
发布时间:2022-03-17      截稿时间:2022-06-17      阅读量:7577次     
  红点奖,源自德国,是世界上最有影响力的工业设计竞赛大奖之一。1955年,欧洲最富声望的著名设计协会(Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen)在德国城市埃森(Essen)设立的红点奖,多年为无数企业颁发了享有盛誉的设计大奖。
  Red Dot Award
  Brands&Communication Design
  Every year since 1993,international agencies,designers and companies have been invited to take part in the Red Dot Award:Brands&Communication Design.The Red Dot Jury assesses brands and communication design works.
  In 2019,the Red Dot Award:Communication Design was renamed the Red Dot Award:Brands&Communication Design.This new direction gives brands a bigger platform in the competition for communication design,and the competition breaks down into the following two sections:
  品牌类:汽车-婴幼儿-卫浴-美妆保养-建筑工程-化学产业-大宗商品-咨询-文化机构-电子-时尚与配饰-金融服务-食品饮料-家具-园艺-暖气与空调-家用产品-珠宝-厨房-照明-媒体-医疗与保健-办公室-线上服务-户外-公营部门-零售软件-运动-餐具-技术-通讯-工具-旅游业-运输与移动-钟表Focus on brandsCompanies in the manufacturing and service industries can have their integrated brand presence assessed.Industry label for maximum visibilityIf a brand wins a distinction,it can advertise using a winner label that is customised to the respective industry in which the brand operates.
  Communication Design
  Focus on projects and campaigns
  Designers,agencies and companies can choose from 18 communication design categories in which to enter their completed projects and campaigns.Distinctions for good design and creativity
  Designers,agencies and companies can win the following distinctions for their completed projects and creative campaigns.
  红点陪审团“红点奖:品牌与传达设计”的所有评委都有丰富的经验和专业知识。每年,国际专家都会对红点标签的质量做出关键贡献。红点评审团以“寻找好的设计和创意”为口号,对参赛作品的质量进行评估,并决定将授予的优异奖。Red Dot JuryAll of the jurors for the Red Dot Award:Brands&Communication Design are rich in experience and expertise.Every year,the international experts make a pivotal contribution to the quality of the Red Dot Label.Informed by the motto“In search of good design and creativity”,the Red Dot Jury assesses the quality of the entries and decides on the distinctions to be awarded.