
发布时间:2021-03-11      截稿时间:2021-03-23      阅读量:19232次     


Tender Announcement | Designing Work of Binhe Digital Industrial Park Project (S/N:QJSJC20210125)



The design work of the Binhe Digital Industrial Park Project has been approved by the authority of approval / reviewing / filing. It is self-funded with 28 million yuan in total. The tenderee is Hangzhou Xiaoshan Qianjiang Century City Urban Operation Co., Ltd. This project has already met the tendering conditions. It adopts open tender method. We welcome interested potential tenderer to apply for pre-qualification.



Project scale: this project includes xiaozhengchuchu [2019] No.10 and xiaozhengchuchu [2019] No.12 areas, a total of 12 blocks and surrounding supporting municipal road and bridge. It covers a total land area of 135 Mu (0.0667 hectares), with a total construction area of about 185,000 square meters. It has 67,162 ㎡ ground construction area, and 117,838 ㎡ underground construction area, including a 33,797 ㎡ public square.


Scope of tender: this is a one-section tender for the following project: (001) Tender for Designing Work of Binhe Digital Industrial Park Project.


(001 滨河数字产业园项目设计)的投标人资格能力要求:

Qualification requirements for tenderer:

1. 注册在中国境内的投标单位,必须具备建筑行业设计甲级资质或者建筑行业(建筑工程)甲级设计资质或者具备工程设计综合甲级资质。

1. The tenderer registered in China must have Class A Qualification for Design in Construction Industry or Class A Qualification for Design in Construction Engineering Industry or Class A Qualification for Comprehensive Engineering Design.

2. 境外投标单位(须在国内具有分支机构并取得合法经营许可), 必须与具备建筑行业设计甲级资质或者建筑行业(建筑工程)甲级设计资质或者具备工程设计综合甲级资质的境内设计单位组成联合体形式参加,联合体牵头人须为注册在中国境内的设计单位。

2. Overseas tenderer  (with branches in China and legal business license) must form a consortium with domestic design company with class A Qualification in Construction Industry or Class A Qualification in Construction  Engineering Industry or Comprehensive Class A Qualification in Engineering Design, and the initiator of the consortium must be a design unit registered in China.

3. 允许联合体投标,并提供联合体协议书,联合体成员不超过2家。

3. Consortium is permitted. Please provide the Consortium Agreement with no more than 2 members.

4. 联合体各方不得再以自己名义单独或参加其他联合体在同一标段中投标。

4. Each member of the consortium shall not bid in the same project section in its own name or in other consortium.


Consortium is permitted in this project.



Time period: From 09:00, March 12, 2021 to 16:00, March 18, 2021


Access to the documents: refer to the announcement for details



Deadline: 09:30, March 23, 2021


Submission method: printed documents; address:  Room 2009, Sanhong International Building, Minhe Road, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou



Date and time: 09:30, March 23, 2021


Place: Room 2009, Sanhong International Building, Minhe Road, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou


Review method: Comprehensive scoring method



This project is a commercial-cultural-tourism project, located in the core block of Qianjiang Century City. It aims to be a distinctive landmark Binshui commercial block, with the main functions of culture, recreation and commercial retail.


Construction site: it is located in Fengbei Village, Qianjiang Century City, Pinglan Road in the East, Guihuawei 11th Road in the south, Guanlan Road in the west, and Guihuawei 8th Road in the North.


Planned commencement date and construction period: 70 calendar days


Estimated construction and installation cost: about 1,750,000,000 yuan


Contents and scope of tender:


The specific scope of work is as follow: conceptual design, implementation design (including estimation), design adjustment, preliminary design (including estimation and its adjustment), construction design (including BIM design, construction design budget and its adjustment), construction design review and approval, and cooperation and other related services, such as but limited to follow-up, technical and acceptance issues.


The design works include but are not limited to: landscape greening (including areas outside the red line) design, municipal road design, comprehensive design of municipal and outdoor supporting pipeline, energy saving design, sponge city design, smart park design, architectural design, structural design, bridge design, foundation reinforcement design, door and window detailed design, HVAC design, electrical and lighting design, signage system, weak current design ( including integrated wiring, computer network, digital television, access control, broadcasting, multimedia display and conference systems), building plumbing design (water supply and drainage), foundation pit bracing design, intelligent building design, acoustic design, power distribution engineering design, curtain wall design, mechanical and electrical design, BIM Design, green building design, prefabricated design, fine decoration design of public areas, logo design, floodlighting, fire protection design, civil air defense design, traffic design, exhibition design, preliminary design budget and its adjustment, construction design budget and its adjustment, etc.


Access to pre-qualification documents:

1. 线下报名

1. Offline registration


Room 511, 5th Floor, Sanhong International Building, Minhe Road, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, Contact: Mr. Yan, Mobile phone:13989460077


Time period: March 12, 2021 to March 18, 2021


Work time: 09:00 AM to 16:00 PM (except lunch break)



The registration needs: (1) copy of business license (the consortium shall provide ① business license of domestic bidder ② certificate of registration of enterprises issued by the competent government department of the country where the overseas bidder is located (including Chinese translation) ③ business license of domestic branch of overseas bidder); (2) copy of enterprise qualification certificate; (3) original power of attorney of legal representative and his/her ID copy; (4) bid agreement of the consortium.

Note: all copies must be stamped with the official seal of the unit.


Registration fee: 200 yuan (not refundable)

2. 线上报名

2. Online registration


Registration email: 75171384@qq.com, Contact: Mr. Yan, Mobile phone: 13989460077


Time period: March 12, 2021 to 16:00, March 18, 2021



The registration needs: (1) a copy of the business license (the consortium shall provide ① the business license of the domestic bidder; ② the enterprise registration certificate (including Chinese translation) issued by the competent government department of the country where the overseas tenderer is located;③ the business license of domestic branch of the overseas bidder); (2) a copy of the enterprise qualification certificate; (3) a scanned copy of the power of attorney of the legal representative and his/her ID card, Email address and telephone number shall be indicated on the power of attorney; (4)  consortium bidding agreement.

Note: all copies or scanned copies must be stamped with the official seal of the company and the pictures must be clear.


The pre-qualification documents shall be sent to the bidder's email after being approved by our agency. Please ensure the email and contact number are correct so that the documents can be received on time.


Registration fee: 200 yuan (non refundable).


Other matters: This project has a certain amount of compensation for tenderer whose design is shortlisted in the second round of pre-qualification but fail to win the bid. The specific amount will be announced in the second-round tender document.



Tenderee:  Hangzhou Xiaoshan Qianjiang Century City Urban Operation Co., Ltd.


Address: 5th Floor, Sanhong International Building, Minhe Road, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou


Contact: Mr. Shen, 0571-85379295


Email: 75171384@qq.com


Tenderee's agency: Zhejiang Huadong Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd


Address: 199 Gaojiao Road, Yuhang District, Hangzhou


Contact: Mr. Yan, 13989460077


Email: 75171384@qq.com