
发布时间:2019-04-19      截稿时间:2019-04-30      阅读量:25806次     
  Beijing Xibeiwang Technology Innovation Eco-Town
  竞赛主题Competition Theme
  “新型城市绿色空间系统”“New Urban Green Space System”
  在海淀区“挖掘文化科技融合新动力、构建新型城市形态”、“推动高质量发展、打造高品质城市”的发展理念背景下,海淀区园林绿化局联合北京林业大学举办“新型城市绿色空间系统”设计竞赛。Today's cities are full of vigor and vitality,and urban green spaces provide the best way and potential for the future development of the city.Integrating urban natural resources,regional culture and spatial structure with urban green space as a carrier to shape new urban forms can highlight the dynamic and open vitality of the city,bring together the city's innovative resources,reflect the city's quality,pattern and cultural characteristics,and embed beauty,hope and pleasure in the city.
  Under the background of the development concept of“excavating new power,constructing new urban forms”and“promoting high-quality development and building high-quality cities”,Beijing Haidian Gardening and Greening Bureau,together with Beijing Forestry University,will hold a“New Urban Green Space System”design competition.
  竞赛选题Competition Topic
  The applicants should systematically study the green space system of Xibeiwang Technology Innovation Eco-Town,and deal with the relationship between the site and the surrounding natural environment,construction land,rivers and lakes,municipal transportation,etc.,and control the overall landscape of the city group.
  The application plan shall clarify the overall positioning of the site,and specify the design objectives and concepts,spatial layout,pedestrian system,landscape character,cultural expressions,etc.Finally,with the green space as the carrier,realize the following purposes,that is,connecting of urban public spaces,stimulating urban vitality,shaping the identity of the city,and promoting a friendly environment.Moreover,detailed design for each green space unit is required.
  Organizers:Beijing Haidian Gardening and Greening Bureau
  School of Landscape Architecture,
  Beijing Forestry University
  Landscape Architecture Journal
  【Grand Prize】
  1 Entry,50,000 RMB/group+award certificate【First Prize】
  1 Entry,30,000 RMB/group+award certificate
  【Second Prize】
  3 Entry,10,000 RMB/group+award certificate
  【Third Prize】
  5 Entry,5,000 RMB/group+award certificate
  【Excellent Award】
  10 Entry,award certificate
  【Audience Popular Awards】
  1 Entry,the most popular audience award certificate
  (All the bonus award amounts are pre-tax)
  竞赛要求Participant Requirement
  1.报名对象Participant Qualification本次竞赛面向全社会,以高校院所为主,国内外设计机构、组织团体、个人等也可参赛。自由组队,团队人数不超过5人,团队指导老师不超过3名,同时鼓励跨学科进行合作组队,但每位参赛者或每组参赛团队只能提交一份作品,同一参赛姓名在报名名单上只能出现一次,违者将取消参赛资格。The competition is open to the whole society,mainly to colleges and universities.Domestic and foreign design institutions,organizations,individuals,etc.can also participate.Team entries is free in form,but are restricted to no more than 5 contributing team members.A team could have no more than 3 instructors.Interdisciplinary team is encouraged.Every entrant(whether individual or group)will only make one submission.One registration number refers to one submission,and the offender will be disqualified.2.报名方式Registrations
  Participants are required to submit the relevant registration information(the QR code of the registration channel at the end of the article)before 18:00 on April 30,2019.The organizing committee will review the qualifications.Participants who have submitted registration information should not repeat the registration.If there is any error in your submission,you can resubmit.Entrants successfully submitted will receive a registration number,which will be notified by the Organizing Committee by e-mail before 18:00(Beijing time)on May 6,2019.Registration information cannot be changed after May 7th.
  For the site-related information attachments,please click on Read More in the end to download the documents for Xibeiwang Technology Innovation Eco-Town Green Space Plan Collection.
  【Deadline for registration】Before 18:00 on April 30,2019
  【Deadline for submission】
  Before 18:00 on July 20,2019
  【Jury Review and Selection Process】
  August 2019
  【Report of the Result】
  September 2019
  【Award Announcement and Ceremony】
  September 2019
  4.作品提交方式Submission最终交稿时间截止2019年7月20日18:00之前,将所有设计成果按照附件设计任务书要求,提交至指定邮箱xibeiwangjingsai 126.com。邮件以“参赛编号+设计名称”命名。Final submission is until 18:00 on July 20,2019(Beijing time),all design work should be in accordance with the requirements and submitted to the appointed email address xibeiwangjingsai 126.com.Your email subject line should be accordingly named:“Entry Number+The Title of the Work”.联系方式Contact联系电话/Call:
  The competition organizing committee reserves the right of final explanation.
  版权说明Copyright statement
  According to the relevant laws and regulations of the country,the organizer believes that the“entrant”or“author”who initiated the submission of the work has made the following irrevocable statement on the copyright of the submitted work:
  (1)Original statement:The entry is the original work of the entrants and does not infringe any patents,copyrights,trademarks,fonts and other intellectual property rights of others;the entries are not published in newspapers,magazines,websites or other media,and no patents have been applied.The entry has not been registered for copyright,or participated in other competitions,and did not enter the commercial area in any form.The award-winning designer guarantees that the entries will not participate in other design competitions or be transferred to other parties.Otherwise,the organizer will cancel its entry,finalist and award qualifications,cancel the prizes and retain the right to pursue legal responsibility.
  (2)Ownership of the intellectual property rights of the entries:All the copyrights of the contest awards except the author's authorship rights belong to the organizer of the contest,including but not limited to the following methods:the re-design,production,sale and display of the works of the contests,publishing and publicity rights.No other unit or individual(including the author)may transfer,copy,reproduce,transmit,extract,publish,distribute,license,etc.the work in any form without authorization.
  (3)Before submitting the work,the entrants have carefully read the above terms and fully understand and agree.The jury of this competition has the final ruling on all winning works.
  (4)Winners are required to pay income tax in accordance with national regulations.
  The QR code for registration