关于征集“中文日 水木情”短视频作品的通知

发布时间:2021-04-22      截稿时间:2021-05-10      阅读量:3774次     

640.webp (1).jpg亲爱的中文学习者和爱好者:





1. 学习或使用汉字的创意视频、中文教学小妙招

2. 中文朗诵“一带一路”沿线国家诗歌(中文翻译作品)的创意视频

3. 中文朗诵清华元素诗歌的创意视频







● 以个人名义投稿,每人限投稿一个作品。

● 契合主题,表现形式不限,朗诵、表演均可。

● 视频配音、字幕为中文,时长3分钟以内。

● 视频格式为高清MP4,文件大小不超过100MB。

● 视频画面干净,不带角标、台标、水印或标识。

● 手机录制建议横幅拍摄,使用后置摄像头,拍摄时请保持手机稳定。


通过初选的作品将于6月2日-6月15日在汉语考试官方平台bilibili(账号:汉语考试HSK)和Youtube(账号:HSK Official)进行网络投票。最终综合网络投票结果以及专家评审结果,评出各个奖项。

● 一等奖3名 (奖励华为平板电脑,价值约2500元)

● 二等奖5名 (奖励华为手机,价值约1500元)

● 三等奖10名 (奖励华为运动手环,价值约1000元)

● 优秀奖20名 (奖励华为无线蓝牙耳机,价值约500元)



1. 请将视频作品及报名表一并发送至 tougao@chinesetest.cn邮箱。邮件标题统一为“国籍+作者姓名+作品名称”。

2. 请参赛选手通过以下链接下载报名表、清华诗歌参考以及片头文件,请自行添加片头。

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1bH56pdBSkXGTCX8XgOBSDA

提取码: 4que


优秀作品将在汉考国际和中文联盟官方社交媒体平台:bilibili(账号:汉语考试HSK)和Youtube(账号:HSK Official)进行网络投票和展播。


(1) 作者不得使用他人作品投稿,一经发现,立即取消评选资格。

(2) 版权声明:投稿人保证所投作品系其个人创作完成,并享有完整版权。自向活动方投稿之日起,即视为投稿人将其所投稿作品的著作权(署名权除外)及链接权授予活动方。投稿人享有作品署名权,并承担所投作品因传播和出版所引起的境内外版权责任。

(3) 作品须由作者本人完成,所涉及的版权、署名权、肖像权、隐私权等法律范畴的责任由作者自行承担,与主办方无关。主办、承办、协办单位仅提供组织活动、评选、颁奖的活动平台。

(4) 作品不得含有暴力、色情、宗教、种族歧视等,不得植入广告,以传播正能量为最终诉求。

(5) 本次活动的解释权归主办方所有。参加此活动须遵守活动规则。请作者自觉遵纪守法,一经投稿,视为自愿承认上述活动规定。






Dear Chinese language learners and fans:

The United Nations designated "Chinese Language Day" as "Grain Rain" in the 24 solar terms of the Chinese lunar calendar to commemorate the contribution of Cangjie, the creator of Chinese characters. On April 20, 2021, we will celebrate the 12th Chinese Language Day. This season when grain bathed in warm sunshine coincides with the 110th anniversary of the founding of Tsinghua University. Chinese Testing International, jointly with Tsinghua Southeast Asia Center and ChinesePlus, organized the collection of short videos of "Chinese Language Day". 

I. Collection content

1) Creative videos of learning or using Chinese characters/Chinese teaching tips.

2) Creative videos of Chinese recitation of poems from B&R countries (Chinese translation).

3) Creative videos of Chinese recitation of poems about Tsinghua.

Choose one of the above. The video duration should not exceed 3 minutes.

II. Collection object

Non-native Chinese language learners all over the world, International Chinese teachers and volunteers,regardless of nationality or region.

III. Collection time

From April 20 to May 10, 2021

IV. Requirements and form

● Contributions in the name of individuals, each person is limited to submit one work.

● It fits the theme, and the form of expression is not limited, and both recitation and performance are acceptable.

● Video dubbing and subtitles are in Chinese, and the duration is less than 3 minutes.

● The video format is high-definition MP4, and the file size does not exceed 100MB.

● The video screen is clean, without corner mark, station mark, watermark or logo.

● Mobile phone recording suggests banner shooting, using the rear camera. Please keep the phone steady when shooting.

V. Award selection and setting

Selected works will be voted on bilibili (汉语考试HSK) and YouTube (HSK Official) from June 2 to June 15. Finally, based on the results of online voting and expert evaluation, each award will be selected.

● 3 first prize winners (A Huawei tablet computer worth 2500 yuan)

● 5 second prize winners (A Huawei mobile phone worth 1500 yuan)

● 10 third prize winners (A Huawei sports bracelet worth 1000 yuan)

● 20 awards of excellence (A Huawei wireless Bluetooth headset worth 500 yuan)

VI. Ways of Participation

1. Please send the video work and the application form to tougao@chinesetest.cn. The title of the email should be "nationality + name of author + title of work".

2. Please download the entry form, Tsinghua Poetry Reference and the title file through the following link. Please add the title file by yourself.

Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1bH56pdBSkXGTCX8XgOBSDA

Extract code: 4que

VII. Broadcasting method

Excellent works will be exhibited on the official social media platform of Chinese Testing International.

Bilibili: 汉语考试HSK

YouTube: HSK Official

VIII. Matters needing attention

(1) Authors are not allowed to use other people's works for submission.  Once discovered, they will be disqualified immediately.

(2) Copyright statement: The contributor guarantees that the submitted work is his personal creation and enjoys full copyright. From the day of submission to organizer, it is deemed that the contributor has granted the organizer the copyright (except for the authorship rights) and link rights of the submitted works. Contributors have the right of authorship, and bear the domestic and foreign copyright responsibilities caused by the dissemination and publication of the submitted works.

(3) The work must be completed by the author himself. The author shall bear the legal responsibilities related to the copyright, authorship, portrait right, privacy and other rights, which has nothing to do with the organizer. The host, undertaker and co-organizer shall only provide the activity platform for organizing activities, selection and award.

(4) The works shall not contain violence, pornography, religion, racial discrimination, etc., and shall not be placed in advertisements. The final appeal is to convey positive information.

(5) The organizer reserves the right of interpretation of this activity. The author is requested to consciously abide by the law and discipline. Once submitted, he shall be deemed to have voluntarily acknowledged the above rules.

Looking forward to your participation!

Chinese Testing International

Tsinghua Southeast Asia Center


April 20, 2021
