to participate and submit the APPLICATION DOCUMENTS for Prequalification.
一、征集背景/The Background of Solicitation
自2015年3月至今,市考古队新川创新科技园项目范围进行了科学系统发掘,勘探发掘面积8.5平方公里。发现 1 处新石器时代遗址以及 7000 余座战国至清代的墓葬,出土陶、瓷、铜、铁、玻璃、石质等不同材质文物7万余件,包括“郫”戈、带古希腊—拉丁文字母龙纹铅饼、错金“一刀平五千”钱币、印度—太平洋玻璃珠饰以及11 具画像石棺等珍贵文物。尤为引人瞩目的是,发现一座罕见的未被盗掘的三国时期崖墓(五根松 M94)。出土随葬品 86 件,钱币数万枚,具有极高的历史价值与艺术价值,在国内都极为罕见。
Since March 2015, the municipal archaeological team has carried out the excavation within the scope of Xinchuan Innovation Science and Technology Park Project, with an area of 8.5 km2. One Neolithic site and more than 7,000 tombs were found, and more than 70,000 cultural relics of different materials such as pottery, porcelain, copper, iron, glass and stone were unearthed. It is particularly remarkable that a rare cliff tomb of the Three Kingdoms Period was found. 86 funerary objects and tens of thousands of coins were unearthed with high historical and artistic value.
The archaeology in Xinchuan fills the gap of Neolithic culture in Chengdu Plain and improves the archaeological cultural sequence of the Warring States Period, Qin and Han Dynasties. The unearthed tombs lasted for more than 2,000 years. It provides magnificent physical materials and historical information for exploring important archaeological topics such as the cultural exchange on the Silk Road, the social changes in ancient Sichuan, the settlements in the capital cities and the study of the culture of the Three Kingdoms Period; It can be called half of the "general history of Sichuan" buried underground. It has been highly concerned by leaders and society, and the major mainstream media and CCTV and other media have specially reported the archaeological achievements in Xinchuan.
二、征集程序/The Procedures of Solicitation
1.资格预审/ Prequalification
The Solicitor and the Solicitation Agent will set up a prequalification evaluation committee to examine and evaluate the APPLICATION DOCUMENTS for Prequalification. four (4) candidates will be selected through prequalification to participate in the solicitation activities.
2.概念方案评审/Conceptual scheme Evaluation
The Solicitor and the Solicitation Agent will set up a scheme evaluation committee to comprehensively evaluate the conceptual schemes and relevant commercial terms to rank the four (4) schemes.
3.中选方案的确定/Final Winner
After reporting the scheme evaluation result to the governmental authorities, the Solicitor will determine one of the four (4) conceptual schemes as the final winning conceptual scheme.
4.深化设计咨询/Further Design Consultation
The final winner of the conceptual scheme will complete the architectural scheme design and investment estimation according to the entrustment of the Organizer, and cooperate with the local design institute (LDI) selected by the Organizer in the future to obtain the approval of the scheme design. In addition, the winner shall provide design coordination services to complete design development. The total amount of further design consultation is RMB 7.8 M (taxes included). The depth of architectural scheme design shall comply with the design description and drawing requirements of architectural design in the scheme design stage in the provisions on Regulations on the preparation depth of architectural engineering design documents (2016 Edition).
三、征集内容/Scope of Solicitation
1.项目名称/the Project
Guang Du Museum
The project is located in the northeast of the East plot of xin chuan zhi xin Park in the 5G pilot zone of Chengdu Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone.


3.规划指标/Planning Indexes

4.《应征文件》的设计深度/The Depth of the Solicitation
The depth of solicitation is architectural conceptual scheme. The detailed requirements are subject to the DESIGN BRIEF attached to the SOLICITATION DOCUMENTS which will be provided to the final 4 Participants. Chapter 4 “The DESIGN BRIEF” in the PREQUALIFICATION DOCUMENTS is for reference only.
四、征集计划/ Schedule of Solicitation

