2019 嫩鸟品牌“吉祥物”国际设计大赛征集作品

发布时间:2019-04-03      截稿时间:2019-05-30      阅读量:4233次     

  It is more out of imagination if the Kumanoto Prefecture without Kumamon,compared with a sushi restaurant without tuna and green mustard.
  ——《ラオスにいったい何があるというんですか》by Murakami Haruki
  在Young Bird Plan(嫩鸟计划)国际设计竞赛平台成立第五周年之际,现面向全球征集品牌“吉祥物”形象,让千万设计爱好者决定你们自己心中的“嫩鸟”形象。
  Young Bird Plan,an international competition platform,it has been five years since its establishment.This time,Young Bird Plan launches its own competition globally,and thousands of creative minds will have the unique opportunity to create the mascot image of Young Bird Plan.
  Mascot’s Mission:
  He/She is a cultural brand medium,expressing directly and simply the brand spirit.With the mission of promoting brand concept and creating every opportunity for global designers,he/she will push the connection among design and other fields in order to inspiring deep thoughts on design value.Meanwhile,he/she will emotionally establish relationship between the brand and its audience and also lead the fashion trend.
  他(她)为Young Bird Plan(嫩鸟计划)代言。
  He/she will represent and speak for Young Bird Plan.
  Young Bird is not about YOUNG!
  其实,Young Bird(嫩鸟)并不是对某一类“新人群”的统称;他(她)是品牌文化的表达,试想嫩鸟可以是一座初生的城市、一片暂时不为人知但拥有无限潜力的领域、一个曾被人忽视但带来巨大效能的新产业、一种正在争论与试验中前进的技术、当然也可以是一群对新鲜事物充满渴望、跃跃欲试的年轻人,甚至是一个并不成功但可以为我们带来无限启迪的案例。Young Bird(嫩鸟)是未来!
  Actually,Young Bird does not mean young designers.It is an expression of brand culture.Just imagine,a young bird may be an original city,an undeveloped field but with infinite potential,a new industry once ignored but now generates huge efficiency,a progressing technology under dispute and of course it may also be an ambitious young designer and even an unbuilt project but can inspire people a lot.So Young Bird means the future.
  Young Bird Plan is GROWING!
  Over the past five years,Young Bird Plan launched 12 international design competitions cooperated with local governments,well-known developers and international brands.By the end of 2018,the platform attracts global participants from 879 universities and 3388 institutes in 217 cities of 54 countries.
  Big data analysis of the platform by the end of 2018
  Young Bird Plan“吉祥物”
  Young Bird Plan Mascot
  Young Bird Plan(嫩鸟计划)“吉祥物”将以什么样的形象登场?由热爱设计的你们决定!
  What is Young Bird Plan mascot like?It will depend on you!
  Young Bird Plan(嫩鸟计划)
  Young Bird Plan(嫩鸟计划)由创始人葉春曦女士发起成立于2013年,是一家面向全球创意和设计人才的高品质竞赛平台。以目标建造、名师辅导、跨界评委为三大DNA,并迅速地在全球城市设计、建筑设计、景观设计、室内设计、产品设计、标识设计、时尚设计等各大设计领域内获得了高度关注。短短五年吸引到来自全球54个国家,217个城市,879所大学,3388个设计机构的参赛作品。
  Founded in 2013 by Isa Ye,Young Bird Plan,is an international competition platform for global design talents.With three key elements,viz.fabrication,mentor’s guidance and interdisciplinary jury,it is fast becoming a leading voice in global design fields like urban design,architecturedesign,landscaping design,interior design,product design,logo design and fashion design.Since its inception,the platform has received submissions from 879 colleges and universities and 3,388 design institutes in 217 cities of 54 countries.
  ▲人气导师团星光熠熠:Young Bird Plan(嫩鸟计划)导师团成员都是活跃在建筑第一线,且具有强大社会影响及备受业界赞誉的人气导师。2018年更有像“吴彦祖背后的男人”--新生代建筑师张海翱、“梦想改造家”--建筑男神青山周平、“走上爱马仕T台”--颜值与才华并存的建筑师庄子玉等明星级导师加入其中。
  ▲The popular mentor group is sparkling:Young Bird Plan’s mentors are working on the frontier of architecture field.They are respected and accredited with powerful influence in the society.In 2018,star-architects joined in mentor group,including Zhang Haiao-an emerging architect famous for the name"the Man behind Daniel Wu",Shuhei Aoyama–a popular male architect famous for Dragon TV’s‘Dream Home’,Zhuang Ziyu–a cool talented architect famous for his Hermès cat walk show.
