特别提名奖篇 | 2019 IFLA APR亚太地区景观建筑奖获奖名单回顾

发布时间:2020-12-08      阅读量:9515次     

  2019 IFLA亚太地区景观建筑奖
  IFLA亚太地区景观建筑奖(又称为IFLA ASIA-PAC LA奖)为展示和提升亚太地区景观设计师的作品提供了一个国际平台。此奖久负盛名,旨在与志同道合的合作伙伴,以及其它为塑造我们美好的城市和环境而发挥关键作用的专业人士一起,不断提高人们对景观设计的认识和认可。
  IFLA APR由国际风景园林师联合会(IFLA)设立。IFLA于1948年在英国剑桥成立,是受联合国教科文组织指导的国际风景园林行业的最高组织,现有57个国家的风景园林学会会员。
  2019 IFLA亚太地区景观建筑奖
  Honourable Mention
  Analysis and Master Planning
  项目名称:Woodleigh社区Woodleigh Neighbourhood
  设计公司:HDB Building&Research Institute(新加坡)
  项目名称:崇礼奥林匹克森林公园规划设计2022 Olympic Forest Park Landscape Planning
  设计公司:北京清华同衡规划设计研究院Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Urban Planning and Design Institute
  项目名称:昆明草海北片区绿化景观规划设计The Landscape Planning of Northern Area of Caohai Lake in Kunming
  设计公司:北京清华同衡规划设计研究院Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Urban Planning and Design Institute
  项目名称:临汾涝洰河西段景观方案设计Laoju River Landscape Planning and Design in Linfen City,China
  设计公司:北京清华同衡规划设计研究院Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Urban Planning and Design Institute
  项目名称:邯郸万亩森林公园概念规划Handan Suburban Forest Park Master Planning
  设计公司:北京清华同衡规划设计研究院Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Urban Planning and Design Institute
  项目名称:广州广钢公园Guangzhou Iron and Steel Plant Site
  设计公司:山水比德S.P.I Landscape Group
  项目名称:郑州二砂厂Second Grinding Wheel Factory,Zhengzhou
  设计公司:山水比德S.P.I Landscape Group
  项目名称:Regeneration and Revitalization-The Planning of Urban Water System and Landscape in Tibet Lhasa City
  设计公司:中国建筑设计研究院China Architecture Design&Research Group
  项目名称:Wellington Square Enhancement
  公司名字:澳大利亚珀斯市City of Perth
  项目名称:从城市到景区-南川凤嘴江风景廊道规划From City to Scenic Spot:Fengzui River Valley Corridor,Nanchuan,China
  设计公司:北京林业大学,多义景观Beijing Forestry University,ATELIER DYJG
  项目名称:Urban Green Heart:A Novel Planning for the National Park Based on the Concept of Healthy City
  设计公司:华中科技大学Huazhong University of Science and Technology
  项目名称:Rivival by Rivers,Comprehensive management of Daying River Basin in Tengchong,Yunnan Province
  设计公司:华中科技大学Huazhong University of Science and Technology
  项目名称:Renaissance of Culture and Nature:Multi-level Public Space Planning of Ancient West Peking Path Based on'Collage Combination's Concept-Taking the Beijing Moshikou historical block as an example
  设计公司:北京林业大学Beijing Forestry University
  项目名称:The Blending and Interaction of"City-Heritage-Landscape"-Chengde,Green Space Regeneration Planning of a World Cultural Heritage City
  设计公司:北京林业大学Beijing Forestry University
  项目名称:Qinglong Park
  设计公司:北京林业大学Beijing Forestry University
  项目名称:长岛总体城市设计Changdao General Urban Design
  设计公司:思恺迪设计咨询CK Designworks Int.
  项目名称:美国景观之路——奥姆斯特德设计理念展Imparting Olmsted's Legacy Abroad:An Exhibition Series in Beijing,China
  设计公司:易兰规划设计院Ecoland Planning and Design Corp.