Solicitation Agent: Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd.
Address: 14/F, 358 Yan An Road (west), Jinan District, Shanghai, China
Postcode: 200040
Contactors: Yu Fang, Zhang Yingchong
六、申请人的资格要求/ Eligibility and Qualifications Requirements
An Applicant must have the ability to bear civil liability independently and the participation of natural person is not accepted.
An Applicant must have the corresponding qualifications and abilities to undertake the content of this Project:
If the Applicant is a domestic institution, it must have class A (or above) qualification for professional design of Construction Engineering in the construction industry or class A qualification for an architectural firm approved by approved by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, People’s Republic of China.
If the Applicant is an overseas institution, it must be legally registered in the country or region where it is located and have the corresponding business scope and ability of architectural design or architectural design consulting.
Applicants from Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan shall comply with the requirement of Article 2.2.
If an overseas institution participates in the Project in the name of its subsidiary registered in China, the subsidiary shall comply with the requirement of Article 2.2. In addition, the supporting material to prove its relationship with the overseas institution is required.
Applicants must have relevant project performances similar to this Project.
The Consortium is accepted in this Project.
The applicant may choose to participate in the prequalification alone or in a consortium.
In case of participating in the prequalification in the form of consortium, the number of members of the consortium shall not exceed two (2), and one of them must meet the qualification requirements of Article 2.1 above.
Each member constituting the Consortium must no longer apply for prequalification separately in its own name again, nor join other consortiums at the same time, otherwise the relevant Application Documents will be rejected.
A consortium agreement shall be signed by all partners of the Consortium.
七、《资格预审文件》的获取/Obtaining of PREQUALIFICATION DOCUMENTS
The applicant can download the PREQUALIFICATION DOCUMENTSs on the website of Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd. (www.shabidding.com). Applicant who already had a registered account can log in with the existing login name and password to enter the announcement page and click the "领购" button in the upper right corner of the announcement page to download the PREQUALIFICATION DOCUMENTS.
Applicants who had not an account need to register on the website of Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd. (www.shabidding.com) to get the login name and password in order to download the PREQUALIFICATION DOCUMENTS.
The Consortium’s Application Document shall be accepted when any member of the Consortium has registered and has the download record of the Prequalification Document. There is no need to clarify the composition of the Consortium at the stage of Prequalification Document Acquisition. The composition of the Consortium shall be specified in its submitted Application Document.
Solicitation Agent will not accept the APPLICATION DOCUMENTS FOR PREQUALIFICATION if it is submitted by Applicant who doesn’t has a registered account and has no download record of the PREQUALIFICATION DOCUMENTS.
八、资格预审《申请文件》的递交/ Submission of APPLICATION DOCUMENTS for Prequalification
Application documents for prequalification shall be submitted in electronic form. The electronic documents include the scanned (PDF format) and PPT format documents of the full set of original application documents sealed and signed as required. The applicant shall click the "tender document" button on the purchase page of the project on the website of Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd. (www.shabiding. Com) and upload the electronic documents (please note that the documents shall not be encrypted).
The deadline for submission of application documents is 12:00 on April 22, 2022. The time when the applicant submits the application document shall be subject to the successful upload of the electronic document. Except for the application documents successfully uploaded before the deadline, the application documents submitted in other forms will not be accepted.
九、公告发布的媒体/ Media Releasing Announcement on Solicitation
The Prequalification Announcement, Prequalification Document, any amendment or supplement of them (if any), and the Announcement of Prequalification Results are published on the following websites:
China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform (http://www.cebpubservice.com)
The website of Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd. (www.shabidding.com)
Official website of Chengdu Hi-tech Zone · National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone (http://cdht.gov.cn/)
十、概念方案征集费和深化设计咨询费/ Solicitation Fee and Further Consultation Fee
1.概念方案征集费/Solicitation Fee for Conceptual Scheme
The Organizer will pay a conceptual scheme solicitation fee of RMB 0.8M (taxes included) to each Participant who submitted complete and valid PROPOSAL.
Under the following circumstances the Organizer is entitled to refuse to pay the conceptual scheme solicitation fee:
PROPOSAL is not submitted on time and completely;
PROPOSAL is judged by the scheme evaluation committee not substantially responding to the requirements of the solicitation documents;
The Participant has been disqualified during the scheme solicitation period, if the qualification conditions of the Participant change and fail to meet the requirements of the above Article 6 Eligibility and Qualifications Requirements.
3.深化设计咨询费/ Further Consultation Fee
The final winner of the conceptual scheme will complete the architectural scheme design and investment estimation according to the entrustment of the Organizer, and cooperate with the local design institute (LDI) selected by the Organizer in the future to obtain the approval of the scheme design. In addition, the winner shall provide design coordination services to complete design development. The total amount of further design consultation is RMB 7.8 M (taxes included). The depth of architectural scheme design shall comply with the design description and drawing requirements of architectural design in the scheme design stage in the provisions on Regulations on the preparation depth of architectural engineering design documents (2016 Edition).
The above solicitation fee and further consultation fee have included all taxes and fees that should be paid inside and outside the People's Republic of China.
十一、其它条款/Other Terms
1.知识产权/ Intellectual Property Rights
The Participant owns the copyright of the design scheme. After the Organizer and the successful Participant sign the further scheme design consultation contract, the Solicitor can use the conceptual scheme submitted by the Participant. If the project is terminated after the scheme solicitation, or the organizer employs other architects to complete the work after the scheme solicitation stage, or the Participant's scheme fails to be selected, the Solicitor cannot use the Participant's conceptual scheme.
The Solicitor may print, publish and display the design results submitted by the Participants, and may evaluate, display and publicize the design scheme through the media, professional magazines, books or other forms, but the name of the Participants shall be indicated. With the written consent of the Solicitor, the Participants can evaluate and display the relevant contents of the design scheme through the media, professional magazines, books or other forms.
Participant shall ensure that the submitted Design PROPOSAL has not infringed upon and will not infringe upon IPR (including but not limited to copyright and patents) or proprietary technologies or trade secrets of others within or outside the People’s Republic of China. Participant shall guarantee that if his Design PROPOSAL uses or includes IPR or proprietary technologies or trade secrets of others, Participant shall have already obtained legitimate, valid and sufficient authorization from the right holders. Participant shall take all liabilities arising from infringement by the Participant upon IPR or proprietary technologies or trade secrets of others.
The IPRs of the basic design information (including design drawings, design materials, etc.) provided by the Solicitor during the solicitation process belong to the Solicitor and related design organizations. Participants can only use the documents aforementioned for the purpose of designing and compiling the PROPOSAL. Without written consent from the Solicitor, Participants shall not use the documents aforementioned for other engineering designs or other purposes, and shall not disclose the documents aforementioned to any third Party.
The design development and construction drawing design of the project will be determined through public bidding in accordance with the bidding law of the People’s Republic of China.
All valid Design Proposals received in this solicitation will not be returned.
2.适用法律/ Governing Laws
The solicitation per se and any documents relating thereto shall be governed only by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China.
3.语言/ Languages
The language used in the Prequalification Documents shall be Chinese and English. In the event of any discrepancy between Chinese and English, Chinese shall prevail. APPLICATION DOCUMENTS for Prequalification and the correspondence and documents related to this solicitation between Participants and the Solicitor shall all be drafted in Chinese. Another language can be used for the proof documents and printed materials that Participants provide along with the APPLICATION DOCUMENTS, but the version with Chinese translation shall be attached thereto.

The final right of interpretation of the solicitation and related documents is held by the Solicitor.