  On the one hand,the platform constantly connects and meets various demands from political,business,and academic circles and actively fill supply and demand gaps among designers,manufacturers,developers,urban operators and users.We are committed to design and innovation,and offering opportunities for creative minds around the world to participate in creation process,so as to propel the implementation of design projects and products focusing on urban spaces and life aesthetics.Besides,Young Bird Plan is devoted to pushing the urban development and offering high-quality solutions to product updates.On the other hand,as one of the most influential design competition platforms around the world,we make every effort to create opportunities for young designers.
  ▲跨学科评委团大咖云集:跨学科评委遍布全球,涵盖设计产业多个领域。加拿大“梦露大厦”设计者&建筑大师马岩松、日本新锐建筑大师藤本壮介、普利茨克奖评审团成员Benedetta Tagliabue、世界级景观大师长谷川逸子、比利时“国宝级“艺术家Arne Quinze、“迪拜云之父”艺术家Nadim Karam、最具影响力华人高定服装设计师陈野槐、小罐茶品牌创始人杜国楹……
  ▲The interdisciplinary jury panel gathers:Jury comes from different design fields in the world,including Ma Yansong–the great architect famous for his work of Absolute Towers,Canada,Sou Fujimoto–the emerging Japanese architect,Benedetta Tagliabue–the jury member of the Pritzker Architecture Prize,Hasegawa Itsuko–the world-class landscape architect,Arne Quinze–the Belgian artist deemed as a national treasure,NadimKaram–the artist famous as the Father of Dubai Cloud,Grace Chen–the most influential Chinese bespoke fashion designer,Du Guoying–the founder of Xiao Guan Tea.
  ▲Attracting excellent talents throughout the world:Prize winners are from different countries,most of them with background of studying in top design universities or working in top studios in the world.
  By now,we have cooperated with several governments,development agencies and international brands,e.g.,Suichang County of Zhejiang Province,Yongchuan District of Chongqing City,Suzhou New District,China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone,Vanke Group,China FortuneProperties,Westbund,Leliving,Sunbrella,Destelli,MATSU Group,Xiao GuanTea,Dongpeng Group,etc.
  12 international competitions in past 5 years
  Young Bird Plan视觉回顾
  Young Bird Plan Visual System Review
  ▲Young Bird Plan(嫩鸟计划)一代Logo及视觉应用(2013-2016)
  ▲Young Bird Plan Logo and its application Version 1(2013-2016)
  在创立之初Young Bird Plan(嫩鸟计划)在Logo中加入平台特色:Young采用蓝色代表活跃于建筑一线的导师,Bird采用粉色代表充满梦想的参赛选手,Plan采用金色代表高含金量跨学科评委团,让接触平台的人直观的了解到平台中蕴含的三大DNA:目标建造、名师辅导和跨界评委。同时,平台致力于给有才华无机会的年轻人展示自己的舞台,因此针对年轻、活力等关键词的构想,选用了简单的小鸟剪影形象作为头像应用。
  Since its establishment,Young Bird Plan added its own features to its Logo:Young in blue means architect mentor working on the frontier of architecture field,Bird in pink means competition candidates with their dreams,Plan in golden means high-quality interdisciplinary jury panel,all of which enable people to understand three key points of Young Bird Plan more easily–Construction,Mentor’s Guidance and Interdisciplinary Jury.Meanwhile,Young Bird Plan is a stage for talented young people lack of opportunities to show themselves.Thus,on the basis of key words including youth and vitality,etc.,the simple silhouette of bird is adopted as image application.
  ▲Young Bird Plan(嫩鸟计划)二代Logo及视觉应用(2017年-至今)
  ▲Young Bird Plan Logo and its application Version 2(2017-till now)
  随着平台的逐渐发展,在建筑设计领域的深耕,在Logo上做了大方向的升级,将小鸟“换上”了丰满的羽翼,在头顶加上了各国建筑的手绘元素,设计为开口发声的神态,让选择Young Bird Plan(嫩鸟计划)平台的用户都可以通过平台宣传自己,为自己发声。
  With the rapid development and more powerful influence of Young Bird Plan in architecture field,its Logo is also updated dramatically–A fluffy bird,with sketch elements of various countries architecture on its head,opens its mouth and seems to voice something.It means that designers could promote and voice themselves via Young Bird Plan.
  The above visual display is only for your reference to learn more about brand development background.You may design freely regardless of former logo images.