  项目名称:景山街道街巷综合整治提升Revival of the Community Public Space of Jingshan Sub-District
  设计公司:北京清华同衡规划设计研究院Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Urban Planning and Design Institute
  项目名称:蔡厝港公园疗愈花园Therapeutic Garden at Choa Chu Kang Park
  设计公司:Design Division,National Parks Board(新加坡)
  项目名称:板厂峪美丽乡村的蝶变The Gorgeous"Transformation"of Banchangyu Village
  设计公司:中国中建设计集团有限公司China Construction Engineering Design Group Corporation Limited
  项目名称:Transforming University into Locally Embedded Community:The CYCU Capus Project,Taiwan
  设计公司:台湾中原大学中原景观学院Department of Landscape Architecture,Chung Yuan Christian University
  项目名称:茶儿胡同花园86 CHA'ER Hutong Garden
  设计公司:北京林业大学Beijing Forestry University
  Cultural and Urban Landscape
  项目名称:常德老西门一期Urban Transformation of Old West Gate(Laoximen)PhaseⅠ
  设计公司:易兰规划设计院Ecoland Planning and Design Corp
  项目名称:北京1949 1949 The Hidden City Urban Reformation
  设计公司:易兰规划设计院Ecoland Planning and Design Corp
  项目名称:「上海世博“亩中山水”」Cultural Exhibition Park-Mu Garden Design
  设计公司:易兰规划设计院Ecoland Planning and Design Corp
  项目名称:粤剧艺术博物馆Cantonese Opera Art Museum
  设计公司:华南理工大学建筑学院Architectural Design&Research Institute of SCUT Co.,Ltd
  项目名称:泉州石湖码头景观设计Landscape Renovation of Shihu Ancient Wharf
  设计公司:北京清华同衡规划设计研究院Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Urban Planning and Design Institute
  项目名称:昆明翠湖历史地段保护整治提升工程Kunming Cuihu Lake Historic and Cultural Landscape Protection and Promotion Project
  设计公司:北京清华同衡规划设计研究院Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Urban Planning and Design Institute
  项目名称:烟台山历史博物馆Yantai Mountain Historical Museum,A Regeneration of Historical Alleyways
  设计公司:设计+希望(D+H)实验室Lab D+H Shanghai Office
  项目名称:湛江原点广场Zhanjiang Wharf Park
  设计公司:GVL怡境国际Greenview Landscape International Group
  项目名称:长沙滨江新城西岸商业旅游景观带Changsha Riverside Park
  设计公司:GVL怡境国际Greenview Landscape International Group
  项目名称:马来西亚精英大学梳邦二期HELP University Subang 2
  设计公司:Verona Design Sdn.Bhd(马来西亚)
  项目名称:北京当代万国城MOMΛSunken Landscape in Atrium,Tongzhou,Beijing
  设计公司:山水比德S.P.I Landscape Group
  项目名称:The Sinology Park
  项目名称:Urban Regeneration for LAOXIMEN PhraseⅡ
  项目名称:雄安万科雨水街坊Xiong'An Rain Garden Block
  设计公司:阿普贝思(北京)建筑景观设计咨询有限公司U.P.Space(Beijing)Landscape Architecture Design Consultants Co.,Ltd
  项目名称:武汉金地,中法仟佰汇One City Development
  设计公司:澳派景观设计工作室ASPECT Studios
  项目名称:A Theater Stage in the City-Taipei Travel Plaza
  设计公司:台北市政府工务局Parks and Street Lights Office,Public Works Department,Taipei City Government
  项目名称:Hsinchu Fisherman's Wharf
  设计公司:台湾新竹市政府Hsinchu City Government
  项目名称:The Happiness Plaza,Hsinchu City
  设计公司:台湾新竹市政府Hsinchu City Government
  项目名称:The Brick Yard 33 1/3
  设计公司:大研规划设计MOTIF Planning&Design Consultants
  项目名称:成都温江皇冠假日酒店Crown Plaza Wenjiang
  设计公司:阿特金斯中国Atkins China Limited
  项目名称:Vincom Landmark 81
  设计公司:阿特金斯中国Atkins China Limited
  项目名称:Amore Pacific Gardens
  设计公司:Hyundai Engineering&Construction(韩国)
  项目名称:北京大学国际医院园林The Application of Traditional Garden to the Design of the International Hospital of Peking University
  设计公司:北京映山月园林工程设计有限公司Beijing Ying-Shan-Yue Gardening&Design Limited Company
