
发布时间:2021-11-30      截稿时间:2021-12-26      阅读量:16260次     

  Outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan(2021-2025)for National Economic and Social Development and Vision 2035 of the People's Republic of China pays attention to the issue of left-behind children in rural areas.With the rapid development of urbanization,rural adults have chosen to work in cities.Most of them leave their children in the countryside to be taken care of by the elderly or attend boarding schools,resulting in a large number of left-behind children.The lack of parents’love and instruction in childhood has led to various problems among left-behind children.We hope that the government and the public can pay more attention to these children.With such hope,the creation team of the film Mountain Village Full of Love brought us more thinking.
  Mountain Village Full of Love is an original cinema movie that reflects the theme of left-behind children.It tells the story of life,study and parting among an elementary school teacher,left-behind children and the village chief in a mountainous area.It depicts the happy memory of the relocation of left-behind children from impoverished mountainous areas to towns.The movie reflects the country’s achievements in poverty alleviation and calls on all sectors of society to care for left-behind children and their healthy growth.
  Charity Poster Design Competition for Left-behind Children of Mountain Village Full of Love is now soliciting works.The theme of the competition is based on the film Mountain Village Full of Love.Under the guidance of Hubei Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles and Wuhan City of Design Promotion Center,the competition is co-hosted by Hubei Artists Association and Visual Art Design School,Hubei Institute of Fine Arts.The judging panel is composed of domestic and foreign experts.The competition aims to call for more attention over and care for left-behind children through creative poster design and diverse artistic language,as well as to carry the progress and development of social aesthetic education,and to jointly promote Chinese original film.The award-winning and shortlisted works will be sold for charity with authors’signatures.The income from the charity sale will be donated to the schools for left-behind children in the Dabie Mountains,which used to be a revolution base area.Led by Tencent’s charity organization,the donation will be jointly carried out by the organizing committee of the competition and the creation team of the film.
  Competition Organizers
  /Guiding Unit/
  Hubei Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles
  Wuhan City of Design Promotion Center
  /Host Unit/
  Hubei Artists Association
  Visual Art Design School,Hubei Institute of Fine Arts
  Contemporary Public Image Communication Research Center,Hubei Institute of Fine Arts
  Shenzhen Illustration Association Wuhan Branch
  Wuhan Maishibaigu Culture Media Co.,Ltd.
  /Support Unit/
  Wuhan Fine Art Academy
  Whut Sino-American Art Exchange Center
  Hubei Packaging Federation Design Committee
  Turner Pigment Company(Japan)
  /Support Media/
  International Online,People’s Daily,Sina Hubei,Chutrian Metropolis Daily,Artron.net,Hubei Daily,Hubei Today,Wuhan TV,Toutiao,Tencent News,Sina News,East News,Netease News,Sina Official,Baidu News,Kuaichuan News,China Financial News Online,China News Publishing Network,Yidian Information,China Economic Observer Network,Observer Network,Wenchu Network
  /Support Colleges/
  Sichuan Fine Arts Institute,Film and Television Animation Department,Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts,Wuhan University of Technology,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan University,Shanghai Jian Qiao University,Central China Normal University,Hubei University,Hubei University of Technology,Wuhan Textile University,Jianghan University,China Three Gorges University,Wuhan College,Wuhan Technology and Business University大赛组委会
  Organizing Committee
  /Chief Planner/
  Liu Chunbing
  Wu Ping,Wang Zhixin
  /Deputy Director/
  Wang Lingyi,Wang Yuanyuan
  /Secretary General/
  Wang Xiaoliang
  /Deputy Secretary General/
  Xu Sheng
  Zhou Zhenpeng,Wu Yihua
  Bai Ruojun,Chen Hui,He Xuan,Huang Jinqi,Ruan Ying,Li Jun
  /Film Counselor/
  Xi Dao,Director of Mountain Village Full of Love
  /Director of Executive Office/
  Zeng Wei,Zhao Qilong
  /Members of Organizing Committee/
  (sorted by the first letter of the phonetic alphabet)
  Chen Hui,Ding Shan,Shuzo Osako(Japan),Fu Jie,Gu Xiuhua,He Xuan,Jiang Xiaopeng,Liu Chunbing,Li Lukui,Liang Zhu,Qiu Shi,Ruan Ying,Wu Yihua,Wu Ping,Wang Zhixin,Wang Lingyi,Wang Xiaoliang,Koike Amigo,Zhu Zhiping,Zhang Hui,Zheng Zhong
  /Curator Team/
  (sorted by the first letter of the phonetic alphabet)
  Chen Xu,Chen Haijin,Jia Chongyang,Li Lingzi,Luo Xue,Liu Yiling,Wu Shijun,Yang Zhikai,Zhu Keqinhua,Zhang Junjie,Zeng Hui
  Deadline:23:59,December 26,2021
  *For details,please refer to【How to Participate】and【Instructions for Participation】
  /Preliminary Evaluation/
  Time:January 10,2022 to January 12,2022
  Judging criteria:The preliminary evaluation will select 120 works out of all valid submissions from the perspective of design(picture+text).The selected works will enter the final evaluation stage,and there will be three awards:academic awards,best work,and merit award.
