
发布时间:2022-01-19      截稿时间:2022-02-14      阅读量:23621次     

 关于WIA2022ABOUT WIA2022
  The World Illustration Awards showcase the great work being made by illustrators all over the world today.In 2022,we will focus on supporting creativity and connecting illustrators to their peers and the industry.
  Entries to WIA2022 can be made until 14 February 2022 via the online form
  为什么参赛Why Enter
  Being part of WIA offers a host of significant benefits and opportunities.
  During the call for entries:
  Selected entries will be featured on WIA and AOI social media platforms.These are chosen to represent the breadth and diversity of illustration entered into the competition.
  *NEW*Prospective entrants are invited to join us for a free,interactive webinar on how to enter on 25 January 2022 at midday–register for the webinar here
  All entrants will receive an email with exclusive resources for promoting their entries.
  500 projects will be longlisted for the Awards:
  All 500 longlisted projects will feature on the AOI website.Each project will be displayed on its own page.
  Longlisted illustrators will receive a digital badge for their website and social media,and a resource for promoting their inclusion in the longlist.
  *NEW*All longlisted illustrators will be invited to an exclusive AOI self-promotion masterclass focussing on getting the most out of being longlisted for WIA 2022.
  Selected projects will be showcased across our social media platforms.
  All longlisted projects will be judged at the shortlisting stage.
  200 projects will be shortlisted for the Awards.Shortlisted illustrators will:
  Be invited to an exclusive webinar on promoting their inclusion in the WIA2022 shortlist.
  Receive a set of resources on self promotion and creating content around their participation in WIA2022.
  See their work featured in a printed full-colour catalogue,which is distributed to commissioners worldwide.
  See their work featured in an Online Showcase on the AOI website.
  Be invited to attend the online Awards Announcements in November 2022,a highlight of the illustration industry event calendar.
  Be invited to attend one of a series of online meet up events for WIA2022 shortlisted illustrators to give the opportunity to meet and connect.
  Be offered an exclusive discount on AOI membership for one year.
  Receive a digital badge for their website and social media.
  Receive incredible exposure across our digital and real-world networks:the WIA is a well known platform for illustrators to consolidate and expand their professional networks.
  20 Highly Commended Projects(one New Talent and one Professional per category)will receive:
  A WIA Certificate.
  An in depth profile feature on the AOI website as part of the Online Showcase.
  Each of the 20 Category Winners(one New Talent and one Professional per category)will receive:
  A WIA Trophy.
  An enhanced entry in the catalogue.
  An in depth profile feature on the AOI website as part of the Online Showcase.
  A complimentary AOI membership with Folio for one year with all the benefits this brings including business advice,discounted online portfolio and more.
  Overall Prizes include:
  WIA2022 Overall Professional Winner,selected from the Category Winners will receive a coveted WIA Trophy.
  They will win a generous cash prize of£2,000.
  They will also receive a two-page marketing package in the Directory of Illustration,valued at$4,330 US Dollars,including a 100-image professional portfolio on directoryofillustration.com
  One of the ten New Talent Category Winners will be named as the WIA2022 Overall New Talent Winner.
  They will win a generous cash prize£1,000,and a copy of the Directory of Illustration.
  There are also four Cross-Category Awards on offer:
  AOI Members Award,selected from any AOI Member shortlisted for WIA2022.
  The winner will receive:
  a complimentary year-long membership plus folio
  a copy of the Guide to Law and the current Directories,worth£296.95
  a WIA Certificate
  enhanced profile feature on the Online Showcase.
  The DI Award,selected from all shortlisted Professional entries
  The winner will receive a single page marketing package in the Directory of Illustration,valued at$2,695 US Dollars.
  The program includes a 100-image professional portfolio on directoryofillustration.com plus a one-on-one consultation with a professional Directory of Illustration marketing consultant on how to best present your work to the American market.
  The winner will also be presented with a WIA certificate and have a profile feature on the Online Showcase.
  One shortlisted project will be selected for a cross-category WIA Innovation Award
  The Innovation award is given to a project displaying considerable innovation and experimentation with the artform.
  The winner will be presented with a WIA certificate and enhanced profile feature on the AOI website.
  All shortlisted unrepresented New Talent entries are eligible for the SAA Agents Award for New Talent
  The winner is offered a six-month trial representation with one of the leading SAA Illustration agents.
  This award includes mentoring and career development.
  The winner will also benefit from having their work showcased on the SAA’s website and across their social media platforms.
  The winner will also be presented with a WIA certificate and enhanced profile feature on the Showcase.
  参赛要求What to Enter
  Illustrators(including duos and collectives),commissioners,agents and tutors are invited to submit illustration created since 1 January 2021 into the World Illustration Awards 2022.
  There is no limit to the medium or format of the illustrations that you can enter,but you do need to select one of the 10 categories for each of your entries.
