
发布时间:2020-12-08      阅读量:21119次     
  London Design Awards
  伦敦设计奖(London Design Awards)设有丰富多样的参赛类别,涉及空间、物品、视觉、平面、数字化&体验设计,共有50多项细分类别。该赛事旨在加速转变,激励大胆创新,提供更多设计需求。
  据奖项研究员统计,2020年London Design Awards金奖获奖项目共29个(不包括物件设计类),其中中国获奖项目有12个,占总比例的41.3%。
  Landscape Design-International
  项目名称:越秀招商天悦江湾Yuexiu·CMSK Up-Delighted Bayvilla Landscape Design
  业主:越秀地产,蛇口招商局Yuexiu Property,China Merchants Shekou
  Interior Design-International Sales Center
  项目名称:北京城建-台湖售楼中心Beijing Urban Construction·Taihu Sales Center
  业主:北京城建兴华地产有限公司Beijing Urban Construction Xinghua Real Estate Co.,Ltd.
  设计公司:北京引擎艺荷装饰设计有限公司Beijing Yin Qing Yi He Decoration Co.,Ltd.
  摄影:史云峰Yunfeng SHI
  Lighting Design
  项目名称:万科云城Vanke Cloud City
  业主:深圳万科云城房地产开发有限公司Shenzhen Vanke Cloud City Real Estate Development CO.,LTD
  设计公司:深圳玛特照明设计顾问有限公司Shenzhen Matt Lighting Design Consulting CO.,LTD.
  摄影:朱正辉Zhu Zhenghui
  Architecture-Mixed Use-International
  项目名称:Comcast Technology Center
  业主:Liberty Property Trust
  摄影:Nigel Young-Foster+Partners
  项目名称:Forest Green Rovers EcoPark Stadium
  业主:Forest Green Rovers/Ecotricity
  设计公司:扎哈·哈迪德建筑事务所Zaha Hadid Architects
  Architecture-Public and Institutional-International
  项目名称:长沙梅溪湖国际文化艺术中心Changsha Meixihu International Culture and Art Centre
  业主:梅溪湖投资(长沙)有限公司Meixihu Investment(Changsha)Co.Ltd.
  设计公司:扎哈·哈迪德建筑事务所Zaha Hadid Architects
  摄影:Virgile Simon Bertrand/Seven7Panda
  项目名称:Belsize Fire Station
  业主:Platinum Land
  设计公司:Tate Harmer
  摄影:Kilian O'Sullivan
  项目名称:毛屋Yuguang Island family house
  业主:毛森江建筑工作室Mao,Shen-Chiang Architecture Studio
  设计公司:毛森江建筑工作室Mao,Shen-Chiang Architecture Studio
  Interior Design-Co-Working&Studio Space
  设计公司:穆氏建筑设计M Moser Associates
  摄影:Alex Kendrick
  Interior Design-Corporate&Commercial
  项目名称:MUSE Riverside House
  业主:Muse Developments
  设计公司:Spacelnvader Design
  摄影:Andrew Smith,SG Photography Ltd
  Interior Design-Hospitality
  项目名称:The Bristol Loaf,94-96 Bedminster Parade
  业主:The Bristol Loaf Ltd
  设计公司:Phoenix Wharf
  摄影:Interior Design by Phoenix Wharf,Photography by Franklin
  Interior Design-International Club&Lounge
  项目名称:Magic Box
  业主:北京诚茂房地产开发有限公司Beijing CHENGMAO Real Estate Development Co.,Ltd
  设计公司:北京博思韦珥国际建筑设计顾问有限公司Beijing Boswell International Architectural Design Consulting Go.Ltd
  摄影:源于London Design Awards官网
  Interior Design-International Commercial
  项目名称:太原融信时光之城City of Time
  业主:融信集团Ronshine Group
  设计公司:飞视设计Face&Associates Inc.Interior Design
  摄影:源于London Design Awards官网
  Interior Design-International Gallery-Exhibition
  项目名称:兰州万达城展示中心Lanzhou Wanda City Exhibition Center
  业主:万达城Wanda City
  设计公司:青荷设计Greed Lotus Design
  摄影:Lingyu Li
  Interior Design-International Hospitality-Stay
  项目名称:Bodu Resort
  摄影:Ting Wang
  Interior Design-International Hospitality-Casual
  项目名称:Shy No BBQ and Bar
  业主:Shy No BBQ and Bar
  设计公司:Osten Space Design
  摄影:Erqing Li
  Interior Design-International Public or Institutional
  业主:The National Library of Norway
  设计公司:Nissen Richards Studio
  摄影:Gareth Gardner
  Interior Design-International Residential-Large
  项目名称:The Shine of Sustainable Architecture
  摄影:源于London Design Awards官网
  Interior Design-International Residential-Large
  项目名称:W House
  设计公司:AJA Architecture Associates
  摄影:源于London Design Awards官网
  Interior Design-International Retail
  项目名称:同仁堂-知嘛健康线下体验店Tongrentang-Zhima Health Offline Experience Store
  设计公司:北京无象空间Beijing Wuxiang Space Architecture Design
  摄影:IN VIEW
  项目名称:兴隆湖书店Xinglong Lake CITIC Bookstore
  业主:中国中信集团China CITIC Group
  摄影:源于London Design Awards官网
  Interior Design-International Showroom or Flagship
  项目名称:山西智慧科技城Shanxi Intelligent Hi-tech City Exhibition Center
  业主:金科集团Jinke Real Estate Group
  设计公司:刘杰装饰设计(北京)有限公司Liu Jie Decoration Design(Beijing)Co.,Ltd.
  摄影:源于London Design Awards官网
  Interior Design-Residential
  设计公司:BDG Architecture
  摄影:BDG Architecture
  Interior Design–Retail
  项目名称:Gabriela Hearst London Flagship
  业主:Gabriela Hearst
  摄影:Nigel Young,Foster+Partners
  项目名称:22 Bishopsgate
  业主:AXA Real Estate Lipton Rogers Developments
  设计公司:PLP Architecture
  摄影:22 Bishopsgate
  Architecture-Commercial-International Hospitality
  项目名称:Four Seasons Hotel at Comcast Technology Center
  摄影:Nigel Young-Foster+Partners
  Pop-Ups,Display,Exhibit&Set Design
  项目名称:Variegation Index
  业主:British Land
  设计公司:Jason Bruges Studio
  摄影:James Medcraft
  Interior Design Corporate&Commercial
  项目名称:招商云峯中心办公空间Merchants CloudPeak Center Office Space
  业主:招商局蛇口工业区控股股份有限公司China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zoneholdings Co.Ltd
  设计公司:深圳31设计ShenZhen Trinity Interior Design
  摄影:源于London Design Awards官网
  Urban Design
  项目名称:Stage for the City
  设计公司:London Metropolitan University  
  摄影:源于London Design Awards官网


