
发布时间:2021-01-16      截稿时间:2021-02-20      阅读量:27123次     
  Place is the language symbol of an era,and the process of urban andrural evolution lies in the positive response to the times.The relationshipbetween architecture and life,architecture and natural environment has alwaysbeen the subject of human civilization.To find a space with a sense of place,"seeing mountains,seeing water,remembering nostalgia",we need todeeply explore the complex needs of contemporary people for architecture andrural environment.
  It is our ideal living condition to live in harmony with people andnature.Green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silvermountains.The concept of international sustainable development contains theorganic combination of rural construction and industry,culture,tourism andlife,which makes homesickness perceptible.It needs the continuous explorationof all walks of life,and finally realizes the protection and inheritance of rural and its culture.
  Combine the protection and inheritance of the countryside culture with holiday traveland to build an ecological community which organically integrate human andnature or human and place.
  Title AnalysisYou will consider-How to design the architecture with environment as integrated system;-How to improve area througharchitecture interventions;-How to integrate the interior and exterior of the architecture,as well as combine the architecture withthe surrounding landscape;-Understanding the importance and background of site;-How to build a friendly building in a non-positive environment.
  LocationPeace Forest Park,Hongyang Town,Wan Zhi District,Wuhu,Anhui Province,ChinaConstruction Area9261.67㎡Plot RatioNot more than 1.2Planning AreaIn principle,the area of forest park should not be more than 200 Mu with the comprehensive planning ofsurrounding land.ProductThe product will largely focus on the holiday tourism,and consider supporting park,Forest castle and other characteristic relevant products.
  Topographic Map of PeaceForest Park
  Competition PurposeThe aim of competition is to make healthy leisure vacation as the core function,the natural element asthe basis,and use the eco-tourism holiday demonstration area in Hongyang Town,is taken as the main body to integrate surrounding health experience elements.Realize the transformation from the original traditional way of tourism tohealthy lifestyle,to create healthy tourism holiday circle.
  Design Requirementsa)Designer should provide and present their design solutions for the Hongyangtown;b)The site environmental factors should be fully considered in the design;c)Combine current hot spots and project highlights;d)The program should be consistent with natural health return,full-age and full-time experience,tourism resort design concept.And it has original and future innovative strategy,which is able to contribute to the development of the whole Hongyang Eco-tourism resort demonstration area.
  Supporting Institutions
  Academic Guidance
  School of architecture,Harbin Institute of Technology
  MRD Group
  Strategic Guidance
  People's Government ofWuhu City Wan Zhi District,Wuhu Culture and Tourist Administration
  People's Government ofHongyang,Wuhu
  Media support
  ,CNRNews,China Net,China Economic,Sina Science,Sohu,Phoenix Net,XinhuaCulture,China Art and Design Alliance Design,China Design Show,Zhisheji,ChinaDesign Window,Walking Architecture,Architecture Magazine,SHOCA Culture….
  Evaluation Commmittee
  Zone of Utopoia建筑事务所主持人
  邱信贤哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院特聘教授/策展人/博导哈尔滨工业大学数字创新设计中心常务副主任美国UC Berkeley环境设计学院国际建筑交流策展人暨媒体联络人
  Chairman of the Jury
  Qi Zhou
  Professor,Doctoral Supervisor,SEU-ARCH
  Professor,International Academy of Architecture,UNESCO
  Distinguished Professor,IAA
  Jury Members
  Per Erik Bjornsen(Italy)
  Doctor of Universita IUAV Di Venezia
  Famous Italian Designers
  Founder of Italian Architectural Design Association
  QiuYe Jin
  Professor,Executive Vice-Dean of School of Architecture and Urban Planning,Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture(BUCEA)
  Member of the Architectural Society of China
  Architectural scholar and critic.Host of Architectural CriticismResearch Institute of BUCEA
  Weifeng Zhao
  President,Chief Architect,Professor and Doctoral Supervisor ofTianzuo Architectural Design and Research Institute
  Qiang Zou(French)
  Director of Architectural Office,Zone of Utopoia
  French Registered Architect
  Executive Director of the World Association of Chinese Architects
  Benyang Gong(Germany)
  Director,DERWALD Construction Group
  Asia Pacific Director of Geber
  Executive Director of the World Association of Chinese Architects
  Hsin-Hsien Chiu
  Distinguished Professor/Curator/PhD Supervisor,School of Architecture,Harbin Institute of Technology
  Executive Director,Center for Digital Design&Innovation,HIT
  Curator/Media Contact,College of Environmental Design,UC Berkeley
  Judges and chief Coordinator
  Xuan Xie
  Director of MRD Group,Chairman of De-Design Architectural
  Executive member of the council,CommercialTourism Architectural Culture Committee of China Architectural Culture Research Society
  Competition Rule
  a)The competition accept the application from global collegestudents and all classes of society.Collegestudents should be architecture and related major accredited by the Ministry of Education【Full-time college student(Including undergraduate and junior college),postgraduate students,full-time postgraduate students and part-time postgraduate students after 2018,full-time doctoral students and graduatesin 2020】;
  b)The way of participate could be individual or in groups with nomore than 3 members and no more than 2 instructors;
  c)In the form of groupregistration,only the group leader is responsible for contact;
  d)All proportions anddimensions should be in metric units.