  You can enter as many projects as you like!
  The competition is open to illustrators over 18 years old.
  Current students and recent graduates are welcome to enter,as well as those without formal training.
  Every entry is reviewed by an independent judge,who will use the following criteria to look for great illustration that is:
  Technically excellent
  Communicates its Idea or message brilliantly
  Explores illustration as an artform
  When you are thinking about what to enter,as well as considering these judging criteria,think about illustration that really sings–work with the spark that lifts it off the page or screen.
  It may be that it has come from a personal passion,or challenged you technically–or been one of those surprise commissions that just works.
  There is no right or wrong–most illustrators will have at least one project that makes them sit up and think‘Yes!That’s what I want my work to do’.Usually,those are the projects to enter.
  如何让参赛How to Enter
  You must enter using the online form.You will need to choose a category,format and whether to enter as a New Talent or Professional illustrator.
  You can choose whether to enter a single or multiple image project.You can also decide if you wish to enter a URL to a moving image project,or animated gifs,or a combination of all of these.
  You can enter up to 5 images for a multiple entry(or combination of images and links).
  New Talent and Professional
  New Talent illustrators are defined as current students,or recent graduates(since January 2021).
  Everyone else should enter as Professional.
  WIA Judges are experts in their sectors,and are chosen to represent a global view of illustration.
  Meet our WIA2022 judges here–with more to be announced as they are confirmed!
  第二年,Illustrators Association of Illustrators and Directory of Illustration as WIA delivery partners将为20名英国和20名美国Illustrators提供免费进入2022年世界插画奖的机会。
  Entry Fees
  Entry fees can be paid in three currencies:GB Pounds(£),US Dollars($)and Euros(€).Any other currency will be converted by your card issuer at point of payment.
  The entry fees are:
  £29(GBP)per Single Entry//£49(GBP)per Multiple Entry(incl VAT)
  €34(EURO)per Single Entry//€58(EURO)per Multiple Entry
  $33(USD)per Single Entry//$60(USD)per Multiple Entry
  Please note that VAT rules apply depending on where the entrant is based and may affect the final fee you are paying.
  Current individual AOI Members(or corporate members entering their artists at time of payment)receive a 20%discount on their entries(applied automatically at the checkout when logged into member account).
  Find out how to become an AOI member here.
  Bursary scheme
  For a second year,The Association of Illustrators and Directory of Illustration as WIA delivery partners are offering up to 20 UK-based and 20 USA-based illustrators the opportunity to enter one project into the World Illustration Awards 2022 free of charge.
  This scheme has been devised to support illustrators who would otherwise not have the means to pay to enter WIA.
  If you would like to take advantage of the Bursary Scheme,please complete this short form by 18 January 2022.
  参赛指南How to Enter Guide
  文件名:使用以下格式命名您的文件:artistnameu titleu image1(或者image2、image3等,如果您的条目是多个)。
  AOI会员在登录AOI网站上的live会员帐户时,可享受20%的折扣,费用不限,在结账时自动支付。So AOI会员–在您进入奖项前,使用您的会员帐户登录网站
  付款后,您将收到来自AOI的确认电子邮件:info theaoi.com如果在收件箱中看不到垃圾邮件文件夹,请检查它。
  在社交媒体上发布您的文章,并在使用 theAOI和#WIA2022#WorldIllustrationa时为我们贴上标签-我们将尽最大努力与我们广泛的网络分享和喜爱。
  Step 1:Register on the AOI website
  You need to register an account on the AOI website to enter.You do not need to be an AOI member to register.
  When you register,the website will auto-generate a password to login to the site and access the entry form.
  Keep your login details safe,as you will need them again if your entry is longlisted.
  If you already have an account(if you are an AOI member,or have entered in the past 3 years),please log in using your existing details(this is especially important if you are a member as your entry fee discount will be automatically applied in your account).
  If you have entered WIA before,your images from a previous competition may still be in your online media gallery.They can remain there.They won’t be confused with your current entry,and will only show up in your entry if you manually add them.
  Step 2:Read the information on the website
  Please read the Rules and About page of the website carefully.
  We have also put some further guides together here
  We will be hosting an interactive webinar on 25 January 2022 at 12pm GMT(a recording will be shared publicly afterwards).
  By entering the competition,you agree to abide by these terms and conditions.
  Step 3:Select projects to enter
  Many illustrators find choosing which work to enter into the Awards is a really useful moment to reflect on the work they’ve made in the past year.It’s great to devote some time to taking stock of everything have achieved!
  This year,we’re looking for work which is:
  Technically excellent
  Communicates its idea or message brilliantly
  Explores illustration as an artform
  When you are thinking about what to enter,as well as considering these judging criteria,think about illustration that really sings–work with the spark that lifts it off the page or screen.