  项目名称:气候适应性与韧性设计-武汉未来科技城龙山溪Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Design in Longshan Creek of Wuhan Future Science and Technology City,China
  设计公司:上海交通大学,上海唯美景观设计Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai Weimei Landscape Engineering Co.,Ltd
  项目名称:可持续性低碳绿色实践-川沙新城入口景观设计Sustainable Low Carbon Green Space Practice-Chuansha New City Entrance Green Space Design
  设计公司:上海交通大学,上海唯美景观设计Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai Weimei Landscape Engineering Co.,Ltd
  项目名称:城市雨洪的蓝绿屏障-河北省第二届(秦皇岛)园林博览会The Blue-Green Barrier to Urban Flooding The 2nd Hebei Province Garden Expo Project in Qinhuangdao
  设计公司:北京林业大学Beijing Forestry University
  项目名称:Natural Space Bearing Culture and Life-The Spring Festival Culture Park in Jinzhou City
  设计公司:北京林业大学Beijing Forestry University
  项目名称:珠海园Zhuhai Garden
  设计公司:北京林业大学,多义景观Beijing Forestry University,ATELIER DYJG
  项目名称:The Hidden Garden
  设计公司:北京林业大学,多义景观Beijing Forestry University,Atelier DYJG
  项目名称:Emperor Yan Culture Park in Respect of the God of Land
  设计公司:北京林业大学Beijing Forestry University
  项目名称:昆明樾府Zhongnan Yuefu Exhibition Center
  项目名称:三亚JW万豪酒店JW Marriott Hotel
  项目名称:【Travelers among Mountains and Streams】-The Teaching and Scientific Research Center Landscape in BJGU
  设计公司:北京林业大学Beijing Forestry University
  项目名称:西藏林芝雅途酒店Artel Poly Linzhi
  设计公司:奥雅设计L&A Design
  项目名称:临汾涝洰河滨水环境改造Lao-Ju River Oasis Restoration of Riverfront Ecosystem
  设计公司:易兰规划设计院Ecoland Planning and Design Corp
  项目名称:Lon-En Canal Park Landscape Project
  设计公司:台湾新竹市政府HsinChu City Government
  项目名称:Pengxi Riverside Greenway in Yunyang,China:between City and River
  设计公司:北京林业大学,多义景观Beijing Forestry University,Atelier DYJG
  Lighting and Night Experience
  项目名称:Gateway Park
  项目名称:Night Tour Project of Panzhou Central Forest Park
  设计公司:光说故事GSGS Lighting Stories Co.,Ltd
  Nature Conservation
  项目名称:石河南岛生态修复景观设计Ecological Restoration and Landscape Design of South Island of Shi River
  设计公司:北京清华同衡规划设计研究院Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Urban Planning and Design Institute
  项目名称:Riverside Regeneration Reconnecting People with the Environment Dong He Park&Tian He Park Landscape Design Project
  设计公司:台北市政府工务局Parks and Street Lights Office,Public Works Department,Taipei City Government
  Parks&Open Space
  项目名称:Sireeruckhati Nature Learning Park
  设计公司:Axis Landscape Limited(泰国)
  项目名称:Bangkok's Happy&Healthy Bike Lane
  设计公司:P Landscape Co.,Ltd(泰国)
  项目名称:固安中央公园Gu'an Newtown Central Park
  设计公司:易兰规划设计院Ecoland Planning and Design Corp
  项目名称:永城日月湖生态景区Yongcheng Riyue Lake Ecological Park:Urban Regeneration of Coal Mining Subsidence Area
  设计公司:中国建筑设计研究院China Architecture Design and Research Group
  项目名称:生态、文化、共享的都市绿色孵化器-第十二届中国(南宁)国际园林博览会景观工程Green Urban Promoter of Ecology,Culture and Sharing-The Project of the 12th China(Nanning)Garden Expo
  设计公司:中国建筑设计研究院China Architecture Design and Research Group
  项目名称:Jackson Park
  设计公司:PGAA Creative Design(菲律宾)
  项目名称:罗浮净土人文纪念园入口公园Luofu Pure Land Memorial Park(Entrance Park)
  设计公司:SED新西林景观国际SED Landscape Architects Limited
  项目名称:Marsiling Park
  设计公司:Design Division,National Parks Board(新加坡)
  项目名称:合肥滨湖国家级湿地森林公园Lakeshore Forest Park of Hefei City
  设计公司:笛东规划设计有限公司DDON Planning&Design Inc.
