2021 Communication Arts年度插画大赛获奖名单公布

发布时间:2021-04-23      阅读量:10228次     
  Communication Arts年度插画大赛创立于1959年,是由《Communication Arts》杂志主办的插画比赛,至今已举办62届。本届比赛的评审团由《华尔街日报》合作插画师、Nigel Buchanan、《经济学人》编辑设计师Mirabel Fawcett、动画工作室Giant Ant创意总监Jay Grandin等10位设计师、插画师组成。
  经评审团赏鉴,最终有124件优秀插画作品脱颖而出,获得CA卓越奖(CA Award of Excellence),并被收录于最新一期的《Communication Arts Illustration Annual 62》杂志中。若需线上订阅或购买杂志,可前往官网了解:
  Atlas of Mysteries of the Ancient World
  Francesco Bongiorni
  Out the Door
  Christy Hale
  Japanese Fantasy Literature Album
  Shirley Gong、Jia Yao
  Night of the Living Dead
  Edward Kinsella、Louise Dugdale、Ben Hervey
  The Power of Her Pen
  John Parra、Laurent Linn
  The Cat Man of Aleppo
  Yuko Shimizu、Cecilia Yung、Eileen Savage
  Cinders and Sparrows-Wrap Cover
  Anna Balbusso、Elena Balbusso、Paul Zakris
  Anne de Green Gables
  John Parra、Laurent Linn
  Fatinha Ramos、Davide Calì
  The Apocalypse Seven
  David Curtis、Mark Robinson
  The Dog’s Gardener
  Nathalie Dion、Michael Solomon
  The Wizard of Oz
  Goncalo Viana、Cátia Vidinhas、Hugo Cardoso
  Fight Like a Girl
  Lauren Tamaki、John Martz
  La langue au chat
  Laurent Pinabel、May Sansregret
  True Colors
  Goncalo Viana、Rui Silva、Madalena Moniz
  Olaf Hajek’s Veggie Power
  Olaf Hajek、Doris Kutschbach
  Artificial Life After Frankenstein
  David Plunkert、Eileen Hunt Botting、John Hubbard
  The Song of the Tree
  Coralie Bickford-Smith、Jim Stoddart
  Le Tram de Noël(Christmas Tram)
  Gérard DuBois、Louis Gagnon、Daniel Robitaille