  经过精心准备,参赛者务必于2021年2月20日前“提交成果”,统一发送至mrdcup mrd.sg,邮件标题为“参赛报名号+参赛作品标题+姓名+联系手机”,提交成果包括:①作品介绍PPT(以设计者姓名命名的PPT),放置在命名为“1图纸”的文件夹中;②可以说明设计意图的主要图片(至少三张),放置在命名为“2ppt”的文件夹中;③将“1图纸”、“2ppt”两个文件夹一并打包压缩文件格式为zip或rar,总大小不超过100M,不小于50M。
  Entry Process
  a)Regist Now
  1.Please long press the QR code at the end of the article to"online registration",and you will get the entry number,please save it immediately.At the same time,The system will send a reminder message to confirm whether the registration is successful according to the phone number filled in during the registration.2.Click the bottom left corner of the article"read the original"and download Award material(including:①competition notice;②PPT template of works introduction;③topographic map of PeaceHealth Valley;④regional map of Peace Health Valley).
  b)Submit Works
  After careful preparation,contestants must submit their results to mrdcup mrd.sg with an email title of"Entry number+Entry title+Name+Contactphone"before 20th February,2021.The works include:①PPT(PPT named after the designer)should be placed in thefolder of"1 drawing";②The main pictures(at least three)that can explain thedesign intention should be placed in the folder of"2PPT";③Pack 1 and 2 folders together in zip or RAR format,thetotal size is not more than 100M,not less than 50M.
  1st Prize(1 team)Certificate and 100,000 RMB(approx.15,00USD)(before tax);2nd Prize(2 teams)
  Certificate and 50,000 RMB(approx.,7,000 USD)(before tax);3rd Prize(5 teams)Certificate and 20,000 RMB(approx.3,000 USD)(before tax)Note:If the winner is collegue student,the tutor also could have certification and 5,000 RMB(approx.700 USD)(before tax)
  30th December,2020Project released;20th February,2021Deadlineof project application;6th March,2021First Trial;16th March,2021Final Judgement.
  Ownership of Intellectual Property
  a)The entrant owns the copyright of theentry,but the organizer has the right to exercise other copyright rights thanthe right of signature.
  b)All entries must be original and freefrom counterfeiting or infringement of other people's intellectual propertyrights.In case of plagiarism,theft of trade secrets and other acts,the legalliability shall be borne by the participants.The organizer has the right tocancel the entry and award-winning qualification of the entries,and recoverthe honor and bonus.
  c)Except for the authorization of theorganizer and the author,no unit or individual shall infringe upon the aboverights of the organizer and the author,otherwise the organizer and the authorshall have the right to investigate their legal liabilities.
  Other Instructions
  a)Participants should provide truepersonal data when they register.The organizer will not examine theauthenticity of the participants'identity.The organizer will perform theobligation of confidentiality.However,if the personal data is not true,thechances of winning awards and publishing their works will be lost.
  b)Once the organizer finds that thesubmitted materials are untrue,plagiarized,plagiarized,and in violation ofthe selection discipline,he has the right to cancel his qualification,cancelthe awards he has won,and request the return of all the prizes.At the sametime,he reserves the right to claim compensation for the potential tortliability.
  c)The organizer does not charge anyregistration fee and assessment fee for the entries.
  d)The organizer reserves the right offinal explanation for any matters not mentioned above.
  mrdcup mrd.sg
  7-8F,Guangming Real Estate Building,199 Xizang North Road,Jing'an District,Shanghai,China
  mrdcup mrd.sg
  Official Website
  Yun Cui18516214149
  Qian Zhou 15617665205
  Register Online
  The competition have began,
  domestic and overseajuryhave prepared well,
  what are you waiting for?
  Long press the code above or
  click"Reister online"to register,
  After registration,
  you will get the registration number,
  please preserve the register number for entry
  and click right corner[Read original passage]
  to gain the entry materials
  Let's do it right now!
  (The extraction code of network disk:iff7)
  *If you don't save your registration number in time,please contact the staff numeber above.