  Result announcement time:January 15,2022
  /Final Evaluation/
  Judging criteria:The final evaluation is based on the comprehensive consideration of the cinematic,artistic,commercial,and emotional aspects of works.Award winners will receive certificates and prizes from the organizing committee.
  Result announcement time:February,2022
  After preliminary evaluation and final evaluation,8 award-winning works and 100 selected works will be selected.The specific award setting and reward methods are as follows:
  1 academic awards:certificate+prizes worth 5,000 yuan(imported advanced professional art materials+entrance ticket to the film premiere)
  2 best work:certificate+prizes worth 3,000 yuan(imported advanced professional art materials+entrance ticket to the film premiere)
  5 merit award:certificate+prizes worth 1,000 yuan(imported advanced professional art materials+entrance ticket to the film premiere)
  100 Selected Award:certificate
  12 Best Organizing Award:certificate
  2.参赛作品打包压缩并与《电影‘柳山’留守儿童公益海报设计大赛报名登记表》及《电影‘柳山’留守儿童公益海报设计大赛版权承诺书》(其中《电影‘柳山’留守儿童公益海报设计大赛版权承诺书》需打印,签字或者盖章后扫描)以附件形式发送至邮箱:2859104304 qq.com。邮件主题、海报设计方案、参赛作品登记表均请按照:“方案名称+参赛作者姓名+手机号码”规范命名。
  How to Participate
  College teachers and students,designers and design enthusiasts can participate as individuals or groups.
  /Design Requirements/
  1.Core Theme
  a.Pay attention to left-behind children in rural areas.With the rapid development of urbanization,rural adults have chosen to work in cities.Most of them leave their children in the countryside to be taken care of by the elderly or attend boarding schools,resulting in a large number of left-behind children.Concerning this kind of children and social situations,the participators are expected to create illustrated posters embodying ideas such as“love”,“care”and“accompany”.
  b.Based on the content of the film Mountain Village Full of Love,you can focus on the background of the film,and refer to some materials of the movie(click the button of“Read the Original Text”to download relevant film information provided by the organizing committee,download code:17uq).You can created film posters that reflect the whole society’s care for the left-behind children,and advocate construction a social environment suitable for minors’healthy growth.
  2.Connotation of the Concept
  a.The poster design needs to be developed around the theme of the film,calling on the society to pay more attention to the growth of left-behind children,highlighting social responsibility and mission,echoing the demands of the times,and reflecting the characteristics of the times.
  b.With the creative background of Hubei Province,Mountain Village Full of Love is the first film that truly restores the life of left-behind children.Posters for the film should show calm and grand cultural characteristics with first-line vision and first-line professional level.
  3.Essential Element
  The poster design must bear the name of the film.‘’
  The poster design proposals are required to be submitted in the form of a vertical poster,with a size of 70cm×100cm,a resolution ratio of 300dpi,and one picture each in JPEG format in RGB and CMYK color modes.The selected works are required to provide the electronic source file in AI or PSD format,and the font used in the poster should be marked with the font name.
  5.Creative techniques unlimited
  Instructions for Participation
  /Contribution Method/
  1.Participating authors are required to provide electronic works as required.One author is limited to 3 submissions,and one team 10 submissions.Download the"Registration Form for Charity Poster Design Competition for Left-behind Children of Mountain Village Full of Love"and the"Copyright Commitment Letter for Charity Poster Design Competition for Left-behind Children of Mountain Village Full of Love".And submit to the mailbox of the organizing committee before December 26,2021.
  2.The entries are packaged together with the"Registration Form for Charity Poster Design Competition for Left-behind Children of Mountain Village Full of Love"and the"Copyright Commitment Letter for Charity Poster Design Competition for Left-behind Children of Mountain Village Full of Love"(the latter should be a scanning copy with the author’s signature),and sent as an attachment to the mailbox:2859104304 qq.com.The subject of the email,poster design proposal,and entry registration form should be named in accordance with:"Proposal name+name of the participating author+mobile phone number".
  3.Click the button of“Read the Original Text”to download"Registration Form for Charity Poster Design Competition for Left-behind Children of Mountain Village Full of Love",download code:17uq.
  4.Contact:Chen Xu(Tel:15871481951)
  /Entry Permissions/
  All entries shall be the original works of the authors.Highly imitation and plagiarism are strictly forbidden.Any legal disputes or responsibilities arising from the above reasons shall be solely borne by the authors.The organizing committee of the competition will make an announcement on various websites and disqualify the author from participating in the competition.Participants should ensure that they will not cause any copyright or intellectual property disputes due to the use of their entries.The competition organizing committee and judges have the right to select entries.The organizing committee of this competition has the rights to commercialize,publish(including electronic publishing),research,photography,video,and publicity of the entries.The organizing committee of this competition reserves the final right to interpret the above-mentioned competition rules.
  This competition charges no fee.Authors who submit their works for evaluation shall be deemed to have confirmed and will abide by the provisions of this notice.

