
发布时间:2021-03-19      阅读量:6777次     

  近期组委会将以邮件及电话通知入围参赛单位、参赛者后续相关事项,请注意查收邮件及接听电话。联系方式:手机:18159322721固话:0595-22693283邮箱:zayton_design 163.com
  Dear all participants:The 1st Quanzhou Zayton Cup International Design Competition(hereinafter referred to as Zayton Cup)is organized by Government of Quanzhou Fengze District and Quanzhou Bureau of Industry and Information Technology under the guidance of WDO,Fujian Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology.Zayton Cup takes Design Motivates Industry,Innovation Leads Future as its theme,aiming at gathering global design power to help promote the development of industrial design industry in Quanzhou city.There are 6 awards and the prize pool reaches 1010 thousand yuan.And there are talents policy and ground service matched.Zayton Cup has collected 10733 entries from all sectors of the global society.The jury has selected 100 works(50 of product group and 50 of concept group)to enter the next round.The list is as below.The organizing committee will inform the participants by email and phone.Please keep the line on.Contact ways:Tel:+86 18065502663Email:zayton_design 163.comFacebook:Qida ChinaLinkedIn:Quanzhou Industrial Design Association QIDA
  Competition Organizing Committee19th,March,2021
  注:1.各组别作品根据名称拼音或英文首字母依次排序,数字及其他符号放最前面;2.作品名称中带有“”、《》均不体现3.获奖证书最多可填写4人,依序排名,请入围参赛者或单位认真确认此信息,如有变更请与组委会联系。Remarks:1.The list is sorted by the first letter of Chinese Pinyin or English words of works’name.Works’name containing numbers or other characters are listed first.
  2.“”and《》carried in works’name won't be shown.
  3.The award certificate could be filled by up to 4 person.Please check information carefully and contact with us in time if there is information changed.
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  *以上排名不分先后*Ranking in no particular order
  大赛复评拟于2021年4月中旬举行,复评结果于2021年4月下旬通过泉州市工业设计协会微信公众号及大赛官网矮凳网进行公布。The re-selection will be in the middle of April.And the result will be announced on official WeChat account and IDEN website by the end of April.