  项目名称:乳山潮汐湖湿地公园Rushan Tidal Basin Wetland Park
  设计公司:岭南设计集团Lingnan Design Group Co.,Ltd
  项目名称:A New Urban Ecological Highland:Fushan Mountain Park,Qingdao
  设计公司:中国中建设计集团有限公司China Construction Engineering Design Group Corporation Limited
  项目名称:韩城市国家文史公园National Cultural and History Park in Hancheng,Shanxi Province,China
  设计公司:浙江人文园林股份有限公司Zhejiang Humanities Landscape Co.,Ltd
  项目名称:Caulfield至Dandenong路段道口移除工程Caulfield to Dandenong Level Crossing Removal-Linear Parks and Djerring Trail
  设计公司:澳派景观设计工作室ASPECT Studios
  项目名称:Gray to Green-Dagangqian Park
  设计公司:台北市政府工务局Parks and Street Lights Office,Public Works Department,Taipei City Government
  项目名称:2018台中世界花卉博览会2018 Taichung World Flora Exposition-Inspissated Landcape x The Blossom of Human Conscious
  设计公司:大研规划设计MOTIF Planning&Design Consultants
  项目名称:Renewal of Mountains and Water-Resilience Landscape Design of Open Space in Shanqingyuan Residential Area
  设计公司:山东建筑大学,山东建苑景观规划设计Shandong Jianzhu University,Shandong Jianyuan Landscape Planning and Design Co.,Ltd
  项目名称:In the Name of Spring:Landscape Design of Living Water Garden in Art Building of Shandong Jianzhu University
  设计公司:山东建筑大学,山东建苑景观规划设计Shandong Jianzhu University,Shandong Jianyuan Landscape Planning and Design Co.,Ltd
  项目名称:城市发展引擎——河北省园林博览园Hebei Garden Expo Park as an Engine for Urban Development
  设计公司:北京林业大学Beijing Forestry University
  项目名称:石家庄植物园Shijiazhuang Botanical Garden
  设计公司:北京林业大学Beijing Forestry University
  项目名称:Mount Baimasi Botanical Garden
  设计公司:北京林业大学Beijing Forestry University
  项目名称:成都麓湖红石公园The Redstone Oark for Luxelake Residential Community
  设计公司:易兰规划设计院Ecoland Planning and Design Corp
  项目名称:乡愁设计·低成本回迁社区生态景观营造-长辛店D地块回迁社区景观Nostalgia Design-Low Cost Resettlement Community Ecological Landscape Construction
  设计公司:中国建筑设计研究院China Architecture Design and Research Group
  项目名称:KEAT HONG:A Celebration of Landscape Identity
  设计公司:盛裕控股集团Surbana Jurong Consultants Pte Ltd(新加坡)
  设计公司:Six Landscape Architects(Previously Sitetectonix Pte Ltd)(新加坡)
  设计公司:Six Landscape Architects(Previously Sitetectonix Pte Ltd)(新加坡)
  项目名称:Godrej Platinum Alipore Kolkata
  设计公司:一林景观设计One Landscape Design Limited
  项目名称:5 Reasons Living:Misa Gangbyeon Central Xi
  设计公司:GS Engineering&Construction(韩国)
  项目名称:Punggol Waterway Terraces
  设计公司:ICN Design International Pte Ltd(新加坡)
  项目名称:东原亲山观云山庄Guanyun Mountain Villas
  设计公司:RDA景观设计事务所Rand Design Associates
  项目名称:Renewal of Mountains and Water-Resilience Landscape Design of Open Space in Shangqingyuan Residential Area
  设计公司:山东建筑大学Shandong Jianzhu University
  项目名称:Renewal of Mountains and Water-Resilience Landscape Design of Open Space in Shangqingyuan Residential Area
  设计公司:山东建筑大学Shandong Jianzhu University
  Skyrise Greenery
  项目名称:Co-op Kyosai Plaza
  项目名称:Learning Center at Thammasat University Pattaya
  设计公司:Arsomsilp Community and Environmental Architect Co.,Ltd
  项目名称:Platinum Tower
  设计公司:澳派景观设计工作室ASPECT Studios
  项目名称:The Number 33 Research Comprehensive Building Delicate Roofgarden and Ecological Environment Improvement Project
  设计公司:中国航空规划设计研究总院有限公司China Aviation Planning and Design Institute(Group)Co.,Ltd
  项目名称:Gateway Park
  Integrated Architecture
  项目名称:江门市滨江体育中心Jiangmen Riverside Sports Campus
  设计公司:华南理工大学建筑学院Architectural Design&Research Institute of SCUT Co.,Ltd
  项目名称:广州南沙明珠湾开发展览中心工程Guangzhou Nansha Pearl Bay Development Exhibition Center
  设计公司:华南理工大学建筑学院Architectural Design&Research Institute of SCUT Co.,Ltd
  Real Estate and Show Flats
  项目名称:天津北辰雍祥府、昆仑御售楼处Floating Garden-Landscape Design of Beichen Tianchong Project
  设计公司:笛东规划设计有限公司DDON Planning&Design Inc.
  Way-finding and Signature
  项目名称:UNESCO World Heritage Site:Singapore Botanic Gardens
  设计公司:Design Division,National Parks Division
  Courtyard&Small Garden
  项目名称:Fish Eye View Garden
  设计公司:Dongsimwon Landscape Architects(韩国)
  项目名称:Taichi Garden
  设计公司:LOSFEE Co.,Ltd(日本)

