“我和诗画浙江”微视频大赛作品征集Picturesque Zhejiang Video Competition

发布时间:2021-04-27      截稿时间:2021-05-15      阅读量:3885次     

   为深化中外人文交流,帮助在浙江的外籍人士深入了解浙江自然风光和人文历史,向世界展示“诗画浙江”的独特魅力,传播中国声音,讲好中国故事,在省教育厅、省文化和旅游厅的指导下,决定举办“我和诗画浙江" 2021年 浙江省国际学生微视频比赛。具体事项如下:

To improve culture communication, help foreigners to learn more about the nature and culture of Zhejiang, introduce the charm of Zhejiang to the world and have the image of Zhejiang well spread, the Video Competition for International Students in Zhejiang is going to be held with the guidance of the Provincial Department of Education and Department of Tourism. Details are as follows:

一、微视频征集VIDEO COLLECTION(2021年5月21日前 Before May 21st)


 Students can sign up with their works before May 21st. 

二、微视频评选ASSESSMENT (2021年6月上旬Early June)


Judges will assess the videos from perspectives like content, expressions, quality and so on, certificates and awards will be issued.


Outstanding Award: 3 positions, 2000CNY


1st Prize:5 positions, 1000CNY


2nd Prize:10 positions,500CNY


3rd Prize:30 positions,300CNY

三、 微视频展示Presentation(2021年6月 June)


Promotion  and presentation of the outstanding works.

四、 游“诗画浙江”Travel in the Picturesque Zhejiang (2021年7月 July)


Winners will be invited to join a travel in Zhejiang to see the beauty of it personally. 

五、 作品要求The Requirements of Video 

    1. 作品主题。契合比赛主题,要求积极向上,富有正能量,充分展示国际学生与教师眼中的“诗画浙江”。作品主要展现浙江秀美的自然风景,展示浙江风土人情、文化艺术、民俗 节庆、物产美食的独特多样,体现浙江非遗文化、古镇文化、 诗路文化等的丰富内涵。可以是演讲、朗诵、演唱、科普、 日记等题材不限。

    2. 作品规格。作品须为横视频,MP4格式,分辨率不低 于1920*1080,时长3分钟左右。

    3. 作品语种。作品须用中文介绍讲解,配中英文字幕。

    4. 作品名称。名称自拟,最多20个汉字,例如:杭州西湖一一最忆是杭州。

    5. 内容须为原创作品,具有著作版权并承担相应法律责任,严禁剽窃、抄袭,不得含有色情、暴力因素,不能与国家法律法规相抵触。


1. Topic. 

The video should fully exhibit the "Picturesque Zhejiang" from the perspective of international students. The topic can be about the beautiful natural scenery of Zhejiang, the characteristic variety of customs, culture and arts, folk festivals, products and food in Zhejiang, and the richness of intangible cultural heritages, ancient town culture and Poetry Road culture of Zhejiang. The presentation can be speech, recitation, singing, popular science, vlog, etc.

2. Standard. 

The video should be landscape, in MP4 format, with resolution no less than 1920 * 1080. The duration is about 3 minutes.

3. Language. 

The video should be recorded in Chinese and accompanied by Chinese and English subtitles.

4. Title. 

The title should be no more than 20 Chinese characters.

5. The contents of the video must be original and must not conflict with laws and regulations of China. Plagiarism, copy or violence are strictly prohibited.

6. The original recording materials of the video should be retained for summary and propagation afterwards.

六、参赛方法How to join 


 Please send the video to study@zisu.edu.cn before May 15th.