  It may be that it has come from a personal passion,or challenged you technically–or been one of those surprise commissions that just works.
  Work can be created in any medium or style,but must have been created since January 2021.
  There is no right or wrong–most illustrators will have at least one project that makes them sit up and think‘Yes!That’s what I want my work to do’.Usually,those are the projects to enter.
  Step 4:Decide which category is the best fit for your entries
  Choose the category that best frames the purpose of your entry.Keep in mind where you want to position yourself as an illustrator,if in doubt.
  You can read the descriptions on our website here.
  Thinking about the application of the illustration can be a useful way to decide which category to enter.
  You can enter the same project more than once into different categories,but you will need to upload and pay individually.
  You can enter commissioned or uncommissioned work into any category.
  Step 5:Format your images
  Ensure that you choose great quality images that show your work off at its best,and that they are optimised for the entry form.
  Formats:save your file as RGB in either.jpg.png or.gif(note,the form does not accept.jpeg files).
  Size:under 4MB and up to 3000px wide.
  File name:name your files using this format:artistname_title_image1(or image2,image3 etc if your entry is a multiple).
  Ensure the file name uses only Roman letters and does not contain any special characters(i.e&*£$/.etc).
  Step 6:Prepare your entry information
  Decide if you are entering as New Talent or Professional.Only select New Talent if you are a current student or recent graduate(since January 2021).Everyone else should enter as Professional.
  Decide which format to use.You can choose a single format or multiple,with either still images,animated gifs,or animation links to direct YouTube or Vimeo pages.You can also do a combination of files.
  Every entry must include a lead image from the project.This is also the first image the judges see.
  Step 7:Gather the information that you will need to complete the form
  Artist Name:this is the name that you would like to be credited with.It can be your real name,an artist alias,the name of you and a collaborating illustrator,a duo,company or collective.
  Title Of Work:Choose a title for your project.This could be a descriptive title,or something more poetic.Make it precise,and not too long.Don’t put it in quote or speech marks.
  Why did you make this work?This could be the reason you made the work,for example a brief you were given by a commissioner,or a creative challenge that you set for yourself.This information will be shared with the judges.(400 characters max)
  How was the illustration used?What is the intended use of the illustration?This could be:a book cover,an advertising campaign,portfolio piece,product packaging or mural,for example.This information will be shared with the judges.(400 characters max)
  How did you make this work?This is an opportunity to include information about the techniques,materials or processes used to create the illustration.This information will be shared with the judges.(400 characters max)
  Biography:Please provide a short biography about yourself(or the illustrator if you are entering on their behalf).This can include where you’re from,where you studied,selected clients,the sectors you work in.Please write this in the third person(max 400 characters).This information will not be shared with the judges but will be included alongside your entry on the AOI website if it is longlisted.
  Commissioner information:If your work was commissioned(i.e.if you were paid for the work in some way),please provide the commissioner details including name of the commissioner,the commissioner company and the name of the end client.
  Step 8:Fill in the form
  Please note we can only accept entries in English.
  You can edit the information in the form by clicking‘Update’in your account.
  Entries that have not been paid for will stay in your account until you delete them.
  You can start the form,and go back and edit if you need to.
  You will need to put something in the required form fields in order to save it.
  It can be helpful to type out your entry into a word document,and paste into the form,rather than typing directly into the form.
  Step 9:Pay for your entries
  Once you’ve completed your form,click‘Submit’and it will be saved to your portal so that you can get back to it.
  When you are ready to pay,click‘Pay Now’(or‘Pay For All’if you have more than one entry ready to submit).
  A box will appear at the top of the form.Click‘View Basket’.
  Select your currency from GBP,EUR or USD.
  If you change the currency,click‘Update Basket’to see the correct price.
  AOI Members receive a 20%discount on an unlimited number of entry fees,applied automatically at the checkout,when logged into a live Member account on the AOI website.So AOI Members–login to website with your member account before you enter the awards
  Click‘Proceed to Checkout’and complete the payment form.We are currently accepting payment using credit or debit card via Paypal.
  Once you’ve paid you will receive a confirmation email from The AOI:info theaoi.com Check your junk/spam folder if you don’t see it in your inbox.
  You will be able to amend your entry until the final deadline day,but you won’t be able to delete it.
  Step 10:Share!
  You’ve put in all that hard work and effort to get your entry just right,so why not share it!
  Post your entry on social media,and tag us in using theAOI and#WIA2022#WorldIllustrationAwards–we’ll do our best to like and share as many as we can with our extensive networks.
  You will receive an email notification and an alert in your WIA account on the AOI website letting you know the outcome of your entry in Spring 2022,so please keep your login details safe.
  In the meantime,why not have a look around the AOI website?We have lots of information,events,and great membership options for illustrators at every stage of their career.